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Murphy Laws Site - The origin and laws of Murphy in one place. Surviving Library Anxiety: The cure is practice! Surviving Library Anxiety Many students are put off by the size and complexity of the library, and the number of resources we have. Here are several things to remember that will help you: You don't have to be an expert to use the library, only willing to learn. There are no "dumb" questions, only unasked ones. Save time by asking questions early. Spirals, a symbol of confusion to some people now, were probably a religious symbol, as well as a decorative element, to ancient peoples. Home University home page | Libraries' home page

Craigslist Meets the Capitalists - Mergers, Acquisitions, Ventur Jim Buckmaster, the chief executive of Craigslist, caused lots of head-scratching Thursday as he tried to explain to a bunch of Wall Street types why his company is not interested in “monetizing” his ridiculously popular Web operation. Appearing at the UBS global media conference in New York, Mr. Buckmaster took questions from the bemused audience, which apparently could not get its collective mind around the notion that Craigslist exists to help Web users find jobs, cars, apartments and dates — and not so much to make money. Wendy Davis of MediaPost describes the presentation as a “a culture clash of near-epic proportions.” She recounts how UBS analyst Ben Schachter wanted to know how Craigslist plans to maximize revenue. “I think a lot of people are catching their breath right now,” Mr. Craigslist charges money for job listings, but only in seven of the cities it serves ($75 in San Francisco; $25 in the others). Mr. Following the meeting, Mr. Mr.

AlterVistas - Search for the nets most bizarre, weird, strange, and humorous sites Tumblr Wired 14.08: Be an Expert on Anything By Stephen ColbertPage 1 of 1 Stephen Colbert won't be taking the advice offered in this guide. He has dedicated his career to passing himself off as an expert on anything. Colbert honed this skill on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, where he served as an analyst on everything from the Middle East to presidential gastronomy before gaining the title Senior Expert News Correspondent. He is a specialist in improv comedy, which he says "is partly about making people believe you know everything." Story Tools Story Images Click thumbnails for full-size image: - John Hockenberry PICK A FIELD THAT CAN'T BE VERIFIED. CHOOSE A SUBJECT THAT'S ACTUALLY SECRET. GET YOUR OWN ENTRY IN AN ENCYCLOPEDIA. USE THE WORD ZEITGEIST AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE. BE SURE TO USE LOTS OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS. SPEAK FROM THE BALLS, NOT FROM THE DIAPHRAGM. DON'T BE AFRAID TO MAKE THINGS UP. DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF TO CURRENT KNOWLEDGE. GET AN HONORARY PHD. MAKE A HABIT OF NAME-DROPPING.

Dunning-Kruger effect The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein relatively unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. The bias was first experimentally observed by David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University in 1999. Dunning and Kruger attributed the bias to the metacognitive inability of the unskilled to evaluate their own ability level accurately. Their research also suggests that conversely, highly skilled individuals may underestimate their relative competence, erroneously assuming that tasks that are easy for them also are easy for others.[1] Dunning and Kruger have postulated that the effect is the result of internal illusion in the unskilled, and external misperception in the skilled: "The miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others. Original study[edit] Supporting studies[edit] Award[edit]

craigblog: eBay and craigslist eBay and craigslist Hey folks, here's my personal take on the announcement regarding craigslist and eBay. But first, to make sense of this, a little history. I made craigslist into a real company in '99, and made it a corporation (on paper, not attitude) to get the legal protections that you get that way. Looking into the future, I figured that maybe someday I'd go middle-aged crazy and/or megalomaniacal, and already, "I can resist anything but temptation" (Oscar Wilde) So, with the idea of establishing checks and balances, mostly on myself, I entrusted some equity in craigslist to a guy who was working with me at the time. I figured it didn't matter, since everyone agreed that the equity had only symbolic value, not dollar value. Well, the guy later left the company, and decided to sell his equity, which i learned he had every legal right to do. He met with eBay, and eBay in turn approached us to see how we would feel about them getting involved with us. -- Meg Whitman - eBay CEO Thanks!

