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There’s no app for good teaching

There’s no app for good teaching
8 ways to think about tech in ways that actually improve the classroom. Bringing technology into the classroom often winds up an awkward mash-up between the laws of Murphy and Moore: What can go wrong, will — only faster. It’s a multi-headed challenge: Teachers need to connect with classrooms filled with distinct individuals. We all want learning to be intrinsically motivated and mindful, yet we want kids to test well and respond to bribes (er, extrinsic rewards). Meanwhile, there’s a multi-billion-dollar industry, in the US alone, hoping to sell apps and tech tools to school boards. There’s no app for that. But there are touchstones for bringing technology into the classroom. “App-transcendence,” says Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard’s graduate school of education who is known for his theory of multiple intelligences, “is when you put the apps away and use your own wits, not someone else’s.” 1. Skip the templates and overly pat apps. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Featured artwork via iStock.

Number Worlds Griffin, S. (2005). Teaching mathematics in the primary grades: Fostering the development of whole number sense. In J. Griffin, S. (2004). Griffin, S. (2004).Teaching number sense. Griffin, S. (2003). Griffin, S. (2003). Griffin, S. (2002). Griffin, S. (1998). Griffin, S., Case, R. (1997). Griffin, S. & Case, R. (1996). Griffin, S., Case, R., & Capodilupo, A. (1995). Griffin, S., Case, R., & Siegler, R. (1994). Griffin, S. (2005). Griffin, S. (2004). Griffin, S. (2004).Teaching number sense. Griffin, S. (2003). Griffin, S. (2003). Griffin, S. (2002). Griffin, S. (1998). Griffin, S., Case, R. (1997). Griffin, S. & Case, R. (1996). Griffin, S., Case, R., & Capodilupo, A. (1995). Griffin, S., Case, R., & Siegler, R. (1994).

Los MOOC: orígenes, historia y tipos Historia, definición, tipología y valoración de los Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). Introducción En noviembre de 2012, el periódico The New York Times publicó el artículo "The Year of the MOOC"1 en el que se declaraba que el año 2012 había sido el año de los Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) debido a la amplia atención que había recibido este nuevo término por parte de los medios de comunicación y la comunidad educativa mundial. Mucha gente piensa que los MOOC son la innovación tecnológica en educación más importante de los últimos 200 años2. E incluso Clayton Christensen, el famoso profesor de la Harvard Business School que acuñó el término “tecnología disruptiva”, piensa que los MOOC se pueden considerar disruptivos3. ¿Realmente los MOOC son una revolución o son una simple moda? Breve historia Los orígenes El fenómeno MOOC está íntimamente ligado a otros dos fenómenos que han tenido lugar principalmente durante los últimos diez años: El Open Social Learning El nacimiento de los MOOC 1.

The complicated role of the instructor in online course design My experiences as a graduate student of writing studies and online education have repeatedly left me inspired by the various “–isms” (e.g., constructionism, connectivism) that put the student front and center, valued as a unique individual with the ability to rail against and contribute to established authorities. But I also worry that these ideologies tend to deemphasize the instructor to an extreme, especially when we talk about teaching online. Advocates of online learning often join the student-centered rallying cries, showing that online courses can facilitate personalized and active learning and focusing on ways the instructor can create community in the “classroom” (some of my favorites include Palloff & Pratt and Warnock). At the same time, at both writing studies and education conferences it’s not uncommon to hear comments like, “once you have it set up, the course really runs itself.” What We Talk About When We Talk About Instructor Role Authority Guidance Presence

Odd and Even Numbers - Smart First Graders What Kids Need to Learn First graders will learn to identify odd and even numbers, and they will learn what the words "odd" and "even" mean. Putting the Math in Context In first grade, children are introduced to the concept of even and odd numbers. They will work with small quantities (no more than 20) which can be easily manipulated with counters. Why It's Important It doesn't seem as if the ability to identify a number as even or odd would be that important a skill for kids to learn. Math Challenges Kids Might Face With some hands-on practice, first graders generally catch on to this concept fairly quickly. The real challenge will happen a bit later, when kids are expected to identify larger numbers as odd or even--the ones that are too big to count. Math Help That Could Make the Difference Here is a kid-friendly definition of odd and even numbers: Even numbers can be paired up exactly. Whiz Kids

¿Que es el e-learning? – Conceptos y modalidades | Herramientas de e-learning ¿Que es el e-learning? Podemos definir al E-Learning como un sistema de formación interactivo para desarrollar programas de enseñanza, que hace uso masivo de los medios electrónicos para llegar a un alumnado generalmente remoto. Podemos distinguir dos modalidades básicas de E-Learning: E-Learning: cuando el conocimiento se distribuye de manera exclusiva por Internet.B-Learning ó Blended Learning: cuando se combina el aprendizaje a distancia con el aprendizaje presencial. Aunque el término más generalizado es e-learning, existen otros que significan prácticamente lo mismo: formación on-line, educación virtual, teleformación, etc.Características del e-learning De acuerdo a la definición anterior podemos enumerar una serie de características básicas: Separación física entre profesor y alumno.Uso masivo de medios técnicos.El alumno como centro de la formación.Tutorización.Comunicación de doble vía asíncrona. Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...

It’s a Mistake Not to Use Mistakes as Part of the Learning Process I recently heard a TED talk from Brian Goldman, a doctor who admits to having made mistakes. In very emotional language, he describes some costly emergency room mistakes, and then makes a strong case for changing the way that the medical profession addresses such things. He believes that medicine will improve if doctors are free to discuss their mistakes, without judgment, allowing them to learn from each other. But, he continued, because doctors are judged by mistakes, they are too afraid to discuss them. Instead, they are often covered up, blamed on others, or ignored. Hearing this talk created in me a great need to examine the many mistakes I have made in my life. Those I hid Those I learned nothing from Those I learned from Those I learned from and shared my new knowledge with others. It’s the last two categories that I think have great potential to increase learning and teaching. Finding Value in Error Teachers, like doctors, are expected to be mistake free.

Even and Odd Numbers - Smart First Graders Learning even and odd numbers is tricky. This collection of learning activities will give kids lots of opportunities for practice, whatever their learning style. For tips on teaching this concept, you may also be interested in our page on odd and even numbers. Odd and Even Numbers Even and Odd, Everywhere: Look around to find anything countable: pennies, plants, pillows, windows, dry erase markers, cats, crackers, you name it. The Odd Exercise: Say a number. Odd and Even Boots: Check out this great idea for even and odd numbers! Who Do We Appreciate? 2-4-6-8, who do we appreciate? 1-3-5-7, Can odd numbers go to heaven? Hundreds Chart: Hundreds charts are great for all kinds of number sense activities. AB Patterns: This type of 1-2-1-2 pattern is common in first grade, and matches the pattern of even and odd numbers: Set up various stations, each with a different duo of colors and types of counters: blue and yellow buttons, square and round wooden beads, black and white beans, etc.

12 consejos para trabajar con blogs en clase 6. Asigna un mínimo de palabras por entrada Si la escritura en el blog es parte de la calificación final, es normal que exijas un mínimo (y/o un máximo); por ejemplo, 200 palabras por entrada serían adecuadas para publicar un vídeo con un (pequeño) comentario crítico y reflexivo en Bachillerato 7. Fomenta los elementos multimedia Normalmente, un blog lleno de letras, sin vídeos, gráficos y contenidos multimedia, es árido. 8. El alumnado tiene que leer y comentar también los blogs de sus compañeros/as y el nuestro propio. 9. Contestar a comentarios en sus publicaciones y comentar las de sus compañeros y compañeras debe ser parte de la actividad porque, precisamente, los blogs son de naturaleza eminentemente pública. 10. No solo centrándose en preguntas o dudas, ni tampoco en felicitaciones, sino hablando del propio proceso; por ejemplo, una estudiante se sorprendió de que alguien de otro país había leído su blog y había presionado el botón "Like" en Wordpress. 11. 12.

7 questions to ask regarding whether education technology improves learning — ICT & Computing in Education Does education technology improve learning? The intuitive answer to those of us involved in education technology is “of course it does”. However, the evidence from research is not conclusive. I think the reason is that it’s actually very difficult to carry out robust research in this area. As the impact of education technology has often been a topic for discussion in the Naace and Mirandanet mailing lists, I thought it might be useful to try and clarify the issues as I see them. But is she learning better? The question “Does education technology improve learning?” What education technology? The question as stated is too broad. What other factors are present? Education technology doesn’t happen in a vacuum. What is the education technology being used for? What is being taught? How is the impact of the education technology being evaluated? There are several ways in which this might be done, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. What exactly is being measured? Conclusion

Linear Arithmetic Blocks Description of LAB Features of LAB as a model How to make LAB Linear Arithmetic Blocks (LAB) can be made at home or at school from ordinary washers and PVC pipe of a similar diameter. A good set for classroom demonstration requires about 7m of 25 mm diameter plastic pipe and contains about 40 thousandthsabout 30 tenths and hundredthsat least two ones. Using LAB as a model of the number line Why we prefer LAB to MAB Research conducted at the University of Melbourne (Stacey et al , 2001) has demonstrated that LAB has a number of advantages over MAB. students get confused with MAB simply because it has been used before with the "mini" representing one;LAB models number with length whereas MAB models number with volume and many students in upper primary do not yet have a strong grasp of volume;the various pieces of MAB seem to be of different dimensions (1-D, 2-D, 3-D ) and this makes generalising to more place value columns difficult. References

Grandes ideas para el uso de blogs en tu aula Actualmente internet nos ofrece un amplio abanico de motivaciones para el aprendizaje y los blogs pueden ser una buena herramienta. Visto como maestro o como alumno, nos ayudan a ser creativos, a plantear y recibir secuencias didácticas más motivadoras, a poner en marcha nuestras habilidades comunicativas, la comprensión y la intuición, a ejercitar nuestra capacidad de trabajo en grupo y a disfrutar de todo ello. Hay muchas maneras de usar los blogs dentro de tu aula, todas ellas motivadoras y que acercan a tus alumnos y a ti al uso de la tecnología en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Blog de profesor donde se proponen búsquedas, uso de aplicaciones, deberes…y los alumnos participan practicando lo que se les pide y dejando en los comentarios las respuestas a las preguntas.Blog compartido entre alumnos y profesor en el que se muestran las vivencias del aula y quedan recogidas algunas actividades para ser recuperadas en casa (aplicaciones, canciones, cuentos…).

Is technology a silver bullet for language teaching and learning? | Teacher Network "There is no longer a four-walled classroom," says Dr Cecilia Goria, of Nottingham University's Language Centre. "Teaching and learning now extends beyond that." Technological innovations have changed language learning radically from the old-fashioned image of pupils learning lists of verbs out of textbooks. Although language teaching has a long history of using tech, dating back to the 1960s, recent developments such as social networking and easy-to-use video cameras have removed many of the limitations. Whereas using tech may have once meant a weekly trip to a computer lab, it can now involve anything, from Facebook and Twitter to podcasts and videos in the classroom. Those who use tech say the advantages are obvious. Using tech means that students can now turn to Twitter to use the language, without having to pack the class off on a school trip. "Computers can also help oral interaction by creating some sort of safety for the speaker.

Rethinking Concrete Manipulatives Douglas H. Clements Sue McMillen Close your eyes and picture students doing mathematics. Like many educators, the mental pictures may include manipulative objects, such as cubes, geoboards, or colored rods. Does the use of such concrete objects really help students learn mathematics? What is meant by "concrete"? Are Manipulatives Helpful? Helpful, yes... ...But no guarantee. In contrast, students sometimes learn to use manipulatives only in a rote manner. Similarly, students often fail to link their actions on base-ten blocks with the notation system used to describe the actions (Thompson and Thompson, 1990). Although research suggests that instruction begin concretely, it also warns that concrete manipulatives are not sufficient to guarantee meaningful learning. What Is Concrete? Manipulatives are supposed to be good for students because they are concrete. Although manipulatives have an important place in learning, they do not carry the meaning of the mathematical idea.

Teachers need to bring technology into their classrooms, yet they are often puzzled on how to proceed. Laura Moorhead shares eight touchstones that every teacher should take into consideration before infusing technology into teaching. by dt4lt Oct 5
