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The Serious Eats Guide to Food Photography

The Serious Eats Guide to Food Photography
[Photographs: Vicky Wasik, unless otherwise noted] Taking great photographs of food is a hard-earned skill—after all, that's why some people are lucky enough to get paid for it. But it's also a lot easier to hone these days, no matter who you are; even a smartphone can yield gorgeous, high-quality images. Sure, professional cameras and lenses—provided you know how to use them—can make taking a great photo easier, but they're by no means necessary to the process. Just think of all the amazing Instagram feeds out there. What separates magazine-worthy photos from their less impressive counterparts isn't a fancy camera or expensive equipment. A great photograph is never a fluke—you may not know why it's special or how you made it that way, but the fact remains that certain fundamentals still came together to make it happen. The takeaway? What Makes a Photo Good? [Photograph: Ideas in Food] Great Natural Light On the left, a blown-out photograph taken in direct sunlight. Moral of the story? Related:  Photos & vidéos culinaires avec un iPhone

How to Make Addictive Cooking Videos for Social Media | Adobe Spark How to Make Addictive Cooking Videos for Social Media Amy Copperman | Cooking videos (and how-to videos more broadly) are some of the most addictive content on the web. Tasty, Buzzfeed’s food-video offshoot that coined this particular type of short, bird’s-eye cooking videos, launched just 17 months ago but its Facebook videos already receive 1.8 billion views each month. In March 2016 alone, the juggernaut saw more online engagement growth than any other U.S. publication. And all of that traffic was driven by cooking videos on Facebook. Who wouldn’t want a slice of that engagement pie?! (See the full recipe on Editor-in-Chief Erika Lenkert founded GFF Magazine to show that eating gluten-free doesn’t have to come at the expense of taste. You can get your social media engagement cookin’ with gas too with video. A camera or two: (We probably didn’t need to tell you this.) Read more iPhone food photography tips. Camera-ready tools: Bright colors translate best on screen.

Top 30 Tips for Food Bloggers - Dish by Dish Food blogging is hard work, dear friends. While many people think that food blogging is easy, the truth is that just like anything in life, you have to put in hard work and be consistent. Over the past few years, I’ve read and learnt many tips on how to improve and develop my food blog, and I wanted to share my experience with you. I’ve split the tips into a few different segments: (i) Starting your food blog (ii) Designing your food blog (iii) Creating content for your food blog (iv) Optimizing your blog for search traffic (v) Marketing your content (vi) Connecting with your readers (vii) Connecting with other food bloggers (viii) Making money from your food blog (ix) Staying in for the long haul While I would suggest that you read the segments in the order that they’ve been written, each segment can be read on its own, so feel free to go directly to the segments that interest you the most! If you have any additional questions that are not covered in the post, feel free to email me. 1. 2.

Getting Started Shooting Food Videos – Learn To Shoot Food Video is becoming more and more important these days. At least, that has been the popular refrain for the past few years. Is this the year it finally happens? There certainly is a lot of momentum that seems to point in that direction. It may be high time you start get to understand the beast we ever so descriptively call “video.” Here are three different videos using the same recipe. First Second Third First a bit about us. The hardest part about shooting food videos is getting started. There is a lot of ground to cover, and I am only going to share some of the nitty gritty as the art of shooting video tends to take longer than a blog post. Gear Camera – Of course, you have to have a camera. Tripod – Tripods come in many shapes and sizes. Lights – Lighting is where the magic happens. The first rule of lighting is DO NOT USE OVERHEAD HOUSE LIGHTS!! Audio – Videos come in many different forms. Shooting Now that you have gear all sorted out let’s have some fun and begin shooting.

15 Awesome Food Photography Tips Of all the types of things I photograph, shooting food probably comes the closest to being a full-blown DIY project. There’s a lot going on– from lighting and composing to styling and shooting, food photography is almost always a production. But regardless of whether you are shooting food for a big publishing client or for a small cookbook of your old family recipes, the process of capturing food at its most flattering remains the same. You Only Need One Light Source Food photography is definitely one of those genres where less is more. Sometimes Mother Nature (and Schedules) Don’t Cooperate Sometimes you’re just stuck with a crappy day and there’s nothing you can do about it. As you can see below, the setup can be extremely basic. Vary the Camera Angle Just like human subjects can be photographed from more flattering angles, the same goes for food. In the two examples below, the ingredients for a spice rub are photographed from two different angles. Speaking of Getting it Just Right…

10 erreurs des débutants en photo culinaire et leurs solutions - CamShoot Voici une série de difficultés auxquels les débutants en photographie d'aliments font face et des conseils et astuces pour les surmonter. Erreur 1 : Un cadrage hésitant En photographie culinaire, il y a deux solutions : le gros plan ou le plan large d'ambiance. Dans le cas du gros plan, je ne peux que vous renvoyer vers l'article qui présente ce qu'il faut savoir pour se lancer en macrophotographie.Dans le cas il du plan d'ambiance, mieux vaut prévoir quelques accessoires mais ce point est développé au point 7.Multipliez les angles de prise de vue, vous obtiendrez du choix voire des heureuses surprises. Erreur 2 : Croire qu'il faut savoir cuisiner pour faire de la photo culinaire Regardez ces photos de tomate. Erreur 3 : Un choix de nourriture contreversé Autant consacrer ses efforts sur un sujet qui vous intéresse on est d'accord, mais tant que possible, mieux vaut éviter la junk food car on peut faire mieux niveau nutrition. Après la photo, c'est l'heure de la dégustation !

How to photograph food 1. Get the right kit It's a myth that you need a super-wow camera to take nice food photographs. Entry-level DSLRs are quite reasonably priced these days and if you're shooting for a blog, the picture quality will be more than adequate. 2. Camera-mounted flashes are pretty much off-limits for food photographers; pouring in light front-on will flatten your dish and dispel any delicate natural shadows that were present beforehand. 3. Poor light is just one of those things. 4. While your viewer may only acknowledge them on a subconscious level, the choice of tablecloth/surface, plate and cutlery all subtly contribute to the mood and success of your shot. 5. Certain recipes have a strong graphic identity and will look striking when photographed from directly above, while other subjects (tiered cakes being a good example) often need to be shot from a lower angle. 6. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. 7. 8. 9. 10.

6 applis pour créer de superbes effets photos avec un iPhone L’appareil photo de l’iPhone permet de prendre des clichés dignes des meilleurs reflex moyen de gamme. Pour rendre vos photos encore plus belles et en faire de véritables petites oeuvres d’art, nous avons sélectionné pour vous les six meilleures applications d’édition photo disponible sur l’App Store. Vous faîtes partie de ces personnes qui trouvent que leurs photos manquent d’originalité et d’impact ? Rassurez-vous, nous allons vous dévoiler les secrets pour réussir la photo parfaite. Pour vous aider à trouver l’application de retouche photo idéale, nous avons fait un tour sur l’App Store et sélectionné les 6 applis photo les plus intéressantes. Pixomatic On commence cette sélection par l’application Pixomatic. Toutefois le véritable atout de cette application réside dans son outil de découpe intelligente capable de séparer un objet ou un personnage de premier plan d’un fond. Mais attention cette application ne se limite à pas au détourage de photos. Foodie Over Edit PicsArt Faded

How to blog about food: useful tips for new, emerging & aspiring bloggers | The Hungry Australian If you’re a new, emerging or aspiring food blogger, you’ll have lots of questions that need answers. I know because I am an emerging food blogger myself. I started The Hungry Australian in June 2011 but didn’t start blogging more frequently until September 2011. While I’d managed websites for previous employers, worked as an editor and freelance writer, I had no experience of blogging itself. Prior to starting my own blog I barely knew what a food blog was. So why did I start my own food blog? As I began blogging I had lots of questions. And the big question: how did the rockstar food bloggers – i.e. So I started looking for articles and posts that could help me. With only eight months of food blogging under my belt I am still finding my feet. 8 Tips for New, Emerging and Aspiring Food Bloggers 1) Create a content strategy Consciously decide what your blog is going to be about. 2) Produce the best writing you can What story are you trying to tell? 3) Invest in a digital SLR 6) Share the love

10 astuces pour prendre de belles photos culinaires avec son smartphone Les belles illustrations incitent les internautes à prolonger leur visite sur le site internet de votre restaurant et pourront sans aucun doute les tenter de vous rendre visite. Or vous avez sûrement sous la main un appareil plein de possibilités pour organiser une séance photo fructueuse et arranger vos photos : votre smartphone. Voici dix astuces pour réussir vos avec votre téléphone mobile. 1# Votre photo ne doit avoir qu’un seul modèle Choisissez Tout d’abord, lorsque vous prenez une photo de plat, concentrez-vous sur ce seul sujet. Le Keller Marclee 2# Fuyez les flashs Préférez la lumière naturelle provenant des fenêtres du restaurant L’éclairage de la photo est capitale et la source lumineuse idéale est sans aucune doute la lumière du jour donne les plus belles couleurs. La véranda 3# Pas de chichis Evitez le decorum inutile Désencombrez le fond de votre photographie, il est inutile de multiplier les détails décoratifs. Le Privé de dessert 4# Essayez tous les angles de prises de vue ! Folia

checkout Photographie culinaire : comment réussir à tous les coups ? Avec les beaux jours qui reviennent, les occasions de photographier de belles assiettes ne manquent pas. Alors comment photographier un plat cuisiné lors d’un mariage, d’un apéro entre amis au soleil couchant ou encore lors d’une belle fête d’été ? Voici tous nos conseils pour des photos culinaires réussies. 1- Une mise en scène soignée Afin que le rendu de votre photo soit irréprochable, il vous faudra réfléchir et faire attention à la mise en scène autour de votre plat. Donnez de la texture à votre photo culinaire : en jouant des nappes, serviette et autres couverts autour de votre plat. Faites attention au fond du décor : si l’on utilise des couleurs chaudes cela sera plutôt synonyme d’exotisme. Ne pas hésiter à jouer des contrastes de couleurs pour faire ressortir le produit. Faites attention aux détails : on nettoie l’assiette avant la prise de vue. 2 – Photographier un plat cuisiné : les réglages techniques 3 – La gestion de la lumière en photographie culinaire Ensuite ?
