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MusicBrainz Picard

MusicBrainz Picard

Cover Art Archive CritiqueBrainz MetaBrainz Foundation AcousticBrainz About MusicBrainz Database The MusicBrainz Database stores all of the various pieces of information we collect about music, from artists and their releases to works and their composers, and much more. Note: We do not actually store or have access to any of the music recordings! Most of the data in the MusicBrainz Database is licensed under CC0, which effectively places the data into the Public Domain. That means that anyone can download the data and use it in any way they want. The remaining data is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. All our data is available for commercial licensing. What can I do with MusicBrainz? If you have a digital music collection, MusicBrainz Picard will help you tag your files. If you are a developer, our developer resources will help you in making use of our data. If you are a commercial user, our live data feed will provide your local database with replication packets to keep it in sync.

MetaBrainz Foundation
