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Introduction To Scratch: Exercise 1 Scratch Exercise 1: Choosing a Sprite and Making it move in 4 directions. The Scratch program was developed by MIT to teach young students programming concepts and develop skill in multimedia communication. Using a visual system of "Tiles" that contain commands users can connect together to create programs. Step 1: Choosing Your Sprite A Sprite is an character or object in your game. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Step 2: Making Your Sprite Move in 4 directions (Right, Left, Up, Down) 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Scratch Exercise 2: Sense the World - Using Conditional Statements and Eating! Back to Nebo Scratch Programming Projects Page

Crunchzilla Kid-Friendly Programming Languages Please ensure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser. If you leave JavaScript disabled, you will only access a portion of the content we are providing. <a href="/science-fair-projects/javascript_help.php">Here's how.</a> With the right tools, anyone (even beginners who have never programmed anything before) can easily create their own animations, stories, video games, and other interactive programs. Not sure how to turn a love of games or programming into a science project? Teachers, parents, and other educators interested in using video games and animations for educational purposes can find more useful tips in the Resources for STEM Education Through Video Game and Animation Creation.

Try Nano Featured Lessons: -- Try Your Hand at Nano Lesson focuses on two simple activities younger students can do to gain an appreciation of nanotechnology. First, students measure their hands in nanometers, second students learn about liquid crystals, their applications and nanotechnology connections and test how the heat of their hands changes the color of the crystals. -- The Power of Graphene Lesson focuses on graphene and its electrical properties and applications. -- Exploring at the Nanoscale Lesson focuses on how nanotechnology has impacted our society and how engineers have learned to explore the world at the nanoscale. -- What is a Nanometer? Lesson focuses on how to measure in nanometers and provides students with an understanding of how small a nano really is. -- Sugar Crystal Challenge Students learn about how surface area can change at the nanoscale. -- Nano Waterproofing Students learn about how nanotechnology has impacted manufacture and use of fabrics. -- Fizzy Nano Challenge
