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The Three Best Free Coding Websites for Kids

The Three Best Free Coding Websites for Kids
The Three Best Free Coding Websites for Kids. From 2012 to 2022, the field of computer science is projected to grow 22%, which is much faster than average, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Computer software is a growing field and allows for a great job outlook as well as entrepreneurial potential. Today there are many resources for people to learn code. ● Ease of use ● Aesthetics ● Fun ● Effectiveness ● Free Without further ado, the following are the best coding websites we found that was designed especially with kids in mind. Code Avengers Code Avengers is another great educational web platform that introduces users to HTML, Javascript, and CSS. The layout of Code Avengers is clean and aesthetically pleasing. One awesome feature of the Code Avengers platform is its Hints feature. Strengths: ● Graphic representation of code via smartphone ● Hints Feature ● Teachers HTML, CSS, Javascript Weaknesses: ● Graphics are a little too simple ● There is no gameplay aspect Lightbot Basics Related:  Programación

15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code (Even Without a Computer) According to, 90 percent of parents in the U.S. want their children to learn computer science—it will be crucial for many jobs in the near future—but only 40 percent of schools teach it. Critics claim that it is mainly the more affluent schools that offer computer science courses, thus denying those who attend poorer schools the chance to learn necessary skills. A focus on STEM is not enough: also reports that while 70 percent of new STEM jobs are in computing, only 7 percent of STEM graduates are in computer science. In my opinion, parents of every student in every school at every level should demand that all students be taught how to code. With the following resources, you can teach programming to every student and every age. Teaching Coding to the Youngest Students Tynker Games: Use these age-appropriate games to teach your elementary students coding concepts. Teaching Coding to Kids 8 and Up Hopscotch is a free iPad app for upper elementary and above.

Coding in the Classroom: A Long-Overdue Inclusion One need not look to superstars such as Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates to justify reasons for using code and programming logic in the classroom. There's plenty of literature that illustrates its positive learning outcomes. Coding in the classroom is linked to improved problem solving and analytical reasoning, and students who develop a mastery of coding have a "natural ability and drive to construct, hypothesize, explore, experiment, evaluate, and draw conclusions." But there are other compelling reasons for integrating code in the classroom. Reasons to Teach Coding 1. Wired Magazine reported that reading and writing code is the new literacy. 2. Coding in the classroom is a means of bridging the digital divide. 3. Temple Grandin, author and professor at Colorado State University and an autistic adult, said, "Without the gifts of autism, there would probably be no NASA or IT industry." Knowing there are programs for kids with ASD is good news for parents who shoulder the responsibility. 4.

Life After the Hour of Code Now that the excitement of the Hour of Code has passed, and you still vividly remember your students' eyes light up while completing their coding challenges, you may be wondering how to keep that excitement going in your classroom. The only thing is, you don't teach computer science -- and you have no idea how to teach coding. The great news is, that's fine! Whether you are an English teacher, a history teacher, a math teacher, an art teacher, or any other subject area specialist, your students can still incorporate coding into what they are learning. If you're a math teacher, coding is a natural fit -- math skills are essential to programming. You can check out the lessons at Code by Math to see how your students can apply what they are learning in class to a coding challenge. For non-math subject areas, there are a number of ways that students can incorporate coding into their classwork and projects. Playing and Learning There are many rewards when creating a project through coding.

Computer Programming for Beginners – Code Conquest Fun Programming - video tutorials to learn creative coding Great Tools and Apps to Teach Students Computer Programming June 7, 2014 Learning how to write a computer program is a lot like learning a new language. There are nouns, verbs, and sentences. With far fewer words than a spoken language, it may be easier too. KineScript Using the same visual programming metaphor as MIT's Scratch, this app helps students craft animated stories. Targeted for kids, this free desktop app teaches the popular programming language Ruby. Build a simple mobile app using the drag-and-drop code editor of this iPad app. Instead of a cumbersome screen-sharing app, use this free website to share the code you type in real-time. Also inspired by the visual design of MIT's Scratch, this colorful iPad app introduces young students to programming. Resources to teach programming in primary school. Apps to teach everyone from children to adults how to program.

15 Free Games to Level Up Your Coding Skills Find Out in Three Minutes (or Less!) If a Career in Tech Is Right for You Our quick and easy quiz will help you pinpoint exactly how to get started in tech, in hardly any time at all. When I started learning to code, the options were limited—lots of books (not even e-books), some very basic online tutorials, and a whole lot of experimentation. Online learning has come a long way in the last few years. While a game alone probably isn’t going to teach you everything you need to know about coding, it can be a really incredible way to practice the skills you’re learning. I’ve tried out some of the most entertaining and useful games for learning to code. CodeMonkey CodeMonkey teaches coding using CoffeeScript, a real programming language, to teach you to build your own games in HTML5. CodinGame CodinGame offers up games to learn more than 25 programming languages, including JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP. CSS Diner CSS Diner is a simple but fun way to learn CSS. Flexbox Froggy Flexbox Defense CodeCombat

Recursos para ayudar a los niños a iniciarse en el mundo de la programación A día de hoy la programación es una competencia cada vez más valorada en el mundo laboral. Con el paso de los años será cada vez más importante, por lo que son muchos los padres que comienzan a querer que sus hijos se inicien cuanto antes en el mundo de la programación. Por suerte, Internet está lleno de recursos que facilitan la tarea. A continuación os dejamos con algunas de las mejores alternativas tanto para los más pequeños como para aquellos que estudian programación por primera vez. Swift Playgrounds Si sois usuarios de iPad, Swift Playgrounds es una aplicación con la que Apple pretende facilitar la iniciación al mundo de la programación de manos de Swift, el lenguaje de programación que la compañía presentó en 2014. Scratch Desarrollada por el MIT Media Lab, Scratch es una aplicación ampliamente utilizada a la hora de ofrecer un primer contacto con la programación. CodeCombat

CALLING ALL CODERS By 2018, there will be more than two million open jobs in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) professions, but only 19 percent of current college degrees are in STEM fields. Even worse, 75 percent of students that do well in science and math decide to not pursue STEM in college. If we want to remain a global leader, we have to develop more interest in these topics. One way to do that is by to show students that coding ties into nearly everything we do. And to do that, we need to incorporate programming into the curriculum, just as they’ve done in the following examples. At the South Bronx Early College Academy, a public charter school for grades six and seven, computational thinking is woven into every class. The state of Virginia is determined to expose its students to programming and has formed a computer science steering committee that is creating computer science standards for grades K–12. Three years ago, Quaker Hill Elementary School participated in Hour of Code.

Google lanza nuevos juegos para que las niñas aprendan programación El equipo de Google agregó nuevos desafíos en su plataforma Made with Code. Esta vez, con una serie de juegos basados en la Mujer Maravilla, que incentivarán a las niñas a dar sus primeros pasos en la programación. Google quiere aprovechar el furor del estreno de Wonder Woman para animar a las niñas a seguir la historia con tres juegos interactivos que les permitirán recrear algunas escenas de la película. Estos juegos están organizados en 3 niveles, cada uno de ellos enseñarán diferentes conceptos de programación. Para ver este nuevo proyecto de Google, solo es necesario seguir este enlace. Una excelente recurso para que tanto educadores como padres pueden tener en cuenta para animar a las niñas y jóvenes a incursionar en la programación. También hay proyectos para crear animaciones programando, o iniciativas que se inspiran en el mundo de la moda para proponer desafíos para codificar.
