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The super fast color palettes generator!

The super fast color palettes generator!

IN COLOR BALANCE | Подбор цвета | Page 12 Цветовая палитра №1883 желтый и лиловый, желтый и маджентовый, желтый и розовый, желтый и фиолетовый, лиловый и желтый, лиловый и розовый, маджентовый и желтый, маджентовый и розовый, оттенки лилового, оттенки розового, палитры для дизайна, палитры для дома, розово-фиолетовый цвет, розовый закат, розовый и желтый, розовый и лиловый, розовый и маджентовый, розовый и цвет фуксии, фиолетово-розовый цвет, яркий розовый и желтый. Цветовая палитра №1882 желтый цвет, золотой и изумрудный, изумрудный и золотой, изумрудный цвет, новогодние цвета, Новогодняя палитра, оттенки желтого цвета, оттенки зеленого, оттенки золотого цвета, оттенки изумрудного цвета, цвет для новогодней вечеринки, цвет шампанского, цвет янтаря, янтарные оттенки, яркий желтый. Цветовая палитра №1881 Цветовая палитра №1880 Цветовая палитра №1879 Цветовая палитра №1878 Цветовая палитра №1877 Цветовая палитра №1876

Thomas Byttebier - The best icon is a text label Previously I wrote about clarity being the most important characteristic of a great interface. Let’s talk about icons now. They’re an essential part of many user interfaces. Pictograms have been in use since the early days of mankind. In many public spaces, they’re used for wayfinding. Icons soon became popular in user interface design too. Of course I can see why icons grew popular in user interfaces. Moreover, an icon can often replace a long descriptive group of words. (Unclear icons remind me of this funny graphic someone posted on Twitter recently: I guess Ron got frustrated by all these unreadable washing icons…) Discussing the use of icons with clients, the remark I hear often goes like this: “People will use our software daily, they’ll soon learn the meaning of our icons.” And I have more bad news: users will avoid interface elements they cannot understand. Another example: after a redesign, new Twitter users plausibly didn’t understand what they were supposed to do.

Color Wheel - Color Calculator | Sessions College The color wheel is a chart representing the relationships between colors. Based on a circle showing the colors of the spectrum originally fashioned by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666, the colour wheel he created serves many purposes today. Painters use it to identify colors to mix and designers use it to choose colors that go well together. The classic color wheel shows hues arranged in a circle, connected by lines or shapes. Secondary colors are created by mixing primary colors. How to Delightfully Trick Users With Animation Without motion, there cannot be interaction. When you close a tab, it disappears from the screen: at this basic level, motion provides immediate feedback (which is crucial since vision is our dominant sense), but at a more advanced level, motion adds a layer of humanity and realism. Animation makes interfaces feel alive and truly responsive to the user. In the past, animations were a luxury mostly for Flash-based sites, but now almost every site uses CSS/Javascript/HTML5 animations ranging from simple sliders to more complex parallax scrolls. This isn’t a bad thing — in addition to looking nice and pleasing users, animations solve a lot of functional problems within interfaces. Let’s explore a few tactics for smoothing load times, easing transitions, and examine the application of Disney’s animation principles to digital interaction design. Distract Users During Loading Time Loading time is a byproduct of our ambitions outreaching our technical capabilities. Transition & Inform Users 1. 2.

Basic color schemes: Color Theory Introduction With colors you can set a mood, attract attention, or make a statement. You can use color to energize, or to cool down. By selecting the right color scheme, you can create an ambiance of elegance, warmth or tranquility, or you can convey an image of playful youthfulness. Color can be your most powerful design element if you learn to use it effectively. Colors affect us in numerous ways, both mentally and physically. Being able to use colors consciously and harmoniously can help you create spectacular results. The Color Wheel The color wheel or color circle is the basic tool for combining colors. The color wheel is designed so that virtually any colors you pick from it will look good together. Traditionally, there are a number of color combinations that are considered especially pleasing. ColorImpact is designed to dynamically create a color wheel to match your base color. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colors Another six tertiary colors are created by mixing primary and secondary colors.

10 of the Best UX Infographics Sometimes, as the old saying goes, pictures really do tell 1000 words. And if that’s the case, what’s better than a picture with 1000 words included on it? We’ve gathered 10 more of the best UX relevant infographics from around the web for your entertainment and education. The 360˚ Experience Circle | UX-CX-BX Source: Gray Holland Content vs. Source: Slideshare 7 Elements of Fun User Experiences Source:7 Elements of Fun User Experiences The Website Design Process Source: unknown The Thumb Zone Source: Designing for Thumbs Colours in Culture Source: Information is Beautiful The User Experience Design Process The UX Intersection The Definition of User Experience CUBI: A User Experience Model for Project Success Source: UX mag

colourcode - find your colour scheme 10 Material Design iOS components for OSX and iOS development Some of you might say that Material Design has been explicitly built for Android and plethora of other Google products. And this statement is true in some sense. The main purpose of Material Design is to create unified look and feel to all Google platforms and to unify each product design into one cohesive vision. However, Material design is simply design guidelines and constrains, but that doesn’t mean you can’t apply them to any other platform you wish. In fact, some businesses might do exactly the same as Google did, and contain visual unification of the ecosystem of their products. Unified look and feel of the online product or brand across all mobile and web platforms, certainly improves the user experience. This list of iOS components aims to help you add Material Design modules to OS X and iOS applications. 1.Material design components for iOS written in Swift Download on GitHub 2. iOS Material Design Library Download on GitHub 3.Material Design Icons Font for iOS Download on GitHub

The 14 Best Tools For Evaluating Your User Experience Have you ever checked your web analytics and noticed that your bounce rates are high, but conversion rates are low? You know that’s not a good sign, but have no idea why your performance is suffering. Your copy is great. You have calls-to-action in all the right spots. Have you considered user experience? Too many marketers make the critical mistake of creating a website that works for them, rather than a website that works for the customer. Here are fourteen that deserve a place in your digital marketing arsenal: Research and Analysis Do you know what it looks like when someone browses your site? If not, start your user experience evaluation with the following tools: UserTesting UserTesting offers a wide variety of services for testing your user’s experience. UsabilityTools This testing tool allows you to test both conversion and user experience. ClickTale The Formula for Better App Design Usabilla This testing tool allows you to test both conversion and user experience. Verify InVision Balsamiq

Accessibility Wins, curated by Marcy Sutton How to perfect your UX with persona scenarios User scenarios are the stories that your personasp0o act out. Basically, user scenarios are thought exercises (though represented visually) in which you predict how certain types of users — represented by your personas — will interact with your website in a given situation in order to complete a given goal. User scenarios let you understand what your future users will look for when trying to complete tasks on your site. Even if your personas “fail” at the task, at least you now have a visual representation of your problem and can go back and solve it easily. User scenarios allow you to test your site structure before it’s fully developed and isolate problems before they become problems. How to make a user scenario The first thing you’ll want to figure out in creating a user scenario is a realistic goal for someone using your website. After integrating your personas, a user scenario will then highlight the details about how your system could be interpreted, experienced, and used.

The Principles of UX Choreography Before I became a UX designer, I thought I wanted to be a title sequence designer. I took a course at Carnegie Mellon taught by Dan Boyarski called Time, Motion, and Communication. It was all about kinetic typography, rhythm, color, and movement. Dan used to describe every element on screen as if it were an actor on a stage — a character that we were directing, giving it behavior and personality. “You are responsible for directing each element’s entrance, performance, and exit.” We would constantly revisit this sequence, giving reason to why a character was there and what its role was. Fast forward to a few years later: I’ve created hundreds of wireframes and thousands of annotations that describe how things work and fit together. The more wireframes I made, the more I started to realize that everything I had once learned about motion design was completely relevant to our roles as UX and visual designers. Disney & UX The 5 Principles of UX Choreography Feedback Feedforward Spatial Awareness
