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Archives: History of IBM The character of a company -- the stamp it puts on its products, services and the marketplace -- is shaped and defined over time. It evolves. It deepens. It is expressed in an ever-changing corporate culture, in transformational strategies, and in new and compelling offerings for customers. IBM's character has been formed over nearly 100 years of doing business in the field of information-handling. IBM helped pioneer information technology over the years, and it stands today at the forefront of a worldwide industry that is revolutionizing the way in which enterprises, organizations and people operate and thrive. The pace of change in that industry, of course, is accelerating, and its scope and impact are widening.

Après les serveurs, IBM se séparerait de ses puces ? Au mois de janvier, on apprenait qu'IBM avait cédé son département serveurs x86 à Lenovo pour 2,3 milliards de dollars afin de se recentrer sur la nouvelle ligne de l'entreprise qui mise davantage sur les services et les logiciels. Selon le Financial Times, Big Blue pourrait chercher à se séparer de sa branche semi-conducteurs qui a pourtant contribué à sa renommée. On pense notamment à l'architecture Power utilisée dans les PowerPC des Mac Pro, le Cell de la PS3 ou encore le Power7 qui prend place au sein du supercalculateur Watson. Virginia Rometty alias Ginni (ouais on se permet depuis qu'on l'a faite monter dans la BX) semble prête à tout pour continuer la stratégie amorcée depuis plusieurs années par IBM. La branche semi-conducteurs et hardware du géant bleu a péniblement atteint 11% des bénéfices l'année dernière. Toutefois, il serait étonnant que l'entreprise se sépare totalement de ses processeurs qui sont encore présents dans de nombreux domaines.

History of Computing - Pre Historic Era 100.000 bc - 1438 bc A small introduction to this timeline. Centuries ago knowledge traveled with caravans between India to an area what we now call Middle East and back. It were mathematicians (called philosophers) that traveled along and passed the knowledge to people at their destination. Sometimes they were even invited to come over and amuse a king or other rulers in Mesopotamia, Turkey, Egypt, India and China. In this and the following chapters the same sort of events will occur in different time epochs. pre history | antiquity | pre industrial era | industrial era0000 - 469 - 1310 The Universal computer boots up with a Big Bang, everything that was has now become or will be. However, every time scientists discover new phenomena or get new instruments and new mathematical knowledge the age of the universe will again be in dispute. In the beginning, mankind may not have had any idea of numerical units. Possessions had to be portable, since they had to be carried around. see also: tally sticks

HP va investir 1 milliard de dollars dans le Cloud open-source Celui qui contrôle le Cloud contrôle les services. HP se réveille, certes, tard, mais l'entreprise a annoncé mercredi qu'il allait investir un milliard de dollars sur deux ans dans l'informatique dématérialisée sur Internet. Mais à la différence de la plupart de ses concurrents, HP mise sur une structure open-source. HP lance une nouvelle marque pour l'occasion, baptisée Helion, pour rassembler ses produits liés au Cloud. Ils sont basés sur l'infrastructure OpenStack cofondée par l'entreprise. Selon HP, adopter une structure open-source a plusieurs avantages: il est facile de tout migrer vers un autre fournisseur et les architectures hybrides et la customisation sont simplifiées. Cisco et IBM aussi dans la course HP avait déjà annoncé la semaine dernière une alliance pour fabriquer des serveurs optimisés pour le "cloud" avec le taïwanais Foxconn (groupe Hon Hai), le numéro un mondial de la sous-traitance électronique. P.B. avec AFP Plus d'informations sur ce sujet en vidéo

History of IBM International Business Machines, abbreviated IBM and nicknamed "Big Blue", is a multinational computer technology and IT consulting corporation headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States. The company is one of the few information technology companies with a continuous history dating back to the 19th century. IBM manufactures and sells computer hardware and software (with a focus on the latter), and offers infrastructure services, hosting services, and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.[1] Ginni Rometty is the president and CEO of IBM. Chronology[edit] 1880s–1924: The origin of IBM[edit] Tabulating Machine Company plant in 1893. The roots of IBM date back to the 1880s, decades before the development of electronic computers. Based in New York City, the new company had 1,300 employees and offices and plants in Endicott and Binghamton, New York; Dayton, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; Washington, D.C.; and Toronto, Ontario. Key events[edit] The U.S.

IBM présente le “plus petit ordinateur du monde”: que va t-on pouvoir faire avec ? La photo du dessus vous a bluffé ? Et bien, accrochez-vous, car l’ordinateur qu’IBM a présenté hier comme étant le “plus petit du monde” est bien moins grand que ça. Le visuel situé en haut présente en réalité 64 cartes mère contenant chacune 2 des minis ordinateurs conçus par IBM. Ne vous emballez pas : appareil présenté par IBM n’est qu’un prototype qui est encore en phase de test. Un ordinateur qu’on pourrait fixer à tous les objets du quotidien IBM prédit pourtant, à son minuscule appareil, un très grand avenir. Lutter contre la contrefaçon Autant de spécificités qui permettraient de mieux contrôler la traçabilité des produits de consommation courante tout en luttant contre la contrefaçon. Attaché à un animal, ces minuscules appareils pourraient même aider à contrôler les conditions d’élevage.

Alan Turing Scrapbook - Who invented the computer? Even when they turned to electronics, builders of calculators still thought of programs as something quite different from numbers, and stored them in quite a different, inflexible, way. So the ENIAC, started in 1943, was a massive electronic calculating machine, but I would not call it a computer in the modern sense, though some people do. This page shows how it took a square root — incredibly inefficiently. Colossus The Colossus was also started in 1943 at Bletchley Park, heart of the British attack on German ciphers (see this Scrapbook page.) I wouldn't call it a computer either, though some people do: it was a machine specifically for breaking the "Fish" ciphers, although by 1945 the programming had become very sophisticated and flexible. But the Colossus was crucial in showing Alan Turing the speed and reliability of electronics. 1996 saw the fiftieth anniversary of the ENIAC.

mashable If there's one downside to powerful computers, it's that they're too damn big. Luckily, that's about to change. At least, if IBM has anything to say about it. March 19 is the first day of IBM Think 2018, the company's flagship conference, where the company will unveil what it claims is the world's smallest computer. But don't let the size fool you: This sucker has the computing power of the x86 chip from 1990. The computer will cost less than ten cents to manufacture, and will also pack "several hundred thousand transistors," according to the company. Don't worry, bitcoin bros: It works with blockchain. According to IBM, this is only the beginning. It's not clear yet when this thing will be released — IBM researchers are currently testing its first prototype. But one thing's for sure: The future is here.
