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sans titre React Native · A framework for building native apps using React CSS3: declarando variables Sin duda es algo que muchos programadores estaban pidiendo. Por fin la tercera versión de CSS soportará variables. Hay un poco de controversia con este cambio, dado que CSS se comienza a parecer a un lenguaje de programación. En síntesis, ahora podremos declarar variables en CSS3. Declarando variables en CSS3 Básicamente, debes usar esta sintaxis: Y puedes invocar esta variable en cualquier momento que la necesites (dentro de tu código CSS) de esta forma: Presumiblemente puedas declarar toda tu paleta de colores con un puñado de variables al principio de tu CSS: Me parece que va a ser una mejora importante en CSS, el que quiera puede aprovecharlas, el que no, no

sans titre En plus d’être plus jolies pour vos visiteurs, les URL qui définissent le contenu de la page sont également utiles en référencement. Voyons comment mettre en place un système de slug sur un site Web fait en PHP. URL sexy ? Pour vos visiteurs, il est plus facile de s’y retrouver en voyant une adresse de type : plutôt que : D’ailleurs, les moteurs de recherche extraient également les mots de cette URL pour donner un peu plus d’importance aux mots-clefs que la page contient. Ainsi, selon le type de votre site, et s’il demande une rétribution à vos visiteurs, par exemple dans le cadre d’un annuaire payant, cette URL améliorée et qui propose des bénéfices en terme de référencement peut devenir un argument commercial. Voilà donc au moins trois bonnes raisons d’insérer le slug, c’est-à-dire la partie descriptive après le nom de domaine, dans vos URL. Mise en place Le stockage des slugs Le fichier .htaccess Mise en oeuvre en PHP

Building a hexagonal grid using CSS grid - I've been chasing the idea of using (abusing?) CSS grid to build a interconnected hexagonal grid, where each hexagon fits together seamlessly. An example of this would be a lot of tabletop war games, some board games (Settlers of Catan, for instance), and some computer games (I used to play The Battle for Wesnoth, it uses a system like this). Here's the list of requirements I had going into this: Must interconnect. This means a certain amount of overlap of the individual items, because we're fitting a hexagon into a square hole.Must respect grid-gap, or allow for gutters of some kind. The end result I'm going to break down how this works step by step, but here's the end result I was able to come up with. Let's break down what the html for this looks like, and then we'll get into how the grid is set up. <ul class="hex-grid__list"><li class="hex-grid__item"><div class="hex-grid__content"> 1 </div></li><li class="hex-grid__item"><div class="hex-grid__content"> 2 </div></li> ... Rows Columns

Desarrollando un Proyecto desde cero con Node.js & Angular.js (Parte 1) Packagist Projects Can Sometimes Be the Worst Way to Learn JavaScript This article was peer reviewed by Tim Severien and Chris Perry. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! One of the most surprisingly dangerous pieces of advice to JavaScript learners is to “just do projects.” To be 100% clear, projects are often a great way to learn any coding language. This topic is important, because attempting a project too early is one of the most common reasons people give up on JavaScript entirely. I’m not about to let that happen to you, so here’s what we’ll cover: the most common traps JavaScript learners fall into when attempting projects, and whyspecific examples of projects that frequently stop people from learning JavaScripthow to avoid the common traps and learn more effectivelywhen and how to start doing projectshow to know which concepts to use once you start doing projects The aim of this article is to give you confidence in moving forward, whether you’re learning JavaScript or any other language.

sans titre Documentation : Doctrine 1. Optimiser le code existant : méthodes HTTP Nous allons optimiser le code produit dans le TP-01 : nos routes sont pour le moment toutes accessibles en POST ou GET alors que : le formulaire ne doit accepter que GETle traitement du formulaire ne doit accepter que POST Modifiez vos routes en précisant les méthodes autorisées : /** * @Route("/maRoute", name="app_ma_route", methods={"GET"}) */ /** * @Route("/maRouteTraitement", name="app_ma_route_traitement", methods={"POST"}) */ Vous pouvez également préciser plusieurs méthodes pour une route : /** * @Route("/maRoute", name="app_ma_route", methods={"GET", "POST"}) */ Il faudra à ce moment-là tester dans le controller si on vient de POST ou de GET pour adapter le comportement de la méthode, on le verra plus tard. 2. Vous créérez une nouvelle entité Contact grâce à la commande : php bin/console make:entity Contact Les champs seront les suivants : 3. ATTENTION ! 4. Nous allons : 5.

10 Things You Can Build with JavaScript - Grand Circus - Tech Training According to a recent survey conducted by Stack Overflow, JavaScript is the most popular language on earth. What is interesting about these survey results, is that even for developers whose primary responsibility is the back-end (server-side code) they are still more likely to research questions about JavaScript than any other language. That’s largely because JavaScript is inescapable. Ask any of our Java or .NET bootcampers and they will tell you that for their final projects they had to get to a basic level of proficiency with JavaScript. This is also true in the working world. Any teams that do not have dedicated front-end developers, have to do it themselves. Atwood’s Law states that: “Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.” Jeff Atwood was making a joke at JavaScript’s expense, but it has turned out to be more true than not. 1. Okay, so you can file this one under ‘pretty obvious’. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
