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Rolling Stone Mobile - News - Music: 20 Essential Grateful Dead Shows

Rolling Stone Mobile - News - Music: 20 Essential Grateful Dead Shows

Greatest Stories Ever Told - "Tons Of Steel" By David Dodd Here’s the plan—each week, I will blog about a different song, focusing, usually, on the lyrics, but also on some other aspects of the song, including its overall impact—a truly subjective thing. Therefore, the best part, I would hope, would not be anything in particular that I might have to say, but rather, the conversation that may happen via the comments over the course of time—and since all the posts will stay up, you can feel free to weigh in any time on any of the songs! With Grateful Dead lyrics, there’s always a new and different take on what they bring up for each listener, it seems. “Tons of Steel” I had the distinct pleasure of being present for Brent Mydland’s first show with the Dead, at Spartan Stadium in San Jose. Brent wrote the words and music for “Tons of Steel.” It was performed fairly regularly throughout 1985 through September 1987, making its last appearance on September 23 at The Spectrum in Philadelphia. So, it’s a song about a train.

Démentiel : les banksters sont désormais “Trop gros pour aller en prison” ! [C’est la façade du bankster UBS à Locarno, en Suisse. Le climat et l’environnement sont infiniment plus agréables qu’à Luxembourg, mais on y pratique aussi le recel de fraude fiscale à grande échelle] On en lit des trucs sur Internet ! Souvent des trucs intéressants, d’ailleurs. Mais heureusement il y a des jours d’exception. Mes images sont mal choisies car la lumière peut aussi être bénéfique. Ce journaliste s’appelle Matt Taibbi. Un grand merci à Madame Laetsgo, qui écrit à ses heures sur le blog collectif “Ruminances”, qui lit et commente par ici, et qui est aussi l’un de mes plus efficaces hauts-parleurs dans ce capharnaüm qu’est Twitter. Des liens, ici, il y en a pléthore. Or là : paf ! Je le dis et le répète, la finance a pris une place démesurée sur cette planète, et comme un cancer qui commence à métastaser, il faut l’arrêter par tous les moyens. Vous ne me croyez pas ? Ces deux banques ont récemment été convaincues de malfaisance répétée et généralisée. Et voilà.

Tips for a Better Sex Life These five missions will push your sex life—and your relationship—to new heights. Whip out your red pen and start crossing them off your to-do list. 1. "Improvising new sex positions shows that you're secure enough with each other to experiment," says Susan Crain Bakos, author of The Orgasm Bible. Your assignment: Tweak your old favorites. 2. Carving out a day of erotic activity can stoke your woman's fires. Your assignment: Set aside one weekend day a month to lavish attention on each other. 3. "When you're mired in a major life event like buying a house or even planning a vacation, the stress can do your sex life in," says Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., the Men's Health Sex Professor. Your assignment: Tell her what you're going to do after you carry her over the threshold of the new house, or detail your intentions for the outdoor shower after your day at the beach. 4. Sex can be stale when it's an assembly-line process—tab A, slot B, repeat. 5. Transform Your Body!

Grateful Dead : Free Music : Free Audio Grateful Dead by Grateful Dead Jack Straw, Sugaree, Me & My Uncle-> Big River, Candyman, Minglewood Blues, Tennessee Jed, Lost Sailor-> Saint Of Circumstance-> Deal China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Looks Like Rain, He's Gone-> Drums-> Wharf Rat-> Around & Around, E: Shakedown Street ( 135 reviews ) Topic: Live concert Source: Soundboard and Audience composite Morning Dew, Beat It On Down The Line, Ramble On Rose, Jack Straw, Wave That Flag, Looks Like Rain, Box Of Rain, They Love Each Other, The Race is On, Row Jimmy, El Paso, Bird Song, Playin' In The Band Eyes Of The World-> Stella Blue, Big River, Here Comes Sunshine, Around & Around, Dark Star-> He's Gone-> Wharf Rat-> Truckin', Sugar Magnolia It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry*, That's Alright Mama*, Promised Land*, Not Fade Away*-> Goin' Down The Road Feelin'... ( 185 reviews ) Topic: Soundboard Source: Soundboard Bertha, Playin' In The Band, Loser, Mr. Help On The Way-> Slipknot! Truckin', Sugaree, Mr. U.S. U.S.

Ignore their howls of protest. If bankers leave the country, it would be no loss | Simon Jenkins The peasants are revolting across Europe. They want bankers' blood and mean to get it. Until now, public response to the credit crunch has been one of general bafflement and wrist-slapping. The banks persuaded the world it was all an act of fate. The worm has turned. Meanwhile, a Swiss referendum now requires top executives to seek explicit shareholder approval for their pay, with a ban on golden hellos and goodbyes. Europe's once omnipotent banking lobby has been all but neutered by the scale of scandal. Only in Britain do ministers still dance to the bankers' tune. Last year the City of London's much-heralded "shareholder spring" got nowhere. The reality is that the banking community has allowed this thirst for revenge to build up for over four years, and it just did not care. This had nothing to do with free markets, except within a tight group of high-rolling traders. No trade unions are fiercer in defending their interests than the rich professions.

Recipe: Grilled Asparagus and Avocado Tacos Unless you're a no-meat athlete, your grill likely cooks hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken breasts, or steaks almost every time you fire it up. Sure, you'll throw on some veggies as a side dish, but the meat tends to take center grate. It doesn't when you're making these tacos — and you won't even miss it. Ivy Stark, executive chef at Dos Caminos, touts this recipe as one that's healthy but still tasty, filling, and satisfying. "It not only has the richness and creaminess of the avocado, but the fiber from the beans and the asparagus," she says. Stark has been running for 25 years, and often run-commutes between three and four miles to whichever Dos Caminos location she's working at that day. You'll need to oil your grill and your avocadoes really well to ensure that they don't stick. Grilled Asparagus and Avocado TacosRecipes by Ivy Stark, executive chef at Dos Caminos How to make it:1. Cucumber Pico de Gallo How to make it:1. Refried White Beans How to make it:1.

Furthur : Free Music : Free Audio : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive Dark-pool trading reaches record levels in Europe By Anish Puaar European share trading taking place in anonymous, off-exchange venues known as "dark pools" reached its highest-ever level in July, amid lower volatility and a growing proliferation of high-frequency trading on the platforms. About 10.3% of all European equities trading last month took place on these venues, according to data from Thomson Reuters. It is the first time the proportion of activity executed in dark pools has breached double figures, and exceeds the previous high of 9.1% in January. By value, trades worth EUR75.1 billion were transacted on these venues in July, 12% higher than the value traded in dark pools in January and 28% higher than in July 2012. The Thomson Reuters data includes activity in "dark" multilateral trading facilities, that are operated by exchanges such as the London Stock Exchange Group and Bats Chi-X Europe and brokers, as well as those run by investment banks in the form of broker crossing networks.

Phil Lesh and Friends Phil Lesh and Friends is an American rock band formed and led by Phil Lesh, former bassist of the Grateful Dead. Phil & Friends is not a traditional group in that several different lineups of musicians have played under the name, including groups featuring members of Phish, Little Feat, and the Zen Tricksters. Music[edit] Phil & Friends has continued the Grateful Dead's tradition of allowing fans to record concerts, and trade these recordings freely. The Internet has been an invaluable source for these tapers to disseminate this music through various sources, including, and the vast BitTorrent file-sharing network. History[edit] Original Phil Lesh and Friends[edit] The first use of the Phil Lesh and Friends banner was on September 24, 1994 at the Berkeley Community Theater. 1999-2000 permutations[edit] • May 29, 1999: Warren Haynes (guitar and vocals), Merle Saunders (keys), Donna Jean Godchaux (vocals) • April 6-May 27, 2000: Jeff Pevar (guitar and vocals), Jimmy Herring (guitar)

Des robots-traders ont-il réagi aux annonces de la Fed... plus vite que la lumière? Par définition, le trading à haute fréquence va vite, très vite… Tellement vite même que mercredi, lors des annonces de la Réserve fédérale américaine, certains robots semblent avoir réagi quasi instantanément La rapidité des premières transactions après la diffusion du communiqué de la Fed a supris Nanex,un bureau américain spécialisé dans le trading à haute fréquence situé à Chicago qui en a fait état dans une note. La Fed maintient sa politique, en Bourse, les échangent bondissent A 14h00 très précises, heure de Washington (20h00 à Paris), le 18 septembre, la Réserve fédérale annonçait son intention poursuivre son programme de "Quantitative Easing", à la surprise d'une majorité d'analystes. Dans l'après-midi, le Dow Jones atteignait un niveau historique, les taux sur les emprunts de l'Etat plongeaient et le cours de l'or grimpait en flèche.Ce bond spectaculaire sur en bourse est visible dans le graphique ci-dessous. Moins de 5 millisecondes pour passer un ordre Une fuite?
