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On the Commons

Elinor Ostrom Debunks Tragedy of the Commons Nobel Prize-winning economist Elinor Ostrom proved that people can—and do—work together to manage commonly-held resources without degrading them. posted Oct 27, 2009 The biggest roadblock standing in the way of many people’s recognition of the importance of the commons came tumbling down when Indiana University professor Elinor Ostrom won the Nobel Prize for Economics. Garrett Hardin described the Tragedy of the Commons with a hypothetical example of shared herding land: If all herders make the individually rational economic decision of increasing the number of cows they graze on the land, the collective effect will deplete or destroy the common. Over many decades, Ostrom has documented how various communities manage common resources—grazing lands, forests, irrigation waters, fisheries—equitably and sustainably over the long term. Garrett Hardin himself later revised his own view, noting that what he described was actually the Tragedy of the Unmanaged Commons. -Elinor Ostrom YES!

It's a Shareable Life - A Practical Guide to Sharing Economy by Chelsea Rustrum Time Magazine dubbed the Collaborative Consumption one of the top 10 ideas that will change the world. The three co-authors (Chelsea, Gabriel and Alex) of It's a Shareable Life have cumulatively hosted over 100 people on Couchsurfing, earned over $50,000 on Airbnb, coworked from all over the world, and made hundreds of dollars per month sharing their cars – just to name a few. With their hands on experience and observations, this trio will give you the low down on the new sharing economy. - Work from anywhere - Travel the world on a backpacker budget- Live rent free- Find work even in a down economy- Have a new car for every occasion Chelsea, Gabriel and Alex spent the last 12 months researching, filming and writing about the new sharing economy from all angles. We wrote this book from the user perspective with tons of how-tos, case studies and tips and tricks. Now we’re in the process of self-publishing and we need your help. How about an awesome t-shirt your friends will be jealous of?

Le bien commun : l'assaut final - Un documentaire de Carole Poliquin Nombreux sont ceux qui pensent qu’en France le projet de loi « Création et Internet » (ou Hadopi) n’est pas qu’une simple question technique et juridique pour endiguer le « piratage », mais se situe bien au delà, sur le front politique et sociétal de la défense des biens communs contre une « marchandisation » croissante des activités humaines, ici la culture[1]. C’est pourquoi il nous a semblé intéressant de proposer aux lecteurs de passage un « vieux » documentaire que vous n’avez peut-être pas eu l’occasion de voir à sa sortie en 2002 (durée : 1 heure). Il a pour titre Le bien commun : l’assaut final et a été réalisé par la québécoise Carole Poliquin (dont nous avons obtenu accord pour diffusion). Voici ce qu’en disait Bernard Langlois dans le journal Politis : Sur le fond, c’est une charge très argumentée, très démonstrative contre la mondialisation libérale, nourrie de reportages et de témoignages recueillis au Canada, au Mexique, aux États-Unis, en Inde, en France. Loaded: 0% - Being a Freeworlder (Press Release July 2013) Details Published: Wednesday, 10 July 2013 09:16 Written by Colin Turner Hits: 6175 Being a Freeworlder Colin Turner (a.k.a. freeworlder), believes that a world without money is possible and is about to put his 'no-money' where his mouth is to prove it. Colin, founder of the The Free World Charter movement, which outlines the base principles for a money-free society, is all set to embark on a round-the-world odyssey on this July without money, relying only on the good will of people and his own wits to get around. Irishman Colin, 44, says: “I believe that a world without money is not just possible, but preferable – and urgently necessary for humanity to progress.” He continues, “We humans are a social species. “I want to do my part to show that life beyond money is not just possible, but better. Colin, a professional guitarist and singer, will be leaving behind his music career in Dublin on the 28th of July and is looking for support from people around the world to help him on his journey.

Digital Library Of The Commons Digital Library of the Commons hidden Image DatabaseExport Citations Menu: Search the DLC Advanced Search Browse the DLC My Account Commons Links DLC Home Digital Library Of The Commons Repository The Digital Library of the Commons (DLC) is a gateway to the international literature on the commons. Submit an Item DLC is a collaborative project of the: Generous funding has also been provided by the: About The Commons Feedback - Tell us about your user experience Select a Document Type Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis | 513 N.

The Moneyless Manifesto | Mark Boyle IASC COMMONS (iasc_commons) Bitcoins, ¿tiene futuro o es el futuro? — Partido de la Red No hay dudas que Internet revoluciona todo lo que toca. Con la creación de esta moneda virtual, ahora le tocó el turno al sistema monetario. Empecemos por aclarar que los Bitcoins son una moneda virtual que todo el mundo puede comprar y vender fácilmente, sin ningún tipo de restricción, como aquellas a las cuáles nos tiene acostumbrado el sistema financiero en general. Lo más interesante de este caso es que NO existe ningún Banco Central que las cree, sino que es la propia gente la que, a través de resolver ecuaciones aleatorias online, obtiene Bitcoins como contrapartida. ¿Qué quiere decir esto? No hay un Banco Central que respalde la emisión monetaria. El otro punto a destacar de esta moneda virtual, creada por Satoshi Nakamoto allá por el año 2009, es otra propiedad opuesta a las tradicionales monedas estatales: es finita. Agustina Comelli.

Tomales Bay Institute: The Commons Rising (PDF) | fírgoa Tomales Bay Institute: The Commons Rising (PDF) From public schools and universities to public lands and other natural resources, from the media with their broadcast and digital spectrums to scientific discovery and medical breakthroughs, a broad range of the American commons is shifting from public responsibility to private exploitation. — Bill Moyers The idea of the free market has become so widespread it’s hard to remember when public stadiums weren’t named for private corporations. But evidence is mounting—from catastrophic climate disruption to unprecedented disparities in wealth—that our present corporate-dominated economic system is leading to ecological and social disaster. In fact, there is an alternative, and it’s on the rise.

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