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Casa das Ciências

Casa das Ciências

Easy File Uploader I did the work, went and got the script. Installed it, configured it, setup a page so I could access it and test it.. then, only then did I find out it is limited to 3 megabyte upload unless you pay. That is not a problem, but would be awesome if it said that from the start! Owner's reply @alaskalive. Oftentimes, file size upload limitations are specified at the PHP/server settings, and they override the "Maximum File Size (bytes)" setting in the Module Manager. ensinweb "Lorem ipsum"-izer script to make your documents make less sense I made some newspaper mock-ups and needed to change the text of existing pages into lorem-ipsum nonsense, while keeping the formatting and amount of text the same. So I made this scripts. It will change any words in the current selection into nonsense. It's a bit slow because it loops through every single word in the selection and changes it into latin-sounding words with the same number of characters, and then adds or subtracts some letters to make sure the text is pretty much the same number of lines in the end. I have only tested it with CS3.

Lorem Ipsum - Lipsum generator Variations on a Human Face Name:______________________________________ Materials: 2 pennies, chart on human traits Single Allele Traits 1. Determine which partner will toss for the male and which will toss for the female. 2. 3. Example: For the shape of the face, your partner tossed heads and you tosses tails. Polygenic Traits - Hair, Eye, Skin Some traits are controlled by more than two genes, such as hair color, eye color and skin color. Hair color Dark hair is dominant over light. Eye Color Dark eyes are dominant over light. Skin Color skin color is controlled by a lot of different genes that basically add together to determine how dark the skin is and variations in tone. **Now that you have determined all the traits of your child. Analysis and Conclusions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação no ensino Existem fortes evidências de que os professores que utilizam as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) com os seus alunos em situação de sala de aula estão mais abertos à inovação do que os restantes, como ficou patente no último Congresso NECC'99: "...teachers who use technology are much more likely to be progressive in how they teach, using authentic assessment and constructivist techniques, while teachers who avoid computers are more likely to stick to conventional methods." (Carvin, 1999) As TIC e, concretamente, o computador pode ser explorado, em situação de ensino, de diversas maneiras, consoante o contexto educativo em que decorre a exploração e consoante o software utilizado. Considerações genéricas sobre a exploração educativa das TIC: Exemplos de integração das TIC em sala de aula: Algumas Revistas On-line

Student Performance Dashboard Dashboard Description: Top section gives comparative analysis of Class teachers Maths class (based on latest math assessment score) with the her other classes, overall school performance and district. Looking at the data her current class performance is below Average compared to her other classes. Class Summary: All Students are categorised in different colors based on their latest math assessment score. Green is for top performers, Red is for poor scorers, so that class teacher can quickly analyse which student requires more attention. Up and down arrows ( next to Current Course grade) shows students’ performance has gone up or down against the grade goal. Similar to performance, I have categories behavioural data in different shades of blue. Top Right section gives comparative analysis of detailed student performance with other classes, school and district level students. Right bottom gives overall details of students which requires special disciplinary and performance attention.
