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Architect Alvaro Siza Homepage

Architect Alvaro Siza Homepage

Alvaro Siza Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Álvaro. Álvaro Joaquim de Melo Siza Vieira, né le 25 juin 1933 à Matosinhos dans la banlieue de Porto (Portugal), est un architecte portugais. Il fait partie des grandes figures de l'architecture contemporaine. Formation[modifier | modifier le code] Siza devient l’élève de Fernando Távora, puis il collabore avec son agence entre 1955 et 1958 où il obtient deux importants projets à sa propre charge : la piscine dans la Quinta da Conceição (1958) et le salon de thé, le Boa Nova à Leça da Palmeira (1958-1963). Il collabore avec Eduardo Souto de Moura, par exemple sur le pavillon du Portugal de l'Expo '98 à Lisbonne et à l'Expo 2000 à Hanovre, ainsi que sur le pavillon d'architecture de la Serpentine Gallery de 2005. De renommée internationale, Siza reste profondément attaché à l'enseignement. Philosophie de projet[modifier | modifier le code] Projets marquants[modifier | modifier le code]

New Urbanity: Siza in Evora Alvaro Siza’s project for housing in Quinta da Malagueira outside the ancient city of Evora. Begun in 1977, the neighbourhood is an immediate product of the revolution of the carnations in 1974 and the work of SAAL. The morphology of the original Roman settlement is continued through the design of 1200 low-cost, single family units, with arcades to the public areas. Harvard University Graduate School of Design recognised the design with the award in 1988 of the Prince of Wales Prize. These photographs will feature in the forthcoming exhibition "New Urbanity: The European City of the 21st Century" at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) showing from 5 December 2008 until 22 February 2009 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The project will be supported by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, Germany.The exhibition focuses on the public space of the modern European city and its architecture.

Legorreta+Legorreta Ubicación: Ciudad de México, México Área: 40,000 m² Cliente: Grupo Gigante Arquitecto Asociado: Parque Humano Arquitecto Asociado en centro comercial: Grupo Architech Año: En Construcción Con usos mixtos de vivienda, oficinas, comercio, entretenimiento y estacionamiento, el proyecto responde a las necesidades del mercado, pero también establece un balance para obtener los beneficios de un plan maestro con áreas comunes para la convivencia de diferentes sectores de la población, logrando un verdadero centro urbano, un hito arquitectónico y no un proyecto aislado dentro de la ciudad. Esta entrada fue publicada en 2010´s, Categoría, Conjuntos Habitacionales, Cronológico, En construcción, México, Planes maestros, Proyectos y clasificada en 2010, distrito federal, Grupo Gigante, LEGORRETA + LEGORRETA, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Moliere. Guarda el enlace permanente. o deja un trackback: URL del Trackback.

BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group Sobre luzinterruptus Somos un colectivo artístico anónimo, que llevamos a cabo intervenciones urbanas en espacios públicos. Utilizamos la luz como materia prima y la noche como lienzo. Los componentes del equipo venimos de disciplinas como el arte y la fotografía y hemos querido aplicar nuestra creatividad en una acción común, dejar luces encendidas por la ciudad con la intención de que otros nos las apaguen. Empezamos a actuar en las calles de Madrid a finales del 2008 con la simple idea de poner un punto de atención luminoso a problemas que detectamos en la ciudad y que parecen pasar desapercibidos a las autoridades y a los ciudadanos. Pero no todo lo que hacemos tiene un punto subversivo, en algunas ocasiones simplemente queremos embellecer, o sacar del anonimato, lugares o rincones que nos parecen especiales u objetos a los que otorgamos un valor artístico extraordinario, aunque hayan sido dejados al azar, en la vía publica, sin ninguna intención artística, por gente anónima.

ALVARO SIZA Alvaro Siza Vieira est né en 1933 au Portugal à Matosinhos ; il est l'une des grandes figures de l'architecture contemporaine. De 1949 à 1955, il étudie à l'École supérieure des beaux-arts de Porto. Alors sous la direction de Carlos Ramos et de Fernando Távora, l'établissement connaît une profonde rénovation qui amorce ce courant appelé par l'historien de l'architecture Kenneth Frampton le « régionalisme critique ». En réaction à l'académisme d'inspiration nationale prôné par le régime de Salazar, il s'agissait de trouver le chemin d'un certain modernisme en puisant aux sources locales, aux techniques artisanales, et en revenant à la tradition des maisons populaires blanches et dépouillées. Sensible aux paysages, à la topographie, aux agencements spatiaux, Alvaro Siza dans ses différentes réalisations poursuit une réflexion esthétique très élaborée. Alvaro Siza s'est brillamment illustré dans les petits édifices, dès ses premières réalisations de Matosinhos : qu […]

Alvaro Siza 1977 Quinta da Malagueira | Between 1973 and 1977 , Álvaro Siza designed three housing projects that together form a defining period in the architect’s early work. Two of these, Bouça and São Victor were low cost projects designed for the SAAL organization in Porto, the worker’s council that formed to address the severe housing conditions that existed in Portugal after the 1974 revolution. Both projects were built on difficult inner city sites in the center of Porto to provide adequate housing and prevent the displacement of low-income citizens. Malagueira, the third project, was designed as a suburban community on the outskirts of Évora, an old Roman town of about 40,000 that was the capital of the Alentejo region, located about 100 miles east of Lisbon. Bouça and São Victor are examples of limited infill building, (40 and 12 units respectively). All three projects demonstrate a design process for building in dense urban conditions that Siza characterizes as “forming a whole with ruins”. Incoming search terms:

Dominique Perrault Figure of French architecture, Dominique Perrault gained international recognition after having won the competition for the National French library in 1989 at the age of 36. This project marked the starting point of many other public and private commissions abroad, such as The Velodrome and Olympic swimming pool of Berlin (1992), the extension of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg in (1996), the Olympic tennis centre in Madrid (2002), the campus of Ewha’s University in Seoul (2004) and the Fukoku Tower in Osaka, Japan (2010). For Dominique Perrault, the relentless transformation of the territories has resulted in an increase in their complexity, their differences and density. The new concept of territory can no longer be satisfied with a definition of one architecture, circumscribed by the summarized terminology of “wall”, “door”, façade” and “roof”. Architecture should be instead conceived as an integral part of the landscape.

BIG architects: national gallery of greenland | designboom feb 10, 2011 BIG architects: national gallery of greenland ‘national gallery of greenland’ by bjarke ingels group in nuuk, greenland all images courtesy bjarke ingels group danish architects bjarke ingels group has won the invited competition to design greenland’s new national gallery of art in the capital city of nuuk. a collaborative effort with TNT nuuk, ramboll nuuk, andarkitekti, the proposal was unanimously selected over six other nordic architects including norwegian snøhetta and finnish heikkinen-komonen. view to the fjord conceived as a projection of a geometrically perfect circle on the sloped site, the new 3000 m2 museum is a courtyard building that combines a comprehensive layout with a sensitive adaption to the landscape. the resulting form resembles a melted ring that follows the natural topography to imply the metaphor of a glacier or drifting snow. approach from the water the centre of the melted ring hosts an internal courtyard and an outdoor sculpture garden. ramp

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