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Seasons, weather and clothes

Seasons, weather and clothes
Related:  Day & Night, Seasons & Weather

Curious Kids: why does rain only come from grey clouds? This is an article from Curious Kids, a series for children. The Conversation is asking kids to send in questions they’d like an expert to answer. All questions are welcome – serious, weird or wacky! I am wondering why clouds are sometimes white and sometimes grey and why rain only comes from grey clouds. – Fiona, age 6, Eltham, Victoria. Hi Fiona, this is a great question! It may seem simple, but to answer this we need to know some things about clouds and light. First, we need to understand a little bit about the way light works. Light is made of little particles that move in waves, like the waves you see at the beach. Read more: Curious Kids: Why can I sometimes see the Moon in the daytime? Second, we need to know a little bit about clouds. Clouds are made of little drops of water and, if it is cold enough, little crystals of ice and beautiful snowflakes. You also asked why some clouds are grey? Read more: Curious Kids: Why do we have bones? Hello, curious kids!

Preschool Science Center Ideas for Weather and Seasons Preschool Science Center Rotating items in learning centers maintains interest, but there are some things that make great permanent fixtures. Here are two ideas to keep in your preschool science center all year long. Weather Window – It is easy for us to not pay too much attention to the weather around us. A Weather Window is essentially a decorated frame made from poster board that your preschoolers look through to report the weather. Science Tree – A great way to learn about seasons is to have a tree in your science center. Summer – Tie green hand prints to branches for leaves. Add insect crafts, such as grasshoppers and ladybugs, to branches and around the base of the tree. Fall – Replace green hand prints with multi-colored hand prints for fall foliage. Place pumpkin crafts, as well as miniature pumpkins, gourds, and Indian corn, around the tree. Winter – Replace all leaves with cut paper snowflakes. Paint three miniature pumpkins white and glue them together to make a snowman. Extend

Why Is The Sky Blue? - Geography for Kids Why Is The Sky A Light Shade of Baby Blue? This is one of the first questions that children often inquire of their parents. What makes the sky blue? As the light from our Sun shines into the atmosphere, most of the colors are able to reach the Earth’s surface uninterrupted. Kids science: Earth's Seasons Science >> Earth Science for Kids We divide up the year into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season lasts 3 months with summer being the warmest season, winter being the coldest, and spring and autumn lying in between. The seasons have a lot of impact on what happens on the earth. In the spring, animals are born and plants come back to life. Why do seasons occur? Seasons are caused because of the Earth's changing relationship to the Sun. The Earth is Tilted Not only does the Earth revolve around the Sun every year, but the Earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours. Why does our tilt matter? The tilt has two major effects: the angle of the Sun to the earth and length of the days. For this reason, seasons north of the Equator are the opposite of seasons south of the Equator. We talked about the length of the day changing, but the angle of the Sun changes as well. Longest and Shortest Days Activities Take a ten question quiz about this page. Earth Science Subjects
