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Immortality only 20 years away says scientist

Immortality only 20 years away says scientist

Google et les transhumanistes Ray Kurzweil, le "pape" du transhumanisme, a été embauché par Google comme ingénieur en chef pour faire du moteur de recherche la première intelligence artificielle de l'histoire. LE MONDE SCIENCE ET TECHNO | • Mis à jour le | Par Laurent Alexandre (Chirurgien urologue, Président de DNAVision) Le transhumanisme est encore quasi inconnu en France. Dans ce contexte, les transhumanistes soutiennent une vision radicale des droits de l'humain. L'homme du futur serait ainsi comme un site Web, à tout jamais une "version béta", c'est-à-dire un organisme-prototype voué à se perfectionner en continu. Aujourd'hui, Google est devenu l'un des principaux architectes de la révolution NBIC et soutient activement le transhumanisme, notamment en parrainant la Singularity University qui forme les spécialistes des NBIC. Google s'intéresse également au séquençage ADN au travers de sa filiale 23andMe, dirigée par la femme de Sergei Brin, le cofondateur de Google.

inversion vieillissement A technique to keep the tips of your chromosomes healthy could reverse tissue ageing. The work, which was done in mice, is yet more evidence of a causal link between chromosome length and age-related disease. Telomeres, the caps of DNA which protect the ends of chromosomes, shorten every time cells divide. Mariela Jaskelioff and her colleagues at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts, engineered mice with short telomeres and inactive telomerase to see what would happen when they turned the enzyme back on. Four weeks after the team switched on the enzyme, they found that tissue had regenerated in several organs, new brain cells were developing and the mice were living longer. Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature09603 Subscribe to New Scientist and you'll get: New Scientist magazine delivered every week Unlimited access to all New Scientist online content - a benefit only available to subscribers Great savings from the normal price Subscribe now! Recommended by

32 Innovations That Will Change Your Tomorrow - Interactive Feature Electric Clothes Physicists at Wake Forest University have developed a fabric that doubles as a spare outlet. When used to line your shirt — or even your pillowcase or office chair — it converts subtle differences in temperature across the span of the clothing (say, from your cuff to your armpit) into electricity. And because the different parts of your shirt can vary by about 10 degrees, you could power up your MP3 player just by sitting still. According to the fabric’s creator, David Carroll, a cellphone case lined with the material could boost the phone’s battery charge by 10 to 15 percent over eight hours, using the heat absorbed from your pants pocket. Richard Morgan Chris Nosenzo The New Coffee Soon, coffee isn’t going to taste like coffee — at least not the dark, ashy roasts we drink today. Analytical Undies Your spandex can now subtly nag you to work out. The Morning Multitasker Clean Hair, No Hands Tim WuAuthor of “The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires”

Transhumanisme H+, un symbole du transhumanisme. Le transhumanisme est un mouvement culturel et intellectuel international prônant l'usage des sciences et des techniques afin d'améliorer la condition humaine notamment par l'augmentation des capacités physiques et mentales des êtres humains. Les transhumanistes considèrent certains aspects de la condition humaine tels que le handicap, la souffrance, la maladie, le vieillissement ou la mort subis comme indésirables. Le transhumanisme partage de nombreux éléments avec l'humanisme, y compris le respect de la raison et de la science, une volonté de progresser et une valorisation de l'existence humaine (ou transhumaine). Le terme « transhumanisme » est symbolisé par « H+ » (anciennement « >H »[3]) et est souvent employé comme synonyme d'« amélioration humaine ». Pour résumer la FAQ transhumaniste d'Humanity+ développée dans les années 1990, un des documents transhumanistes les plus reconnus, le transhumanisme est défini par Max More comme suit[4] :

molecules storage Storage is a very exciting thing these days: SSDs are increasing in capacity and becoming cheaper, hard drives are offering storage capacity that’s unprecedented at the consumer level, and recently, scientists have been able to store significant amounts of data using unusual mediums, such as strings of DNA and small groups of atoms. Now, scientists have managed to store data in individual molecules. Using a new, still-experimental technology, researchers have managed to turn individual molecules into a storage medium. Molecular memory isn’t an entirely new concept but there have always been significant hurdles, the first of which is no stranger to the computing world: cooling. The team also overcame another significant hurdle standing in the way of molecular memory. Research paper: Interface-engineered templates for molecular spin memory devices [Image credit: Wallsonline]

me Les conséquences de la techno-médecine 01Business le 08/07/13 à 15h20 « L’homme qui vivra mille ans est peut-être déjà né » cette phrase de Laurent Alexandre, chirurgien-urologue et neurobiologiste, diplômé de Science Po, d'HEC et de l'ENA, résume bien l’influence des biotechnologies sur le futur de l’humanité. Depuis sa première édition en 2008, l’USI a pour vocation de réunir "les geeks et les boss" autour de sujets traitant d’actualité informatique, de nouvelles technologies, d’innovation, mais aussi de philosophie ou de design. Accelerating Future » Top 10 Transhumanist Technologies Transhumanists advocate the improvement of human capacities through advanced technology. Not just technology as in gadgets you get from Best Buy, but technology in the grander sense of strategies for eliminating disease, providing cheap but high-quality products to the world’s poorest, improving quality of life and social interconnectedness, and so on. Technology we don’t notice because it’s blended in with the fabric of the world, but would immediately take note of its absence if it became unavailable. Transhumanists tend to take a longer-than-average view of technological progress, looking not just five or ten years into the future but twenty years, thirty years, and beyond. 10. Cryonics is the high-fidelity preservation of the human body, and particularly the brain, after what we would call death, in anticipation of possible future revival. 9. Clearly, World of Warcraft’s eight million subscribers and SecondLife’s five million subscribers are onto something. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. - Google Play ***#1 Role Playing Game on iOS (iTunes Store) ******Over 4,000,000 Downloads Worldwide! ***Reign of Dragons is FREE RPG & BATTLE GAME that lets you battle REAL players in Epic Tournaments and Guild Wars. = NEW PLAYER CAMPAIGN =NOW, you can get a REWARD (worth $50) after clearing the Tutorial!! = REVIEWS =-5/5 "BETTER than Rage of Bahamut and Legend of the Cryptids!!" = FEATURES =- FREE TO PLAY- FRESH and SMOOTH PLAY- Countless QUEST and ADVENTURES- BEAUTIFUL Artwork and Graphics- BUILD a Realm of your own Design! = GAME STORY =Shadow beasts had cornered the elderly Dragon King and were about to shred him to pieces. = Information =Official Facebook Page: Official Twitter: -------------Regarding Terms of Use: Privacy Policy: The full Terms of Use can be found from “Privacy Policy” at the bottom of screen.

Transhumanisme : demain, l'Homme amélioré De l’Homme réparé à l’Homme augmenté et presque immortel, il n’y a qu’un pas… Dans le billet précédent, nous vous avons présenté quelques applications concrètes, bien réelles, dont le but est simple : réparer l’être humain. Soigner les blessures, mais aussi réparer, corriger les imperfections de la nature. Mais le transhumanisme ne s’arrête pas à cette étape. Sans que nous n’en ayons forcément besoin de prime abord, nous pourrions dans un avenir proche, troquer nos jambes contre de nouvelles, artificielles mais “fashion”, ou hyper rapides. Et nous pourrions aussi, pourquoi pas, décupler notre intelligence ou nos capacités cognitives, grâce à la stimulation cérébrale, aux interfaces cerveau-machine et aux neurosciences... Avec les progrès de la science, les rêves transhumanistes sont une réalité tangible. "Connected" - Kasey Mcmahon Le mécano humain Certains transhumanistes n’ont pas attendu 2015 pour commencer à se bricoler eux-mêmes. Des caméras dans le corps "Improvement" - Ijal Sasino

The Neuroscience Of Music - Wired Science Why does music make us feel? On the one hand, music is a purely abstract art form, devoid of language or explicit ideas. The stories it tells are all subtlety and subtext. And yet, even though music says little, it still manages to touch us deep, to tickle some universal nerves. When listening to our favorite songs, our body betrays all the symptoms of emotional arousal. The pupils in our eyes dilate, our pulse and blood pressure rise, the electrical conductance of our skin is lowered, and the cerebellum, a brain region associated with bodily movement, becomes strangely active. We can now begin to understand where these feelings come from, why a mass of vibrating air hurtling through space can trigger such intense states of excitement. Because the scientists were combining methodologies (PET and fMRI) they were able to obtain an impressively precise portrait of music in the brain. The question, of course, is what all these dopamine neurons are up to.

saturday nite fire DIY human cyborg biohacks his own body with circadia implant nov 01, 2013 DIY human cyborg biohacks his own body with circadia implant DIY human cyborg biohacks his own body with circadia implantimage courtesy of motherboard imagine a future of cyborgs, where people are capable of augmenting and monitoring their bio-telemetry via an external interface or smartphone on-the-go. biohacker tim cannon has done just that by implanting a device he has designed known as circadia into his forearm. circadia is a computer capable of recording and transmitting biometric data to android-powered devices. conceived with the help of the team from grindehouse wetware, the cyborg transformation has given cannon full access to his body’s biometric data in real-time. ‘I think that our environment should listen more accurately and more intuitively to what’s happening in our body,’ explains cannon. experimenting with biochip implantsvideo courtesy Motherboard TV the circadia device before being implanted in tim cannon’s armimage courtesy motherboard
