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Index - BitShares

Index - BitShares

List of social bookmarking websites From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Defunct sites[edit] See also[edit] Notes and references[edit] Coinify: Online payment with Bitcoin, Invoice and Point of Sale | Buy, Sell Bitcoin BitShares [wiki] Welcome to the Graphene Documentation Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology – an Australian snapshot What is Distributed Ledger Technology? Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a bundle of technologies that are associated with advancing the concept of the distributed ledger into our world. A distributed ledger is a shared ledger that consists of synchronised data spread across multiple computer sites. The ledger works through the interconnectivity of both data and users. What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a system that utilises DLT in such a way that mitigates the security issues that DLT creates. More information on Blockchain and DLT, is available in our articles “Have you thought about Blockchain or DLT?” Developments in Australia Data61 Report The CSIRO’s Specialist Data61 unit has recently released two reports looking at the ways in which blockchain technology (and DLT more broadly) could dominate the commercial world in the coming years.[3] The second Data61 Report consists of case studies in remittance payments, open data registries and agricultural supply chains. Other Developments

Lightning Network Improvisation - Les substitutions d'accords - les cours de guitare - Indy Musics 1 - Rappel sur les intervalles Allez nous allons refaire un peu d'harmonie pour comprendre les substitutions et revoir un peu les renversements. A ce propos revenons sur les renversements prenons l'accord de Am7 déterminons les notes de l'accord. C'est un accord m7 chiffré 1 b3 5 7 ces notes sont donc A C E G prenons maintenant le 1er renversement ces notes seront donc C E G A hors ici si l'on chiffre l'accord on obtient 1 3 5 6 qui équivaut à un C6. On pourra affirmer qu'à chaque renversement d'accord on obtient un nouvel accord (ceci est du aux intervalles qui sont renversés aussi) c'est les même notes mais jouer avec des intervalles différents donc l'accord sonne différemment et prend donc un nom différent, ainsi C6 est le 1er renversement de Am7. 2 - Les substitutions Substituer un accord c'est remplacer cet accord par un autre accord de sonorité proche. Etudions de plus prés quelques substitutions 3 - La substitution tri tonique Par exemple la substitution tri tonique de C7 est Gb7

The Market for “Tokens” – Token Capital Market A new asset class Initial Coin Offering, Token Sale or Token Generation Event are different formulas representing the same phenomenon: Tokenization of the economy. The practices are still trivial since we are in the early days of the Blockchain Revolution. If lawyers and regulators are already working on building a healthy legal framework for the Blockchain, it is not the case for Finance and Economics. A Token is a digital asset that uses a peer-to-peer system called Blockchain and whose ownership is attached to PPK public keys. Blockchain allows to cryptographically represent any kind of asset. -Real assets: Right to access to a good or serviceFinancial security (Equity, Bonds, Derivatives)Real Estate -Non conventional assets: Voting rightRight to participate in a decentralized networkHybrid right (access to a service linked to a participation) Token, also known as cryptocurrency, is a medium of exchange inside an ecosystem, each Token owns the following characteristics:

One String Solo in Amin Lesson Hello GMC! Welcome to part 2 of the series regarding Jazz and approach I use over this type of Jazz/Pop/Rock/Blues harmony. The key of this piece is (again) A minor, and around that A minor I use modal harmony. The scales used is A minor pentatonic only. Melody is played on a single string only! In this lesson I tried to create a melody in style of Mick Goodrick and piano players. When you finish this lesson hopefully you would have captured and mastered some of the following techniques: - Playing on a single string - Alternate picking - Rhythmic repetition - Syncopated rhythm - Motive development - Q & A type of phrasing - Develop your ear Equipment I used for recording my sound was: Custom built guitar (G.Papazoglou) with Pod X3 live going directly to computer. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments related to this lesson. I look forward hearing from you all! Pedja Related lessons:

Bitcoin as the first anti-fragile economical entity Companies are an extremely fragile and delicate object. Most of them do not survive their five year anniversary, and less than one tenth of one percent reach the age of 50. That means that 99.9% of companies get dissolved before they are 50 years old. 99.9% disintegrate during your professional career. Moreover, companies are fragile because they break down in the first sound of trouble or chaos. On the other hand, cities are extremely resilient. So why are cities so resilient while corporations so fragile? A corporation, on the other hand, is a hierarchical structure, tree-like in nature, with a centralized ownership and a centralized management. Bitcoin (and other blockchain-based assets) is essentially a decentralized network for producing trust where none exists, and as such it also possesses the highly resilient nature of other large-scale distributed networks like cities. We can think of Bitcoin as a constant dare to the hackers of the world to try and break it. Why world peace?
