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NoteApp - Simple, Collaborative Notetaking

NoteApp - Simple, Collaborative Notetaking

Movenote Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre - Écriture collaborative - Exemples concrets L’écriture collaborative, ou EtherPad, est un outil permettant la rédaction d’un texte par plusieurs utilisateurs, chaque frappe au clavier étant visible en temps réel et enregistrée automatiquement. En un mot : tous les élèves connectés peuvent écrire au tableau en même temps ! Comment ? Écrire en temps réel est possible grâce à un logiciel libre et gratuit, EtherPad lite, bien présenté sur notre site académique . Dans cet article, nous présenterons trois exemples d’utilisations pédagogiques puis l’aspect technique permettant de choisir la solution la plus adaptée à vos conditions de travail et à vos besoins. Exemples utilisations pédagogiques Les exemples ont été choisis essentiellement afin d’illustrer les premières séances avec des classes de niveaux variés. Exemple 1 : recueil de conceptions initiales, 4e Les élèves n’ont jamais utilisé l’écriture collaborative, ils sont 28 et ont un ordinateur pour 3 en moyenne. Exemple 2 : recueil des remarques des élèves, 3e Difficultés rencontrées :

Scrivener and the short story - JW Nelson Recently I was asked by fellow writers at the writing site to contribute a short story for inclusion in an e-published collection. In the past, I occasionally posted short stories for review on that site and also enjoyed the opportunity to read submissions by other writers. It’s where I worked out the stories that became “L.A. Limo Tales” (available on and the comments I received at Triggerstreet were very helpful. The dozen or so chosen contributors had all been recognized for their own Triggerstreet submissions, so I wanted to offer something worthy of the compliment I’d been given. Threading my way through some early stories, I found one that readily lent itself to a prequel to “Limo Tales”— a (hopefully) humorous tale about a night in the life of high-school aged “Max,” the cynical twenty-something protagonist of “Limo Tales.” I opened it in Word and got to work. Well, it wasn’t long before I lost what I like to call the “thread” of a tale. - interactive and multimedia learning blocks Dean Wesley Smith The Moral Premise Scrivener: The Best Writing Program for the Mac and PC MakeUseOf recently published Your Guide to Scrivener—a how-to manual for the popular writing program. Scrivener has been around since 2006, and it is a favorite application amongst novelists and screenwriters. As a full-time non-fiction tech writer, I can’t recommend Scrivener enough for actually starting and drafting writing projects. There are two versions of the application, one for the Mac OS X ($45.00) and the other for Windows PC ($40.00). Scrivener is not a desktop layout application like Word and Pages, but it helps you organize and export your documents to other applications. In addition to being useful for full-time writers, I think Scrivener could be very useful to students and professors who write research papers, anyone who has plans to write a book, and even bloggers looking for an application to draft and manage blog posts. Today I will share my personal workflow and tips for getting the most out of Scrivener. Research and Outlining Scrivener is not just a text editor.

Scrivener Publishing Software Review Since Scrivener debuted in 2007, I’ve used it to write two (terrible) novels and a (terrible) screenplay, among other projects. It’s a favorite among Macworld staffers, too, earning a 2010 Editors’ Choice Award. Its many refinements to the already great original make Scrivener 2.0.2 worth every penny. Like its predecessor, Scrivener 2 offers an extensive suite of writing aids without ever forcing users to confirm to any set process. The new version makes it even more seamless to switch between viewing individual documents as text, virtual index cards, or sections on an outline. The new Collections let you gather subsets of documents (say, every chapter in which a certain character appears, or all your research on the city of Petra) in tabbed folders at the top of the left-hand Binder column. Scrivener 2 also simplifies editing and revising. A host of smaller features round out Scrivener 2’s appeal. Macworld’s buying advice

The Layout Reservoir - BlueRobot About The Layout Reservoir Please feel free to borrow, steal, abduct, and/or torture the documents contained in the Layout Reservoir. Though you need not give credit to, a comment in your source code would help other developers to find this resource. Enjoy. Two Column Layouts 2 columns - left menu A simple two column layout with the standard left-side menu. 2 columns - right menu Practically the same HTML as 2 columns - left menu, but with a different stylesheet. Three Column Layouts 3 columns - flanking menus Three columns, no tables, intelligent order of elements. Related Info at BlueRobot Many a talented web designer has struggled with CSS-based centering.

MOSX Tumblelog - Custom Icons in Scrivener
