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PassMark Software - CPU Benchmark Charts

PassMark Software - CPU Benchmark Charts

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How to Run Graphical Linux Desktop Applications from Windows 10’s Bash Shell Windows 10’s Bash shell doesn’t officially support graphical Linux desktop applications. Microsoft says this feature is designed only for developers who want to run Linux terminal utilities. But the underlying “Windows Subsystem for Linux” is more powerful than Microsoft lets on. It is possible to run graphical Linux applications in Windows 10, but bear in mind that it isn’t officially supported.

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19 tips to master ZBrush ZBrush is one of the easier 3D tools to get to grips with, meaning that with plenty of practice and the right tutorials, you can soon produce your own 3D art. However, if your aim is stunning results that are suitable for the big screen, then you're going to have to up your game a lot. The 17 best ZBrush tutorials Aside from checking out our list of great ZBrush tutorials, to help you out, we asked four A-list artists – Maarten Verhoeven, Gaurav Kumar, Madeleine Scott-Spencer and Matt Waggle for their pro tips on getting the most out of ZBrush to produce work that stands apart from the rest. Here's what they had to say.

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