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10monkeys Multiplication

10monkeys Multiplication

GeoGebra - Android Apps on Google Play GeoGebra Classico combina grafici, geometria, 3D, foglio di calcolo, calcolo simbolico e probabilità in un singolo pacchetto, potente e intuitivo. Milioni di persone in tutto il mondo utilizzano GeoGebra per imparare la matematica e le scienze. Unisciti a noi! GeoGebra Classico dispone dei seguenti strumenti:• Grafici: traccia grafici di funzioni con slider e risolve equazioni• Geometria: crea costruzioni geometriche interattive • Grafici 3D: traccia grafici di funzioni, superfici e oggetti 3D• Foglio di calcolo: analizza dati e genera statistiche e grafici• CAS: risolve problemi matematici con un potente motore di calcolo simbolico• Probabilità: visualizza velocemente parametri e distribuzioni• Ricerca di attività didattiche gratuite direttamente dall'app• Salva e condividi con gli altri i tuoi risultati

Simply Fractions (Lite), Math Simply Fractions 2 is designed for second grade to fourth grade elementary students to further their understanding of fractions, it is the next step from the Simply Fractions app. Kids will learn about mixed fractions, equivalent fractions, fractions on a number line, a fraction of a collection whose size is greater than the denominator, compare fractions with different numerators and denominators, but can be compared to either 0, 1/2 or 1. We use a scaffolding approach, where the concept is introduced visually first, later there will be games without visual aid to strengthen the concept learned. The full version has eight different mini activities. 6. 7. 8. No kids should feel dumb because they don't understand math, many times we fail them because we let them learn the next concept before they grasped the first concept.

Jeux deux joueurs: jeu de math Jeux deux joueurs: jeu de math est un de ces jeux amusants et jeux éducatifs pour deux joueurs. C'est le meilleur jeu pour les enfants et jeu excellent pour les adultes! Télécharger application gratuite pour Android maintenant! Math Flash Cards (Free) ***Many of our users have asked us for a fully free access to all the content in the App. This new version is 100% free and ad supported. If you prefer an ad-free experience, you can remove ads at any time through an optional in-app purchase in the app’s parameters.For teachers and schools, a dedicated ad-free version is available on the Google Play Store For Education. With more than 1,628 activities, iTooch 3rd Grade Math is a fun way of practicing and learning Math for third graders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activities based on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play for elementary school. Used by more than 3,000,000 users, iTooch apps provide comprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers and students to identify and address learning needs in a fun and motivating way. ♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫ ‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. ‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school.

Animations Mathématiques - Stoff für alle Jahrgangsstufen und Schultypen- eine große Auswahl an Schulfächern- Abwechslung mit vielen verschiedenen Fragetypen- direktes Feedback über Note- Statistik (Gesamtnote, Status richtige, falsche Fragen) - Anzahl der Fragen pro Fragerunde einstellbar- Lernen mit Spaß Premiumversion:- werbefrei- offline bis zu 1000 Fragen pro Thema- mehrere Nutzer pro Gerät (bis zu 4) (nur fürs Abo)- Statistik: Verlauf über Note und Aktivität Bilder und Erklärungen zu neuen Leistungsmerkmalen findet Ihr auf Facebook: auch auf Google+: Außerdem kannst Du Dich auf unserer FAQ-Seite kundig machen: gibt es auch eine Beschreibung zum Familienaccount für Eure Eltern, die geschickteste Variante für Familien, die das Premium-Abo des Schlaukopfs nutzen wollen Aktuell besonders interessante Themen:1.

Mathesis Aivan uudenlainen matematiikan oppisovellus! Mathesis on matematiikan pelillistetty oppimateriaalisovellus, jota voidaan käyttää koulussa ja kotona perinteisen matematiikan kirjan sijasta. Sovellus on BETA-testivaiheessa ja sisältää seuraavat oppisisältökokonaisuudet: Peruslaskutoimitukset, Potenssioppi, Polynomit ja Prosenttilaskut. Materiaalissa saattaa esiintyä virheitä. Ominaisuudet: Teoria: Yli 20 kappaletta matematiikan teoriaa ja yli 1400 tehtävää! Sovellus on tehty yhteistyössä Piikkiön yhtenäiskoulun Fyysisen Oppimisympäristön Simulaatiohankkeen kanssa, jota johtaa rehtori Marko Kuuskorpi koulun henkilökunnan kanssa. Hankkeen kotisivut www.oppitila.fiOpetuksen pelillistäminen ja opetusteknologia: NordicEdu Oy That's a new kind of math learning application! Mathesis pelillistetty is a math educational app which can be used at school and at home, instead of the traditional math book. Features:
