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A Data Analysis Framework

A Data Analysis Framework

Joshfire Framework MicOsiris Statistical Analysis and Data Management Software | Basic Statistics Descriptive Statistics "True" Mean and Confidence Interval. Probably the most often used descriptive statistic is the mean. The mean is a particularly informative measure of the "central tendency" of the variable if it is reported along with its confidence intervals. Shape of the Distribution, Normality. More precise information can be obtained by performing one of the tests of normality to determine the probability that the sample came from a normally distributed population of observations (e.g., the so-called Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, or the Shapiro-Wilks' W test. The graph allows you to evaluate the normality of the empirical distribution because it also shows the normal curve superimposed over the histogram. Correlations Purpose (What is Correlation?) The most widely-used type of correlation coefficient is Pearson r, also called linear or product- moment correlation. Simple Linear Correlation (Pearson r). How to Interpret the Values of Correlations. Significance of Correlations.

Statistical Services Centre - Training and Consultancy in Statistics We have developed various software resources that we use in our training and consultancy work. The following can be downloaded: Instat, a general statistical computing package SSC-Stat, an "add-in" to strengthen the capabilities of the spreadsheet package Excel Diversity, an Excel "add-in" that provides functions for calculating diversity indices Statistical Games A set of statistical games have also been developed at Reading. These are simulation exercises based on real life problems that have been adapted at Reading for educational purposes. Click here for more details. R (Statistical Software) R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. R Nabble forum - A web forum for R, has an excelling search function, so someone may well have answered your problem in the past The Cran R guides - These are basically the official guides to R.

VisiCube Installation Instructions VisiCube is no longer supported: Please visit Antaeus for a more advanced version of the same product! Easy Installation Instructions After downloading the installation program, run it and follow the instructions that are presented to you. To run the installation program, simply locate the downloaded program on your computer and open it. (This is typically done by double-clicking it’s name in Windows Explorer or a similar file browser.) After installation is completed, you can delete the installation program from your system if you wish. A note to Windows 2000 and Windows XP users During the installation process, you may be presented Error #1931. Want More Detail?

Comparison of statistical packages The following tables compare general and technical information for a number of statistical analysis packages. General information[edit] This section contains basic information about each product (developer, license, user interface etc.). Operating system support[edit] ANOVA[edit] Support for various ANOVA methods Regression[edit] Support for various regression methods. Time series analysis[edit] Support for various time series analysis methods. Charts and diagrams[edit] Support for various statistical charts and diagrams. Other abilities[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Reviews of statistical packages[edit]

PSPP GNU PSPP Screenshots This page demonstrates some of PSPP's capabilities and the various ways it can be used. It's not intended to be a tutorial, or a substitute for the reference manual, but a brief demonstration of what PSPP can do. Note: This page is graphics heavy! Click on any of the images to see large scale versions. Compatibility PSPP is designed as a Free replacement for SPSS. In a few instances, the default behaviour of PSPP differs where the developers believe enhancements are desirable or it makes sense to do so, but this can be overridden by the user if desired. Ways of Using PSPP PSPP can be used in several different modes, depending on the requirements, experience and preference of the user. Terminal Mode One way to use PSPP is from a terminal. Graphic User Interface Users familiar with other software may prefer the graphic user interface, which allows you to define data without needing to become familiar with the PSPP syntax. Non Interactive Mode Data Visualisation

gretl MATEMATIKA ÉS STATISZTIKA ÉRTHETŐEN | mateking Üdvözlünk az érthető matematika világában! Ez az oldal azért jött létre, hogy bebizonyítsa, a matek tanulása lehet könnyű szórakozás is, ahol minden nagyon egyszerű és érthető. Az egyetemi és főiskolai matematika anyag szórakoztató és rendkívül érthető formában történő tanítása a rengeteg feladatnak és részletes megoldásának köszönhető, szemléletes elméleti kiegészítőkkel. Próbálj ki egy új online matek oktatást, ahol minden világos, semmi sem unalmas és kiderül, a matematika valójában nagyon egyszerű. A legrészletesebb tananyagokat statisztikából találod, itt a teljes tananyag léptethető képsorok formájában tekinthető meg, minden témakör elméleti összefoglalókkal kezdődik, majd jönnek a feladatok megoldásokkal. Analízisből minden témakörhöz kapcsolódóan találsz segédanyagokat, amelyekben a gyakorlást segítő, tematikusan felépített feladatsorok és a megoldáshoz szükséges elméleti összefoglalók találhatók.
