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12 Architects that Changed the World

12 Architects that Changed the World
From time to time, there is a great artist that changes the way we perceive masterpieces and other people and gives us new emotions. Still, humanity gives birth to visionaries in other domains as well. And architecture is yet another great field where these bright minds create marvels and change perspectives. Some architects are even responsible for creating masterpieces with an emotional impact on people and can change the way we perceive cities and countries. Artists or not, these farsighted architects, were and many continue to be, the masters in redesigning our future. Here are 12 great builders that through their innovation spirit and devotion changed our world. 1. His portrait Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho is considered to be a pioneer in creating new possibilities for using the reinforced concrete just for aesthetical reasons. Source His work Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói Image source Image source Museu Oscar Niemeyer Image source Image source 2. His portrait 3.

World Architecture News, Official Home Page, architecture news, architecture jobs How to become famous without building anything | The Good Oil To be a good architect, you must have a modicum of talent and many happy clients, pleased with your buildings. You won't be able to pay your bills, otherwise. You Just Have to be Fabulous Consider that Dame Zaha Hadid, one of the most lauded and famous architects of our time, was lauded and famous before she ever built so much as a brick sh*thouse. Being a famous architect requires little contact with reality; only an indulgent benefactor who will pay your bills year after year. Why you don't want to win a competition The last thing that you as a potential genius wants is to win a competition before you are forty and your patron's money and tolerance has run out. You've spent your life designing self-indulgent fantasies. You probably won a competition in a country you've never set foot in, so you have no more idea of local building regulations and customs than you have of quantum mechanics. And then there is the actual builder! Our Simple Plan for International Fame
