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{ Coolio's | Your Daily Doggy Style } Atlas Obscura | Curious and Wondrous Travel Destinations The Daily What Post Secret Archive - hundreds of submitted postsecrets - Part 2 Sep 5 Tweet I am in love with.. I am in love with my boyfriend’s cousin. I’m attracted to guys in the Military. I’m attracted to guys in the Military. I got one chance and I almost missed it. Glad I didn’t and now I wanna be with you forever. For years, I’ve wanted to find someone to connect with like I do with you… For years, I’ve wanted to find someone to connect with like I do with you… But I’ve discovered I’m not attracted to you. Sep 2 I used to make Voodoo heads of my ex-lovers.. Back in the day, I used to make Voodoo heads of my ex-lovers (I found them in a box at my parent’s garage). I’ve been on a chicken salad diet ever since.. I’ve been on a chicken salad diet ever since I found out my guy best friend told my sister I was too fat to be loved.

10 Most Shocking Anti-Anorexia Campaigns The author of the campaign is famous Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani, for the talian fashion brand Nolita. The campaign is destined to young women in Italy who keep up with fashion and is called to draw public attention to such awful disease as anorexia. The ads, which are aimed at raising awareness about eating disorders, feature Isabelle Caro, a French woman, who had battled the disease for more than 15 years, shows her exposed breasts and frail, naked body. She had said that she was decided to show her body for people to know and to see how the disease impacts the body. The advertising campaign is considered to be controversial because there are people who think the photo is too crude. The film shows the scene above, normal girl checks her face, thighs and arms with a disapproving sigh in the mirror while the camera pans out to reveal the bony backside of an anorexic and her distorted view of herself. This is the shocking slogan from an Israeli campaign on eating disorders.

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