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Einstein's Theory of Relativity Explained (Infographic)

Einstein's Theory of Relativity Explained (Infographic)
The theories of relativity by Albert Einstein revolutionized how the world thinks about space, time, mass, energy and gravity. FULL STORY: General Relativity at 100: Einstein's Famous Theory Has Aged Well Prior to Einstein, the laws of Isaac Newton were used to understand the physics of motion. But Newton never puzzled out the source of gravity. Reference: Einstein's Theory of General Relativity Philosopher David Hume's 1738 "A Treatise of Human Nature" was a big influence on Einstein's thinking about space and time. "It is very well possible that without these philosophical studies I would not have arrived at the solution," Einstein wrote. In 1905, Albert Einstein based a new theory on two principles. Second, he calculated that the speed of light – 186,000 miles per second (299,338 kilometers per second) – is unchanging. As a result of these principles, Einstein deduced that there is no fixed frame of reference in the universe. Time does not pass at the same rate for everyone. Related:  Science

Intrication quantique - Intrication L'intrication quantique est un phénomène fondamental de la mécanique quantique mis en évidence par Einstein et Schrödinger dans les années 30. Deux systèmes physiques, comme deux particules, se retrouvent alors dans un état quantique dans lequel ils ne forment plus qu'un seul système dans un certain sens subtil. Toute mesure sur l'un des systèmes affecte l'autre, et ce, quelle que soit la distance les séparant. Avant l'intrication, deux systèmes physiques sans interactions sont dans des états quantiques indépendants mais après l'intrication ces deux états sont en quelque sorte « emmêlés » et il n'est plus possible de décrire ces deux systèmes de façon indépendante. C'est pourquoi, comme indiqué précédemment, des propriétés de non-localité font leur apparition et la mesure sur l'un des systèmes influence instantanément l'autre système, même à des années-lumière. -il n'y a fondamentalement ni onde ni corpuscule au sens classique dans la nature. H=T(Pi)+V(Qi) Ι Ψ > = ∑ cn Ι an > où Ainsi

Fathers of Science On March 12, 2008, the John Templeton Foundation made the announcement of the winner of its annual Templeton Prize, which honors achievements engaging the great questions of life and the universe. The $1.6 million prize for 2008 went to Michał Heller, a Polish cosmologist and professor in the faculty of philosophy at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow, Poland. What makes Heller additionally remarkable is that he is a Catholic priest. The 72-year-old planned to spend the prize money to establish a research institute—named in honor of Nicholas Copernicus—that will seek to reconcile science and theology. Fr. "If we ask about the cause of the universe we should ask about the cause of mathematical laws. As a priest-scientist, Fr. These priest-scientists affirm what Fr. Fr. His achievements as a Church leader, however, were eclipsed by his reputation as one of the most learned men of his age. Fr. But Danti left his real mark as a cartographer. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr.

Science, Religion, and the Big Bang Danish TV Documentary Exposes Gardasil Vaccines for Triggering Wave of Disease Among Young Girls | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization The Danish news service TV2 recently aired a bold documentary calling into question the safety of the Gardasil vaccine for cervical cancer. Documenting dozens of cases of serious injury and disability among Danish girls following the three-part vaccination regimen, the video report highlights the Danish Health Authority’s negligence in properly responding to this wave of illness clearly linked to the vaccine, which is also widely promoted in the U.S. Though the documentary treads somewhat lightly in fully implicating Gardasil as the definitive cause of these girls’ illnesses, it does bring to light how authorities at the highest levels of government routinely try to cover for this deadly vaccine, which SaneVax, Inc. notes has been linked to upwards of 40,000 total adverse events, including death, worldwide. You can watch the documentary, entitled De vaccinerede piger, in its entirety on YouTube for free (with English subtitles): Sources:

Untitled Document Deux livres du mathématicien français Jean-Marie Souriau Janvier 2007 Jean-Marie Souriau Avec son autorisation et dans l'optique de la diffusion des connaissances scientifiques au plus grand nombre nous mettons en ligne deux ouvrages du mathématicien français Jean-Marie Souriau, en français. Le premier, Géométrie et Relativité, est paru en 1964 aux éditions Herman. Ce sont des ouvrages d'un abord difficile, qui peuvent être classés au rayon de la physique mathématiques, qui n'intéresseront a priori que les chercheurs et les étudiants francophone. Voir évidemment son site personnel : Back to News Back to Homepage CBS: Gardasil Vaccine Can Cause Infection With Higher Risk HPV Strain By Erin Elizabeth Women who receive the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine may be more likely to be infected with the higher-risk strains of the virus than women who do not get the vaccine, according to a new study. Oh! but not to worry, you just have to get – (you guessed it) more shots and you’ll survive! (or so they hope) We go on a trip to Southern California this weekend to speak in front of a bunch of Health Nuts (over 3,000 of them!) Now I get home from my second cross country flight in 3 days only to see what I missed in national news. Back to the CBS article though with a quote Women who receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine may be more likely to be infected with certain high-risk strains of the virus than women who do not get the vaccine, according to a new study. Gee, that’s just what I want to hear after I get my child vaccinated with numerous Gardasil vaccines (which even CBS reported a Gardasil researcher warned can be hazardous for your health- turns out she was right!)

Frédéric Henry-Couannier La revue périodiquement remise à jour de la théorie de la Gravité Obscure: The dark side of gravity (pdf de gr-qc/0610079) Carte d'identité La théorie de la gravité obscure (Dark Gravity) est une théorie alternative de la gravitation. Au niveau phénoménologique, elle est motivée par la recherche d'une solution théorique commune aux anomalies bien connues de la gravitation à diverses échelles : effet Pioneer, courbes de rotation et formation des galaxies, accélération et platitude de l'univers, isotropie du rayonnement cosmologique, ... mais une solution qui ne fasse pas appel aux ingrédients rajoutés que constituent la matière noire, l'énergie noire et l'inflation comme dans le modèle standard de la cosmologie. Principes et construction: Pages introductives Particules Champs et symétries Energies négatives: position du problème Historique des idées autour des énergies négatives et de l'anti gravité Energies négatives, anti-matière et gravitation Energies négatives et instabilité Diaporamas:

Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out Amid questions about the safety of the HPV vaccine Gardasil one of the lead researchers for the Merck drug is speaking out about its risks, benefits and aggressive marketing. Dr. Diane Harper says young girls and their parents should receive more complete warnings before receiving the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. Dr. Dr. Read Judicial Watch reports on GardasilDr. This raises questions about the CDC's recommendation that the series of shots be given to girls as young as 11-years old. Dr. Merck and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintain Gardasil is safe and effective, and that adequate warnings are provided, cautioning about soreness at the injection site and risk of fainting after vaccination. According to Dr. "The risks of serious adverse events including death reported after Gardasil use in (the JAMA article by CDC's Dr. Dr. "Parents and women must know that deaths occurred. CDC continues to recommend Gardasil for girls and young women. Dr.
