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Computational Thinking (CT) is a problem solving process that includes a number of characteristics and dispositions. CT is essential to the development of computer applications, but it can also be used to support problem solving across all disciplines, including math, science, and the humanities. Students who learn CT across the curriculum can begin to see a relationship between subjects as well as between school and life outside of the classroom. CT involves a number of skills, including: These skills are supported and enhanced by a number of dispositions or attitudes that include: Confidence in dealing with complexity Persistence in working with difficult problems Tolerance for ambiguity The ability to deal with open ended problems The ability to communicate and work with others to achieve a common goal or solution See our Computational Thinking Concepts Guide for a printable version of this list, along with teaching tips for each concept. Related:  Achievements & Professional Development

Insanity In Education: Making The Same Mistakes Insanity In Education: 52 Mistakes We Make Over And Over Again by Terry Heick The context for this one is simple enough–what mistakes do we constantly make in education that hold us back from the best versions of ourselves? From realizing our collective potential as a construct, field, and industry? What mistakes do we make over and over and over again, expecting a different result each time? Probably a lot, but 52 is enough for now. Forget learning should be fun.Stigmatize failure.Think of children like little adults.Gamify compliance to institutional policies instead of social change and disruptive creativity.Place students on the periphery when we design, plan, and respond to their learning. The Definition Of Insanity In Education: 52 Mistakes We Make Over And Over Again

Citation Machine: Format & Generate Citations – APA, MLA, & Chicago Actualización Docente Siglo XXI: “#Twitter en el Aula Flip” por SMBerdaxagar Lograr que los alumnos: Accedan a temas gramaticales en inglés a partir de terceros sitios y a redes sociales horizontales y verticales. Interpreten citas extraídas de twitter referentes a canciones y a textos de celebridades y anónimos internacionales en inglés. Creen nuevas frases de expresión de temas universales desde su subjetividad y las difundan. Utilicen recursos de twitter como hashtag para compartirlas y difundan los hallazgos y creaciones. Realicen una creación digital utilizando aplicaciones sugeridas. Citas memorables o ingeniosas sobre temas universales.

explore educational challenges Among explore's founding principles are “Share What You Know” and “Never Stop Learning.” The films profile issues facing the environment, education, human rights, public health, philosophy, animal welfare, spirituality, and disabilities. The lesson plans accompanying explore’s films are written for use in the K – 12 classroom and are connected to grade level national standards. Enjoy exploring the minds of the people who will solve many of the issues profiled in these films.

Docente expuso en Foro Argentino de Docentes (Quemú Quemú) - Un trabajo sobre tecnología de la profesora quemuense Stella Berdaxagar fue seleccionado entre un total de 400 de toda Latinoamérica para ser presentado el pasado 15 de agosto en el Foro Argentino de Docentes Innovadores 2012 organizado por Microsoft en colaboración con Intel. A raíz de esto, la educadora a su vez fue invitada a participar en octubre de un Congreso Internacional en Perú. Berdaxagar es profesora de Inglés y cuenta con 32 años de experiencia como docente en el Instituto Secundario Privado Amadeo Jacques. A través del sitio Docentes Innovadores de Latinoamérica presentó un total de 23 experiencias sobre Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC´s). Una de esas ideas fue seleccionada entre un total de 400 y, la semana pasada, la docente viajó a Buenos Aires como única representante de La Pampa para exponer sobre su trabajo denominado "La Wiki: una alternativa de comunicación, aprendizaje y socialización". Propuesta."

Teacher Stories : Stella Berdaxagar | Themeefy Blog We are happy to present Stella Maris Berdaxagar, an Edmodo Support Ambassador and ESL teacher at Academia de inglés Internacional. Ms. Berdaxagar signed up on Themeefy as a part of her role to find, share and promote new tools in EdTech. Did you have any special requirements for this Theme or your class? I am one of the Edmodo Support Ambassadors and I am always looking for new tools to share within the communities. I wanted to try the platform at the ESL centre where I prepare my lessons with assorted tools. Did you face any issues while creating the Theme? I did not have any issues. Finally, what was your students’ reaction to the Theme? It was very well received by my students. Microsoft Educator Network - Resources : Learning Activities : "Extendiendo el Aula con Redes Sociales." Gold level Published on 9/29/2013 Like 1 Lograr que el alumno decodifique textos multimediales y se exprese como prosumidor a través de redes sociales . Created for Ages 11 - 13 Ages 14 - 18 Subject English as a second language (ESL) Twenty-first century skills 21st Century Skills Collaboration Communication Knowledge building & critical thinking Global awareness & civic literacy ICT for learning Problem solving & innovation (creativity) Student self-assessment Learning activity details Intentando sortear dificultades de conexión y limitaciones tecnológicas se les provee a los alumnos de una alternativa de enseñanza virtual a través de las redes sociales propiciando interacción ,evaluación permanente, colaboración y retroalimentación en tiempo asincrónico y extendido. Supporting resources Sign in to view or download resources Why do I need to sign in?

Microsoft Educator Network - Resources : Learning Activities : Del Pago Chico a la Aldea Global en Inglés. Gold level Published on 10/13/2014 Like 1 • Produzcan textos sencillos, adecuando género, tono, estructura y extensión al contexto con apoyatura de tutoriales y uso de diccionarios. • Realicen un uso adecuado de los recursos digitales para investigar un tema de estudio y para integrar saberes con ciudadanía digital. • Desarrollen pensamiento crítico que les permita comprender procesos evolutivos , superar obstáculos y hallar alternativas. Subject English as a second language (ESL) Technology/ICT World Languages 21st Century Skills Collaboration Communication Knowledge building & critical thinking Global awareness & civic literacy ICT for learning Problem solving & innovation (creativity) Student self-assessment Required hardware Tablet Instructional approach Project based learning (PBL) Personalized learning Direct instruction Independent study Learning activity details Supporting resources Sign in to view or download resources Why do I need to sign in?
