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Experimental game turns players into poets and writers

Experimental game turns players into poets and writers
What do British Romantic Era poets and video games have in common? The answer is Elegy for a Dead World, an unlikely game that leaves the players with “no game to play,” but to explore three long-dead civilizations, observe, and make notes... or stories — or poems — or songs. The three lost worlds feature beautiful scenery, moving music, and are inspired by Percy Shelley's Ozymandias, Lord Byron's Darkness, and John Keats' When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be. They create a strong, moody atmosphere that becomes the breeding ground for feelings and ideas. The game began in 2013 as a collaboration between Dejobaan Games and Popcannibal. Ziba Scott, one of the creators says, “We have three great Romantic poets — Shelley, Byron, and Keats — and they each wrote these really moving poems about end times, the end of the world. “The most important thing for us is that someone sits down and has a positive experience, doing something creative.” Photos: Elegy Related:  ONLINE APPS AND TOOLSGeneratori e altri tools

Exámenes cooperativos, ¿alternativa a las pruebas clásicas? Tradicionalmente, cuando los alumnos de una clase tienen que hacer un examen el profesor les separa de manera individual, reparte (o dicta) las preguntas del control y señala que el tiempo para completarlo empieza a la orden de ya. ¿Qué pasaría si en vez de seguir esta metodología los estudiantes lo resolvieran en pequeños grupos de trabajo? Es la base de los exámenes cooperativos. Te contamos en qué consisten y cómo los aplican algunos docentes en sus aulas. ¿Qué son los exámenes cooperativos? Dentro de las llamadas metodologías activas, el trabajo cooperativo proporciona al alumnado una amplia lista de ventajas que favorecen su inclusión, el desarrollo de habilidades sociales, responsabilidad, ayuda mutua, trabajo en equipo… Así, y dentro de este contexto, hemos tenido la oportunidad de compartir experiencias como ‘Este es mi barrio’, ‘Construyendo entornos cooperativos inclusivos’ o ‘Imagínate’. ¿Cómo son los exámenes cooperativos? Más allá de la nota numérica

How a Scene List Can Change Your Novel-Writing Life By the end of this post you will have a nagging urge to use an excel spreadsheet. Don’t make that face—I know you’re a writer and not a data analyst. Or if you are a data analyst—I get that you’re on this blog to get away from your day job. But guess what? At the suggestion of Randy Ingermason—the creator of the Snowflake Method—I listed all of the scenes in my novel in a nice little Google spreadsheet. It changed my novel-writing life, and doing the same will change yours too. Creating a scene list changed my novel-writing life, and doing the same will change yours too. Scene Lists Help You Plan I tried to write a novel once before without planning in advance. I used the Snowflake Method, which consists of several steps to designing a novel that we can discuss at a later date. Today we’re focusing on a particular step: the creation of a scene list. What is a scene list? It’s literally a list of the scenes in your novel in an excel spreadsheet. Column 1: POV. 1. 2. 3. Scene Lists Help You Edit

5 Best Prezi Presentation Alternatives by PowToon! In the last couple of years many people have been searching for innovative ways to create executive, unique, and memorable presentations. PowerPoint was exciting in the early days of its launch, but too many boring presentations led to the creation of new softwares like Prezi. Prezi presentations helped to prevent us from falling asleep during presentations, but the zooming in and out effects of their software, and limited manipulation capabilities, called for more options and new players in the presentation market. 1. PowToon – Best Prezi Alternative Of course our very own PowToon made the top of our Prezi presentation alternatives list! To show you what we’re all about, take a look at a PowToon created by one of our users. PowToon is perfect for educators, students, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. 2. PowToon has taken design and slideshow presentation software to the next level with our new product, PowToon #Slides. 3. Calling all iPad users! 4. 5.

64 Online Writing Tools For Writers, Bloggers & Authors — The Writing Cooperative 64 Online Writing Tools For Writers, Bloggers & Authors Download a PDF of these online writing tools for your next writing project. Word Processing (More than just Word and Pages) AutoCrit: Manuscript editing software for fiction writers ($5-$12 per month)BlankPage: Geared towards novelists, it focuses on distraction-free writing, with motivators, prompts, outline help and moreByWord: Simple and efficient text editing for Mac, iPhone and iPad ($11.99)Calmly Writer: Distraction-free writing ($2.99)Focus Writer: Distraction-free writing with a hide-away interface. Donation-basedHaven: Writing app for Mac, with extra features for creatives like character trackers, writing goals, prompts and different “scenes” for writingHemingway App: Helps with readability and syntax (Free and $9.99)Ilys: Promotes a writing flow. Mind Mapping & Brainstorming Distraction Blocker Session Timers Ebook Creation & Publishing Editing Notetaking PhotoEditing Prompts Journaling Find Better Words

Cómics en el Aula – 10 Herramientas TIC para Crearlos Hola: Compartimos una interesante infografía sobre «Cómics en el Aula – 10 Herramientas TIC para Crearlos» Un gran saludo. Visto en: También debería revisar: Aproveche las mejores OFERTAS en materiales educativos Más materiales: AQUÍ Cómo recibir en tu correo electrónico las publicaciones de El Blog de Gesvin Si crees que esta publicación se ganó un café dona uno haciendo clic en «Invitar un café»(Si no tienes cuenta Paypal puedes usar tarjeta de crédito y/o débito Visa, Mastercard, y más) Me gusta esto: Me gusta Cargando... Relacionado 8 Ideas y Aplicaciones Móviles para Aprovechar el Cómic en el Aula | Artículo Hola: Compartimos un interesante artículo sobre "8 Ideas y Aplicaciones Móviles para Aprovechar el Cómic en el Aula" Un gran saludo. 31 agosto, 2016 En «Educación y Tecnología» Uso Educativo del Cómic y Herramientas para Crearlos | Artículo Hola: Compartimos un interesante artículo sobre "Uso Educativo del Cómic y Herramientas para Crearlos" Un gran saludo. 23 febrero, 2017

WRITING TOOLS Character Pyramid Tool (PDF) Visualize your character’s FLAWS & associated behaviors (for a deeper understanding of this tool, please reference The Negative Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Flaws) Character Target Tool (PDF) Organize and group your character’s POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES by category: moral, achievement, interactive or identity (for a greater understanding of this tool, please reference The Positive Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Attributes) Character Profile Questionnaire (PDF) Not your average character questionnaire! Reverse Backstory Tool (PDF) Work backwards to find your character’s wound, needs & lie (for a deeper understanding of this tool, please reference The Negative Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Flaws) Weak Verb Converter Tool (PDF) Transform all those generic, boring verbs into power verbs Scene Revision/Critique Tool Level 1 & Level 2 (PDF) A ‘light’ and ‘in-depth’ revision checklist for creating compelling characters and scenes

Convertidor YouTube a MP3 y MP4 - Writer: the internet typewriter Cómo crear una máquina de teletransporte con Realidad Virtual Desde que ví por primera vez la serie de ciencia ficción Star Trek, hace ya unos cuantos años, siempre me había intrigado esa especie de luz teletransportadora. ¿Os imagináis que existiera algo parecido? A continuación os contaré como estamos experimentando esa idea en el aula: En primer lugar, debemos seleccionar y bajar imágenes en 360 grados de Google Maps o usar nuestras propias fotos esféricas. Para ello podemos usar la app En el siguiente tutorial os cuento el procedimiento: Una vez conseguidas las imágenes que necesitemos ya estamos a punto de construir la máquina. 2. Se trata de una webapp muy interesante. Permite crear juegos con Realidad Aumentada, al estilo Pokemon Go, puede integrar elementos en 360 grados para RV, geolocalización... tiene grandes posibilidades, está en contínuo crecimiento y es gratis. También para este paso he preparado una demo con un videotutorial (me ha quedado un poco largo, lo siento :) ¡Larga vida y prosperidad! @francescnadal

Writer's Café fiction writing software - novels - screenwriting - short stories - creative fun Results on ReadWriteThink Home › Results from ReadWriteThink 1-10 of 232 Results from ReadWriteThink Sort by: Classroom Resources | Grades 6 – 8 | Lesson Plan | Unit 3-2-1 Vocabulary: Learning Filmmaking Vocabulary by Making Films Bring the vocabulary of film to life through the processes of filmmaking. page | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
