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Adele's ESL Corner - Your free online English language website ESL Kids World - Role play worksheets Worksheets At ESL Kids world we offer high quality printable PDF worksheets for teaching young learners. These worksheets include among others: colouring sheets, crossword and wordsearch puzzles and much more. Designed by ESL professionals, the sheets will help teachers of kids in their lesson plans. Phonics For Young Learners of English, the teaching of phonics often takes centre-stage. Flashcards With a rich collection of flashcards, properly arranged by topics, you are armed with more high quality materials for teaching kids. Games The artistic nature of kids brains has them ready-made for games and fun activities. Song Worksheets Song relax and gets rid of negative emotions. Powerpoint PPT he age of interactive whiteboards and overhead projectors are here to stay - enter powerpoint. Interactive Some students learning by playing games and solving puzzles on the computer.

Learn English If you're trying to learn English, check our courses below about adjectives, adverbs, articles, gender (feminine, masculine...), negation, nouns, numbers, phrases, plural, prepositions, pronouns, questions, verbs, vocabulary, excercises... to help you with your English grammar. Below are our free English lessons. Enjoy our courses! English Lessons Information about English English belongs to the Indo-European family, Germanic group, West Germanic subgroup and is the official language of over 1.7 billion people. The words "England" and "English", come from the word, "Angles". We hope the lessons above helped you learn English.

untitled Time4English A German woman in Darmstadt found a wallet containing €1000. She refused to give it back to the owner unless she was given a €120 reward. She got the reward, but the pensioner who owned it tipped off the police and the woman was arrested. Police said: "It was a bit stupid. tipped off - told Volunteers were cleaning rubbish from the top of Britain's highest mountain when they found a piano. puzzled = don't know how as to = about instrument = piano ended up at = got to German police are stunned by the theft of an entire roller-coaster. stunned - very surprised Big Dipper - name of a kind of roller-coaster Six-year-old Maximiliano Arellano, from Mexico City, has been studying medicine on his own at home. Maximiliano Arellano = boy's name on his own = alone / by himself prodigy = child genius / child who is many years ahead of other children his/her age enable = allow

English Conversation – Movies This is the preparation material for an English Conversation lesson about movies. There are some common terms and idioms that we use when discussing movies and a list of conversation questions that people might ask eachother when talking about this subject. Audio discussion about movies Listen to discussion about movies Transcript of audio discussion Vocabulary we might use when talking about movies The big screen – this is a slang way of referring to the movie cinema.Entertaining – something which entertains; amusing and interesting.Intense – containing strong emotions/feelings or extreme in nature.Thought-provoking – something that makes you think hard.Hilarious - something which is extremely funny. Idioms we might use when talking about movies… Waste of time – giving your time to something that turns out to be useless.Frame of mind – a temporary psychological stateAll-time favourite – something that is your favourite thing in your whole life. Questions about Movies

English (ESL) Literacy and Vocabulary Exercises Online beginning English exercises numbers 0 - 10readnumber names, zero to ten:read spell A - a, B - b, C - c ...readthings in the classroom:read spellcolors:read spelldaily activitiesread spell months:read spellfamily:read spellvegetables:read spellfruit:read spellclothing:read spell places around the neighborhoodread spell rooms in a houseread spell accessories:read spell farm animals:read spellfast foodread spell intermediate and advanced English exercises kitchen equipment:read spell transportationread spell things in an office:read spell kinds of moviesread spell wild animals:read spell tools:read spellsea creatures:read spellspace:read spell San Francisco tourist places:read spell the Earthread spell insectsread spell fabric patternsread spell punctuation marks:read spell Greetings teachers of English as a second language (ESL), You should note, however, that although the game-like element adds some excitement, the simplicity of these exercises makes them somewhat monotonous. Cheers, Kurt

Oral English assessments and ESL speaking English activities Step 1: Listen to the dialog for a general meaning. Step 2. Listen again and begin to write the passage down on a piece of paper. 5 times should be the maximum amount of time that you should listen to the dictation. (Try not to pause, but if you must, do it only when a sentence ends. TIP: Keep going even if you do not know a word. Step 3: Listen one last time to check your dictation. Step 4: Read the dialog below to check your answers. Compare your answers with the dictation. Brain Food Fish is a very healthy food choice.
