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BrainPOP ESL - An Animated Educational Site for English Language Students of all ages - Games, Lesson Plans, Teaching Tools, Activities, Animated Movies, for TESOL, TOEFL, ELL and EFL learners

BrainPOP ESL - An Animated Educational Site for English Language Students of all ages - Games, Lesson Plans, Teaching Tools, Activities, Animated Movies, for TESOL, TOEFL, ELL and EFL learners

Langues vivantes - Éduscol MOOC « Réalité virtuelle et pratiques pédagogiques innovantes »Un MOOC proposé par l’université Jean-Moulin Lyon 3, les universités Claude-Bernard Lyon 1, Jean-Monnet-de-Saint-Étienne et l’entreprise Speedernet. (Lire la suite >>)Une exposition sur l’Allemagne romantique au Petit PalaisLe Petit Palais propose une exposition sur l’Allemagne romantique à partir du 22 mai 2019. (Lire la suite >>)De nouveaux films dans l’offre cinéma lesite.tvNeuf nouveaux films américains dans l’offre cinéma (Lire la suite >>)Flashtweet EduUn nouveau témoignage sur le site de l’Agence des usages.

Inquiring Minds: Mrs. Myers' Kindergarten Span the Spanner to Debug in Debugger: The Game UNO AVE (UNO AVE, LLC) is doubling the fun of puzzle gaming where you venture into the world of computer programming development through their new launch Debugger: The Game. Thereby challenging the gamers to pave their way through, where a cute spanner is a software and is named Debugger who is on a run to get rid of the bugs that halt its desired path. The player gets to be the controller of this spanner. Carrying out the bug fixing process you will encounter some errors whose face to face encounter is going to kill you. “Source code is to be browsed and bugs & errors are to be destroyed” Debugger: The Game launches in Japan with its energetic music having 8bit flavor which adds a big part to the fun. The Debugger runs around the level map parsing green source code trying to find and fix as many Bugs as possible on the way. As soon as minimum numbers of Bugs are fixed, map is considered to be clear and Debugger can get out through the hidden exit door. Controls are very simple.

Explanation of Resources Enseigner TUIC (documentation) 6e - Scénario pédagogique : A la découverte du flamenco Ce projet vise à présenter le flamenco comme une source de culture, d'expression, d'art, et de sentiment que les élèves doivent connaître et apprécier. Par groupe, avec la documentation mise à leur disposition, les élèves vont devoir élaborer une carte mentale sur l'une des facettes du flamenco : origines, danse, chant, musique. Collège Jean-Baptiste Drouet, Sainte-Menehould. Un scénario proposé par Mathilde Dublineau (professeur-documentaliste au collège Jean-Baptiste Drouet à Sainte-Menehould) et Aurélia Bourguignon (professeur- documentaliste au LP de l'Argonne pendant l'année 2014-2015) Cadre institutionnel Savoirs en jeu Pré-requis Connaître le fonctionnement d'E-sidocSe connecter à InternetLire l'arborescence d'un site InternetDégager l'essentiel d'un texte luSélectionner et extraire les informations pertinentes d'un texte documentaire Pré-acquis Objectif de la séance Objectifs d'apprentissage en Information-documentation Bilan

The PYP Library Span the Spanner to Debug in Debugger: The Game - Span the Spanner to Debug in Debugger: The Game UNO AVE (UNO AVE, LLC) is doubling the fun of puzzle gaming where you venture into the world of computer programming development through their new launch Debugger: The Game. Thereby challenging the gamers to pave their way through, where a cute spanner is a software and is named Debugger who is on a run to get rid of the bugs that halt its desired path. The player gets to be the controller of this spanner. Carrying out the bug fixing process you will encounter some errors whose face to face encounter is going to kill you. "Source code is to be browsed and bugs & errors are to be destroyed" Debugger: The Game launches in Japan with its energetic music having 8bit flavor which adds a big part to the fun. The Debugger runs around the level map parsing green source code trying to find and fix as many Bugs as possible on the way. As soon as minimum numbers of Bugs are fixed, map is considered to be clear and Debugger can get out through the hidden exit door. Controls are very simple.

12 Ways to Support ESL Students in the Mainstream Classroom You have a new student, and he speaks no English. His family has just moved to your town from Japan, and though he receives English as a Second Language (ESL) support, he will also be sitting in your room every day to give him more exposure to his new language. How can you be a good teacher to someone who barely understands you? According to the National Center for Education Statistics, an average of 9 percent of students in U.S. public schools are English Language Learners (ELLs); that number is closer to 14 percent in cities. Although many of these students start off in high-intensity, whole-day English programs, most are integrated into mainstream classrooms within a year, well before their English language skills would be considered proficient. How prepared are you to teach these students? Below, three ESL teachers tell us what they know about the things regular classroom teachers can do to improve instruction for ELL students. And this doesn’t only apply to spoken language.

BBC Languages – Free online lessons to learn and study with Span the Spanner to Debug in Debugger: The Game UNO Ave is doubling the fun of puzzle gaming where you venture into the world of computer programming development through their new launch Debugger: The Game. Thereby challenging the gamers to pave their way through, where a cute spanner is a software and is named Debugger who is on a run to get rid of the bugs that halt its desired path. The player gets to be the controller of this spanner. Carrying out the bug fixing process you will encounter some errors whose face to face encounter is going to kill you. Passing by an error is a deadly adventure which needs a prior planning and pace. You got to be swift while taking your enemies down because bugs and errors are fast enough to get you otherwise. “Source code is to be browsed and bugs & errors are to be destroyed” Debugger: The Game launches in Japan with its energetic music having 8bit flavor which adds a big part to the fun. Controls are very simple. “Free is unbeatable price and the game is crazy fun!” Have fun fixing the Bugs!
