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Communicate if Your Government Shuts Off Your Internet

Communicate if Your Government Shuts Off Your Internet
From Wired How-To Wiki Scenario: Your government is displeased with the communication going on in your location and pulls the plug on your internet access, most likely by telling the major ISPs to turn off service. This is what happened in Egypt Jan. 25 prompted by citizen protests, with sources estimating that the Egyptian government cut off approximately 88 percent of the country's internet access. What do you do without internet? This article is part of a wiki anyone can edit. Preventive measures Make your network tangible Print out your contact list, so your phone numbers aren’t stuck in the cloud. Broadcast on the radio CB Radio: Short for "Citizens Band" radio, these two-way radios allow communication over short distances on 40 channels. Ham radio: To converse over these radios, also known as "amateur radios," you have to obtain an operator's license from the FCC. Microbroadcasting: Microbroadcasting is the process of broadcasting a message to a relatively small audience. Phone Fax

Escalation. This week in Developmental Psychology class I presented a paper on dating violence in teenage relationships. I'm not going to rehash the paper here, because it's boring and Google-vulnerable, but I wanted to share the most interesting conclusion I found. How much conflict there is in a relationship, or the seriousness of the conflict issues, are not predictors of whether there will be violence. The biggest predictor is the degree to which conflicts in the relationship escalate. The studies I read looked at dating violence, which is not the same thing as dating abuse, although obviously there's lots of overlap. Dating violence simply means that there's hitting/shoving/slapping; emotional abuse and controlling behavior aren't factored in. The takehome is that we shouldn't be teaching teenagers (and grownups) to avoid conflict. De-escalation means bringing someone down from an irrational, emotionally hyperaroused, screamy-hitty state, but it does not mean appeasement. •Project calmness.

untitled Monthly donors (our Guardians of Liberty) enable us to respond to urgent threats to our civil liberties. They provide us with the resources to stop: Attempts to suppress free speech Politicians from denying women reproductive freedom Racially-biased practices in our criminal justice system Join today with a monthly donation. Frequently Asked Questions about the Guardians of Liberty Program Where does my money go? What payment methods do you accept? When will I be charged? Can I change my donation? Can I cancel? Will I still need to renew my membership? Are my monthly gifts tax-deductible?

Chart Porn From Capitalism To Democracy Reino Unido quiere implantar “cajas negras” que permitan espiar a los ciudadanos en la red La privacidad de los usuarios en el Reino Unido está en entredicho con el controvertido proyecto de ley que se debate en el Parlamento de Londres. De aprobarse, la ley permitirá que el Gobierno acceda a todo lo que se escribe y publica en la red. Mientras las autoridades hablan de un proyecto de ley sobre comunicación y datos que identifique diferentes tipos de crímenes, los críticos y defensores de derechos temen que el proyecto de ley sea capaz de crear un régimen totalitario online en el país. ¿Y cómo? Mientras, el Ministerio de Interior del Reino Unido dice que sólo se recopilará información y datos sobre el remitente y el destinatario pero no el contenido de la comunicación. Los primeros en hablar sobre el el peligro de esta regulación han sido activistas y defensores de la privacidad, quienes temen que la propuesta pase por encima de las libertades personales sin proporcionar la seguridad que se asegura. Tal y como está escrita, le da al gobierno un poder demasiado amplio.

The Shadow Superpower - By Robert Neuwirth With only a mobile phone and a promise of money from his uncle, David Obi did something the Nigerian government has been trying to do for decades: He figured out how to bring electricity to the masses in Africa's most populous country. It wasn't a matter of technology. David is not an inventor or an engineer, and his insights into his country's electrical problems had nothing to do with fancy photovoltaics or turbines to harness the harmattan or any other alternative sources of energy. Instead, 7,000 miles from home, using a language he could hardly speak, he did what traders have always done: made a deal. He contracted with a Chinese firm near Guangzhou to produce small diesel-powered generators under his uncle's brand name, Aakoo, and shipped them home to Nigeria, where power is often scarce. David's deal, struck four years ago, was not massive -- but it made a solid profit and put him on a strong footing for success as a transnational merchant. I like the phrase. We should be too.

U.K. spy chief sees 'disturbing' volume of cyberattacks | Security A significant but unsuccessful cyberattack was launched on the U.K. Foreign Office and other government departments this summer, according to the head of the country's communications spy agency. Iain Lobban, director of the U.K.'s Government Communications Headquarters, wrote today in a piece for The Times, based in London, that there was a "disturbing" volume of e-crime and attacks on government and industry systems. "I can attest to attempts to steal British ideas and designs--in the IT, technology, defence, engineering and energy sectors as well as other industries--to gain commercial advantage or to profit from secret knowledge of contractual arrangements," Lobban wrote.

Golpe com certificados digitais falsos leva DigiNotar à falência - Mercado Autoridade de certificação digital entrou com pedido de falência um mês após admitir que hackers geraram certificados SSL de forma ilegal. A autoridade holandesa de certificação digital DigiNotar entrou com pedido de falência na segunda-feira (19/9). A informação foi confirmada na terça-feira (20/9) pela empresa controladora Vasco, dos EUA. Em agosto, a DigiNotar admitiu que hackers tinham gerado vários certificados SSL de forma ilegal, incluindo um para o site Mais tarde, descobriu-se que o certificado foi utilizado para espionar cerca de 300 mil iranianos por meio de suas contas de Gmail. A DigiNotar admitiu ter detectado a invasão em 19 de julho, mas manteve o caso em segredo por mais de um mês, deixando de avisar seus clientes - entre eles, o próprio governo da Holanda. A Vasco comprou a DigiNotar em janeiro, por 13,1 milhões de dólares.

Centros de Excelência e o desafio de uma gestão holística em “ecossistemas” complexos A constante busca pela otimização, demandará profissionais com visão holística e com grande percepção dos eventos organizacionais, nas empresas, unido à estratégia aos processos. Os profissionais deverão moldar as atividades, alinhando-as com a definição da alta direção, com processos, que deverão iniciar e terminar, passando por vários pilares funcionais, os departamentos. Mudar o foco da visão, hoje: no cliente, para: do cliente. Eles deverão definir e controlar indicadores e planos de iniciativas, objetivando obter resultados balanceados e sustentáveis, facilmente comunicáveis para todos os níveis da organização e parceiros. Os profissionais deverão buscar meios para disponibilizar indicadores preditivos, para possibilitar ações proativas, com o suporte de tecnologia com o CEP (Complex Event Processing) e RPM (Responsive Process Management). Corriqueiramente, ocorrem parcerias entre fornecedores e clientes, que proporcionam sinergia e reeducação de custos.

FBI: Spies Hid Secret Messages on Public Websites | Danger Room Moscow communicated with a ring of alleged spies in America by encoding instructions in otherwise innocent-looking images on public websites. It’s a process called steganography. And it’s one of a slew of high-tech and time-tested methods that the deep-cover agents and their Russian handlers used to pass information — from private Wi-Fi networks to buried paper bags. Steganography is simultaneously one of the oldest methods for secret communications, and one of the more advanced. As information went digital, steganography changed. Both before and after Sept. 11, there were rumors in the media that al-Qaida had begun hiding messages in digital porn. The accused Russian spy network started using steganography as early as 2005, according to the Justice Department’s criminal complaint against the conspirators, unsealed yesterday in Manhattan. The G-Men also found a hard drive. These messages were used to arrange meetings, cash drops, deliveries of laptops and further information exchanges.

PlayStation Network hack launched from Amazon EC2 High performance access to file storage The hackers who breached the security of Sony's PlayStation Network and gained access to sensitive data for 77 million subscribers used Amazon's web services cloud to launch the attack, Bloomberg News reported. The attackers rented a server from Amazon's EC2 service and penetrated the popular network from there, the news outlet said, citing an unnamed person with knowledge of the matter. The hackers supplied fake information to Amazon. The account has now been closed. Neither Sony nor Amazon commented on the claims. Bloomberg doesn't say how Amazon's cloud service was used to mount the attack. German security researcher Thomas Roth earlier this year showed how tapping the EC2 service allowed him to crack Wi-Fi passwords in a fraction of the time and for a fraction of the cost of using his own computing gear. In both cases, those tapping the Amazon cloud did so as paid customers. The Bloomberg article is here

March RSA Hack Hits Lockheed, Remote Systems Breached A March attack on RSA's SecurID authentication service has possibly claimed its first big victim: Lockheed Martin. According to a source speaking to Reuters, unknown hackers have broken into Lockheed Martin's security systems by using duplicate SecurID tokens to spoof legitimate authentications into the network. These SecurID tokens are analogous to Blizzard's World of Warcraft Authenticators: Tiny little keyfobs that display an ever-changing code one must enter to log into a protected service. Lockheed hasn't issued comment on alleged breach itself, leading only to speculation as to what data, if any, those breaching the company's network were able to acquire. But the plunder could be vast: Lockheed is the nation's largest military contractor, and it undoubtedly has treasure troves of data about existing and future weapons systems as well as information related to the various cybersecurity services the company provides. So how did the hackers do it?

Risk REPORT Brasil está offline em cibersegurança Desde 1989 o Brasil vem articulando uma legislação específica para os crimes na Internet. Em todos esses anos, foi um vai e vem de discussões de direito, deveres e privacidade. No ano passado o projeto de Lei n° 89 de 2003, denominado de “Projeto Azeredo”, foi aprovado no Senado, mas voltou para a Câmara devido às irregularidades no texto. “Mesmo com as imperfeições de texto, a aprovação desse projeto seria um passo importante que o Brasil poderia ter dado em questão de Segurança na Web. Para Dr. “Os projetos de Lei ainda estão em discussão, temos que acompanhar de perto. Outro problema destacado por Dr. “Uma série de fraudes no e-commerce e no setor financeiro não estão nas estatísticas. Para o delegado, ainda existe muita preocupação com a reputação da marca da empresa e esse é um dos principais motivos para a não divulgação de ataques virtuais.

Na guerra cibernética, Brasil adota estratégia do contra-ataque - Brasil O Quartel General do Exército brasileiro para a guerra do século XXI fica no 3º andar, bloco “G” do Setor Militar Urbano de Brasília. É de lá, operando um pequeno notebook, que o general José Carlos dos Santos prepara sua tropa para enfrentar um inimigo invisível: hackers e vírus que invadem redes do governo, capturam segredos e destroem programas essenciais para a defesa do País. Foto: iG Brasília General José Carlos dos Santos, que comanda o CDCiber Comandante do Centro de Defesa Cibernética (CDCiber) do Exército brasileiro, esse engenheiro de telecomunicações, de 58 anos, casado e pai de dois filhos, ganhou, por conta da nova missão, o apelido de General Firewall – numa referência ao nome genérico dos programas que barram a invasão de vírus e de hackers. “Nossa política é de defesa-ativa”, disse o general Santos para depois exemplificar como se dá a estratégia brasileira de atuação na proteção de suas redes de informação. Cerca de 30 mil ataques diários Do fio ao wifi
