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Dumbbell Exercises Complete with Animated Diagrams

Dumbbell Exercises Complete with Animated Diagrams
Dumbbell exercises form an integral part of most strength training programs. They can be used to develop the various different elements of strength such as maximal strength, hypertrophy or muscle mass, explosive power and strength endurance. Why Free Weights? Free weights such as dumbbells activate smaller stabilizing muscle groups to control the exercise. Resistance machines on the other hand, tend to work muscle groups in very strict planes of movement. The downside of this very strict movement is that while some muscle groups will become significantly stronger, other, smaller muscles are neglected. The other advantage dumbbell exercises have over machines is that they fit around your body so the movement can be performed correctly. Athletes typically favor dumbbell exercises over machines as they can replicate sport-specific movements more accurately. Exercises By Muscle Group The dumbbell exercises below have been divided into the major muscle groups of the body. Flat Chest Presses 1.

Animated Plyometric Exercises These animated lower body plyometric exercises can be used to develop power in any sport that involves sprinting, jumping, quick changes of direction and kicking etc. They are most effective when completed in conjunction with a suitable strength training program or following a phase of maximal strength training... For more details on how to develop a sport-specific strength and power program, and where plyometrics fits into the overall plan, see the sport specific approach to strength training programs. There is no evidence to suggest the risk of injury is increased during plyometric training in adults. For details on how to put together a safe and effective plyometric training program click here. Plyometric Exercise Intensity Not all plyometric exercises are equal in intensity. The number of plyometric exercises is typically kept to a minimum also. Correct exercise selection is essential! Lower Body Plyometric Exercises (Low Intensity) Squat Jumps1. Lateral Jump to Box1. Tuck Jumps1.

10 Weird and Mysterious Places on Earth digg 1. Mystery Spot Mystery Sport is a tourist attraction near Santa Cruz, California, famous because of its disrespect to the laws of physics and gravity. 2. The question about the triangle that swallows ships, planes and all the people with them still waits for its answer. 3. Socotra is archipelago the Horn of Africa and Arabic Peninsula, but the main island of Socotra is 95% of the whole landmass, while the rest is just small islands. 4. Mount Roraima is located on the triple border point between Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. 5. Rio Tinto is located in south-western Spainand originates from Sierra Morena mountains of Andalusia. 6. The Fly Geyser, near Gerlach, Nevada, is strange because it somehow grows up. 7. McMurdo Dry Valleys are located on Antarctica but, believe it or not, they lack snow. 8. The well known statues on the Easter Island, the moai, still remain mystery for the researchers. 9. 10. Racetrack Playa in California is well known due to its sailing stones.

Abdominal Muscle Exercises & Obliques 6 packs and toned tummy muscles is all achieveable if you're doing the right abdominal exercises. So why not check out all the abs exercises we have and start training like you mean it! The Netfit Team have created their first abdominals ebook, totally dedicated to helping you achieve a 6 pack and get the abdominal muscles that you want. The programs below are just a sample of what this great ebook can offer you, to find out more please follow this link if your serious about getting the 6 pack / flatter stomach that you deserve. The Abdominal workouts will strengthen your lower, upper and oblique abdominal muscles so whether you like kickboxing, swimming or freestyle skiing you're core can cope with it! Try and increase the amount of reps that you perform each week by 2, until you can comfortably perform 20 reps of each abdominal exercise. We also have some additional resources that cover related topics including abdominal techniques, and training exercises

5 Shockingly Advanced Ancient Buildings That Shouldn't Exist Back in the 1960s, surveyors in Turkey found an ancient buried complex composed of huge stone pillars arranged in a circle like Stonehenge, some of them 30 feet tall. What really knocked the monocles out of their eyes, however, was that this was much older than Stonehenge ... 6,000 years older. TeomancimitThe hieroglyphics translate to "First!" So those massive, ornate limestone pillars were carefully carved from a nearby quarry using hunks of flint rock and their bare hands. Having been dated to around 9000 B.C., Gobekli Tepe is thought to be the oldest human construction. TeomancimitIt was truly the golden age for Big Bad Wolves. In fact, the site even predates agriculture, which means that the people who built it were still chasing mammoths rather than planting crops. WikipediaWhile riding a unicycle. And this doesn't make much sense, because conventional knowledge has always been that humans didn't start building things until after we learned how to farm.

Weight Loss Basics | I Love Healthy Fitness If you are overweight, then losing weight should be done gradually, and steadily. The process should not be rushed, and one should never lose more than 10 pounds a week. This is the safest way to lose weight. There are several reasons why you weigh what you weigh. Just to clear the air…If you’re looking to lose weight effectively you will not find a magic pill or drink that will allow you to slim down without making any serious changes in your lifestyle. It’s sad but true! They seldom work at all or aren’t permanent in their effect. Goal Setting People who are obese or overweight have often, instead of dieting, resorted to exercise and eating healthy foods according to the rules set down by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, who recommend eating foods with low fat and more greens in them, such as vegetables and fruits, and grains also. Here are the steps someone would typically take to lose weight: Exercise or physical activity of any kind is a must if you want to lose weight.

Designing a Resistance Training Program - McKinley Health Center - University of Illinois Your fitness goal The first step to designing a resistance training program is establishing your fitness goal. The type and number of exercises, as well as the number of sets and repetitions will differ based on your fitness goal. Table content taken from Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, edited by Thomas Baechle for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Endurance and Health/Fitness programs are appropriate for inexperienced or currently inactive individuals. Your fitness plan The next step in designing your program is determining how many exercises you will include for each of the muscle groups. Rotation 1 Rest 60 - 90 seconds between sets. Rotation 2 Exercise suggestions The last step is choosing the specific exercises you want to do for each muscle group in your program. Upper Back Prone/seated rows Push-ups Pull-ups Lower Back Superman Trunk extension The plank Chest Bench press (flat, incline, decline) Flys Push-ups Biceps Curls Hammer curls Preacher curls Triceps

Minutes of Hard Exercise Can Lead to All-Day Calorie Burn Sprint interval training could cut time exercising while controlling weight Newswise — WESTMINSTER, CO (October 10, 2012)—Time spent in the drudgery of strenuous exercise is a well-documented turn-off for many people who want to get in better shape. In a new study, researchers show that exercisers can burn as many as 200 extra calories in as little as 2.5 minutes of concentrated effort a day—as long as they intersperse longer periods of easy recovery in a practice known as sprint interval training. Kyle Sevits, Garrett Peltonen, Rebecca Scalzo, Scott Binns, Anna Klochak, Christopher Melby, and Christopher Bell, all of Colorado State University, and Edward Melanson and Tracy Swibas, both of University of Colorado Anschultz Medical Campus, compared volunteers’ energy expenditures on two different days, one in which they performed a sprint interval workout on a stationary bicycle. Sprint Interval Trainer? Comment/Share

What To Do if You Just Lost Your Android Handset So you lost your Android. Maybe it got stolen, or maybe you’re just forgetful. Whatever the reason may be, you need to find your Android as soon as possible. Today, we’re going to show you exactly how to do that: Step 1) Use Android Device Manager Google recently revealed a feature called the Android Device Manager that locates the exact geographic location of your phone and allows you to ring your device or even remotely erase it. How easy is it to use? If your phone is lost in the couch, then Android Device Manager will help you safely find it. Step 2) Consider calling your phone If you live in a friendly city or lost your phone at a party/gathering of friends, then the person may simply be holding onto your phone in the hopes of returning it to you. This step is really important to try at least twice before moving onto the more drastic steps. Step 3) Call your service provider and deactivate your device from the network Step 4) Change personal account passwords on your computer
