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This Will Be The Last Article You Read Editor’s Note: Nir Eyal writes about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business at He is the author of the forthcoming book “Hooked: How to Drive Engagement by Creating User Habits”. Follow him on Twitter @nireyal. If the Internet had a voice, I am fairly certain it would sound like the HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. “Hello, Nir,” it said to me in its low, monotone voice. “Internet, I just need a few quick things for an article I’m writing,” I’d reply. “Of course, Nir, but while you are here, won’t you look at what Paul Graham just wrote?” “No, Internet,” I’d resist. “Of course, Nir,” the Internet would say. “Interesting.” Three hours later I would realize the time I’d wasted clicking and curse the Internet for sucking me into its mind vortex yet again. Ironically, I research and write about seductive technology and yet I struggle to resist its temptations. For knowledge workers like me, our work and play display on the same screens. The No-Read Rule

How 'content curators' are connecting consumers | Changing Advertising Summit Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Evidence of the rise and rise of social media is not hard to find. In recent months alone Facebook exceeded 750 million users, LinkedIn went public, Twitter generated 1bn tweets a week. Photograph: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images The success of social networks and the move to socialise many others aspects of the web – from content and search to deals and commerce – has captured the imagination of analysts, content creators and brands. "It's no longer just social media that's social any more – all media is becoming social thanks to the maturation of creative tools and digital distribution," says Troy Young, president of SAY Media, the vertical media business with online properties including Remodelista. Evidence of the rise and rise of social media is not hard to find. Technology has democratised publishing. New technology is creating new opportunities to socially interact, too. Technology is also enabling end users to become their own content curator.

Nest and Beyond: A Beginner's Guide to Home Automation What if all the devices in your life could connect to the Internet? Not just computers and smartphones, but everything: clocks, garage doors, speakers, lights, doors, windows, window blinds, door bells, hot water heaters, appliances, you name it. And what if those devices could all communicate, send you information, and take your commands? Home automation is what it sounds like: automating the ability to control items around the house—from window shades to pet feeders—with a simple push of a button (or a voice command). Still, imagine monitoring your home using an interface on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, or even panels mounted around the house. Home automation is going mainstream. Home-Automation Technologies Before you buy a bunch of home-automation products, it helps to understand the technologies involved in setting up and using them. This granddaddy of home automation protocols dates back to the 1970s and has gone from power line-based to wireless. ZigBee Z-Wave Insteon Wi-Fi

我的家叫做台灣。Change the present "Taiwan, Province of China" to "Taiwan" Taiwan is definitely not "a province of China". We, the Taiwanese, have elected our leader through direct democratic means, fully support the democratic rights of self-determination, and the entitlement to certain inalienable rights of all humanity.Taiwan has its own political, postal, financial, and socioeconomic systems that is run independently. We are citizens of Taiwan, not China. There is no "Taiwan, Province of China" in any of our documentation indicating our citizenship to Taiwan or any relevant information. If the ISO does not rectify this problem, it would further increase our own pains of our identity being overruled. Due to present ISO standards, any statement made on a form in the Internet would change "Taiwan" as "Taiwan, Province of China". The link below is the key evidence of the imperative need to rectify this mistake. 本簽署目的在鄭重要求:國際標準組織(ISO) 將台灣列為「中國.台灣省」更正成為「台灣」!

Twitter Brand Pages by Twylah | Get a custom brand page for your tweets. A Place of Record: Let The World Know Everyday people from all over the world register hashtags with Twubs. Registration provides you with a record of your claim that can be used in any trademark or other legal challenge. We record the date of registration and the important details regarding the registrant. Protect your future, register today. SEO For Free: Enhance Your Search Engine Optimization Strategy No SEO strategy is complete without Twubs hashtag registration. Market Presence: Brandable, Media-Rich Hashtag Landing Pages Branded hashtag pages are the missing link for any hashtag marketing strategy. Safe Content: Customizable Feed. You are in control. Hashtags are a great way to organize your followers and get the word out about your brand.

A Showcase Of Beautiful And Clever Landing Pages This is a guest post by Alex Black. You can have an incredible, brilliantly coded and stunningly useful product that solves people’s problems – but if your landing page is awkwardly designed, complicated or hard to navigate, then you are probably leaving money on the table. Landing pages that aren’t as intuitive, persuasive or as nicely designed as they are likely to have lower conversion rates. This means fewer people will try out and eventually buy your product, or even tell friends about it. We’ve brought together a showcase of beautiful and clever landing pages. Clever because they show off the product, and give customers enough information to make an informed decision. Flutter The comic style makes the Flutter landing page very personal. Flutter is a app that allows you to control your music with gestures via your webcam. Tips & Trip Tips & Trip instantly tells you that their product is about travel. Tips & Trip is an app that helps you share your travel experiences with friends. Stripe

Ne pas confondre veille et curation Il apparait aujourd’hui deux termes bien distincts dans le lexique des community managers : la veille et la curation. Ces termes mettent en évidence deux pratiques ayant pour but la diffusion de contenu à un public visé, mais par des biais différents. La veille médiatique consiste en une surveillance d’un sujet donné sur les médias et leurs productions liées à l’actualité. Un public différent La première particularité que l’on peut noter est sans doute le fait que l’information n’est pas destinée au même public. Pour la curation de contenu, l’information est recherchée en masse, puis triée, puis rediffusée à un public s’intéressant à l’entreprise. Une méthodologie différente Ces deux techniques de recherche d’informations sont aujourd’hui basées essentiellement sur Twitter. La troisième méthode étant une des plus efficaces et sans doute le fait d’avoir une information nouvelle en dehors du cadre du web social mais bien sûr dans notre vie réelle (IRL : In Real Life).

Mandarin Duck: Order a Journal Pick a journal type and size.Select your theme. (You are probably already inspired by some movie, book, fairytale, particular style or some of my previously made journals. That would be enough for me and you to start a conversation and to discuss the possible ways of how your future journal could look like.) My GALLERY SECTION holds all of my journals and previously made custom orders. So make sure you take a look for more inspiration.) After your payment is made - give me up to 2-4 weeks to work on your order. Custom sized journals as well as specific journal requests are possible to do. A6 [Front cover ONLY] - £150 / $230* A6 [Back & Front cover] - £180 / $275* A6 [Back & front + Spine or Leather Strap] - £200 / $310* A6 [Back & front with leather strap ,magnet and book spine] - £230 / $355* A5 [Front cover ONLY] - £300 / $463* A5 [Back & Front cover] - £370 / $570* A5 [Back & front + Spine or Leather Strap] - £400 / $615* A4 [Front cover ONLY] - £600 / $925* CUSTOM MADE JEWELRY or FIGURINES

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