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The Five Biggest Threats to Your Kids’ Privacy, and What You Can Do About Them

The Five Biggest Threats to Your Kids’ Privacy, and What You Can Do About Them
Remember back in school, when your teachers warned that everything you did would go on your permanent record? It turns out your teachers have become right. That permanent record is the Internet. It’s hard to be a fully functioning adult in 2014 and not leave behind a digital trail. From the moment they emerge from the womb, they’re generating data, which is then eagerly absorbed and stored by Internet companies, government agencies and some evil no-goodniks. Despite federal laws prohibiting the collection of data from children under the age of 13, dossiers are constantly being created about your kids, whether it’s Google capturing their search histories, advertisers creating profiles of their interests, or their grandparents tagging photos of them on Facebook. Canadian Singles Find New Ways To Meet Sure, you could try to keep them off the net, refuse to buy them cell phones, go Full Amish if you have to. UrthBox Healthy Snack Boxes. Math Practice - Ages 5-15 Questions, complaints, kudos?

How can I protect my Windows PC against malware? | Technology I have just ordered a Windows PC based on your recommendation, and now ask for your advice on anti-spyware and virus protection software for it. Any help you could offer me would be greatly appreciated. Mary Mass-market malware is a numbers game, played mostly with familiar off-the-shelf exploit kits (EKs). Most of the victims are people who don't install updates to plug security holes not just in Windows but also in Oracle's Java, Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, and other widely-used programs. They're people who either don't run anti-virus software and firewalls, or don't keep virus signatures up to date. I ran into one yesterday when the Labour party press team unintentionally ("we were hacked") tweeted a link to an owl video that wanted me to install a "Flash update" that contained viruses. Just doing the right things is usually enough to keep more than 98% of Windows PCs malware free, barring accidents. Keep up to date Anti-virus software Cross-checks and rescues

Identity Theft Statistics: Information You Must Know That can't happen to me. This is how many people feel about identity theft...until it happens to them. Identity theft is on the rise and can happen to anyone, including you. Identity Theft Facts Every year, approximately 10 million Americans become identity theft victims. Of these 10 million victims, an average of $1,800 to $14,000 is lost. The most common form of identity theft is checking account fraud, using the stolen identity to open a new credit account or to purchase cell phone service. The majority of people questioned thought of identity theft as only occurring over the internet; unfortunately, this isn't true. Finally, 16% of the time, domestic abuse or harassment leads to the theft. So, where do you turn if your identity is stolen? Where Identity Thieves Strike Your Mail -- Don't leave mail in your mailbox overnight - have your mail stopped when you leave town - get a mailbox that locks. Your Computer-- Use anti-spyware and anti-virus software - encrypt your wireless connection.

BitTorrent Piracy Doesn’t Effect US Box Office Returns, Study Finds A new academic paper by researchers from the University of Minnesota and Wellesley College has examined the link between BitTorrent downloads and box office returns. Contrary to what's often claimed by the movie industry, the researchers conclude that there is no evidence that BitTorrent piracy hurts US box office returns. Internationally, there is a link between downloads and revenues, which the researchers attribute to long release windows. With their unconditional support for SOPA, PIPA and ACTA, Hollywood is pressing hard for new legislation to curb piracy. However, a new study reveals that movie industry itself has the key to decreasing piracy, without passing any news laws. In a paper titled ‘Reel Piracy: The Effect of Online Film Piracy on International Box Office Sales’ researchers from the University of Minnesota and Wellesley College examine the link between BitTorrent piracy and box office returns.

How to Keep Your Personal Information Secure Protecting your personal information can help reduce your risk of identity theft. There are four main ways to do it: know who you share information with; store and dispose of your personal information securely, especially your Social Security number; ask questions before deciding to share your personal information; and maintain appropriate security on your computers and other electronic devices. Keeping Your Personal Information Secure Offline Lock your financial documents and records in a safe place at home, and lock your wallet or purse in a safe place at work. Limit what you carry. Before you share information at your workplace, a business, your child's school, or a doctor's office, ask why they need it, how they will safeguard it, and the consequences of not sharing. Shred receipts, credit offers, credit applications, insurance forms, physician statements, checks, bank statements, expired charge cards, and similar documents when you don’t need them any longer. Be Alert to Impersonators


Tynan, Dan (2014). The five biggest threats to your kids’ privacy, and what you can do about them. Retrieved from by estherpepin Mar 9
