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65 Terrific Social Media Infographics

65 Terrific Social Media Infographics :: les meilleures infographies du web En une seule minute, une quantité monstrueuse de données est échangée sur le web. Chaque minute de chaque heure de chaque journée. L’agence... Lorsque l’on parle de Google, Samsung ou encore Apple, on ne peut qu’avoir les yeux qui brillent quand aux montants qu’ils annoncent.... Le cloud computing est annoncé comme la technologie de demain pour tous les avantages qu’on lui connait. Vous êtes une entreprise et vous souhaitez vous lancer comme vos amis dans les réseaux sociaux. Les réseaux sociaux sont addictifs et personne ne peut dire le contraire. Nous lisons de plus en plus et notamment en ligne. Foursquare est sans contest le réseau social de géolocalisation, leader sur son marché. Cette infographie présente les éléments composant un design de site web sur lesquelles jouent les web designer pour créer un site au design inédit.... Vous vous êtes toujours demandé ce à quoi ressemble ou ressemblait une chambre de geek?

64 Things Every Geek Should Know - The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. 1. USB – Universal Serial Bus GPU – Graphics Processing Unit CPU – Central Processing Unit SATA – Serial ATA HTML – Hyper-text Markup Language HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol FTP – File Transfer Protocol P2P – Person to Person data sharing 2. 3. Here’s what one looks like: 4.

More people are using foursquare (just not me) « SocialSelf.Ca So…. I use it, ish. Foursquare in my life has come and gone for the most part. I used it when it first launched and was mayor of everything! I had my gym, I had my work, and even my favorite Starbucks. 4sq was an interesting way to engage with my favorite places and see who frequents them often; I even met a guy through foursquare! Maybe it’s because of the bad incident I had (Click here for deets) or maybe its because I opened my 4sq up to my twitter audience to easily, but I’m over it. Facebook places mind you, is something I am so far enjoying! Here is an infographic just released from Foursquare as to how people (just not me) are using it. Like this: Like Loading...

Twitter : Connaître l'essentiel en 10 infographies Les précédents Jeudis Twitter étaient principalement des billets à vocation éducative pour une entrée en matière réussie sur Twitter. J’ai donc passé en revue les fondamentaux, les étapes pour démarrer, les stratégies possibles ainsi que différents exemples d’opérations marketing réussies sur Twitter. Aujourd’hui, passons à quelque chose de plus ludique, en images ! Comme nous aimons beaucoup les infographies chez Kinoa, je vous propose de découvrir l’essentiel sur Twitter en 10 infographies, toutes plus belles et plus instructives que les autres. 1. Qui utilise Twitter et comment ? Les différentes utilisations de Twitter des internautes américains par groupes de recherche. 2. Les étapes pour mener à bien sa stratégie de visibilité sur Twitter : Une infographie Kinoa ! 3. Les différences entres les deux réseaux sociaux leaders du marché ! 4. L’essentiel des outils Twitter les plus utilisés et les plus utiles en une image ! 5. 6. … racontée par des tweets de célébrités. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Gates of Hell Want to add this gigapan to your favorites? or now. now to add this Gigapan to a group gallery. now to add this Gigapan to a gallery. About This Gigapan Toggle Taken by Brent Townshend Explore score Size 0.55 Gigapixels Views Date added Sep 28, 2008 Date taken Sep 27, 2008 Categories Galleries Competitions Tags rodin, hell, sculpture, bronze, art, stanford, thinker Description Auguste Rodin's sculpture, the Gates of Hell. Where in the World is this GigaPan? Toggle

Sumdog Our Sumdog games website is designed to help you practice your numeracy skills - in an enjoyable way. All of Sumdog's games are free to use at home or in school. Each one covers over 100 mathematics topics, and most are multiplayer - letting you play with other students around the world. Sign up for a free student login If you're a student, you can sign up free to customise your profile picture and your individual progress. Sign up for a free teacher login If you're a teacher you can sign up free to set up your school, create free logins for your students, and set competitions and activities for them. Track your students' progress with a school subscription Schools can also buy a Sumdog subscription to track their students' progress and analyse their strongest and weakest topics. More information... Why are Sumdog's games free? What does signing up for a free login get me? What topics does Sumdog cover? How do I get started?

Interactive Infographic Visualizes Twitter Ecosystem An expansive ecosystem has developed around Twitter since its 2006 launch. Digital analyst Brian Solis and data visualization powerhouse JESS3 have once again teamed up to release an infographic entitled "The Twitterverse" to depict, and make sense of, the vast galaxy of applications and services orbiting Twitter. Tesseract A generalization of the cube to dimensions greater than three is called a "hypercube", "n-cube" or "measure polytope".[1] The tesseract is the four-dimensional hypercube, or 4-cube. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word tesseract was coined and first used in 1888 by Charles Howard Hinton in his book A New Era of Thought, from the Greek τέσσερεις ακτίνες ("four rays"), referring to the four lines from each vertex to other vertices.[2] In this publication, as well as some of Hinton's later work, the word was occasionally spelled "tessaract." Some people[citation needed] have called the same figure a tetracube, and also simply a hypercube (although a tetracube can also mean a polycube made of four cubes, and the term hypercube is also used with dimensions greater than 4). Geometry[edit] Since each vertex of a tesseract is adjacent to four edges, the vertex figure of the tesseract is a regular tetrahedron. A tesseract is bounded by eight hyperplanes (xi = ±1). See also[edit]

There are alternatives to Blackboard and Moodle: Instructure Canvas goes open source Instructure, creator of the Canvas learning management system (LMS), took an incredibly bold step to disrupt the LMS market today when they open sourced the code for Canvas. In a market dominated by Blackboard and the companies it buys, it's sometimes hard to look elsewhere. However, many schools, students, and teachers end up using Blackboard because either that's what's installed or because everyone else is using it. Sometimes it seems that your only choices in the LMS market are to either pay Blackboard for a relatively turnkey solution, pay a full-time Moodle developer who can really take advantage of the open source system and make it everything it needs to be for your institution, or pay a host like Moodlerooms and miss out on the deep customizability of the LMS. Canvas, though, provides an elegant solution that can be either hosted or supported on-premise (both for a fee) and supported internally with its now free Community Version.

50 faits fascinants sur les médias sociaux en 2010 | PassioN @Net
