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Formulists Bitly Create a free account Sign up with FacebookSign up with Twitter Or Sign in & Start Sharing Sign in with FacebookSign in with Twitter By creating an account, you agree to Bitly's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Don't have an account? Already have an account? Tweepi v2.0 :: a geekier, faster way to bulk add quality followers Du matériel au virtuel, un jeu pédagogique pour appréhender le classement informatique Dans le cadre de l’appel à projets du SPP intégration sociale – fracture numérique ("Initiation et formation aux TIC"), l'asbl Fobagra, épaulée par Lire et Ecrire, s’est lancé dans la création de supports didactiques pour l’apprentissage des TIC, à l’intention des publics peu qualifiés. Il s’agit de développer des supports purement matériels, qui permettent au néophyte d’appréhender plus facilement la réalité souvent déroutante du monde virtuel. Le projet a débouché sur la création d’un jeu de cartes pédagogique pour l’apprentissage des TIC : Du matériel au virtuel, dans lequel les fichiers sont représentés par des cartes réinscriptibles, et les dossiers par des chemises jaunes aptes à contenir les fichiers. Le jeu permet de réaliser divers exercices sur les logiques d’arborescence, de classement des données, de format de fichier. Contact :

YouMapps | Community Mapping Platform by Spot Image Twit Cleaner - Clean Your Tweetstream! Créez votre catalogue interactif en ligne Création simplifiée La solution intuitive Notre logiciel en ligne vous permet de créer en quelques clics vos catalogues interactifs, Magazines, brochures, dossiers de presse, rapports annuels… Nous mettons à votre disposition une équipe experte dédiée et attentive à vos besoins à qui vous pouvez confier la production de vos documents. Nous nous chargerons alors de vous livrer votre document en un temps record.Test gratuit Multimédia à volonté Interactivité, dynamisme multi-support Grâce à notre solution de publication digitale, offrez à vos lecteurs une expérience de feuilletage unique ! Exemples Dossiers de presse, rapports annuels, catalogues produits… Voir l'exemple Lecture digitale responsive tous supports Développez votre présence Vos publications accessibles au plus grand nombre et à tout moment. Lecture digitale professionnelle Partenaire de vos projets Test Gratuit Notre valeur ajoutée Ils nous font confiance

Followorks | Minoworks Followorks ◆ Followorks ◆ Features summary ◆ Download ◆ Video ◆ Screenshots ◆ FAQ ◆ Updates History ◆ Customer Reviews ◆ Mentions on Twitter Followorks Follow and unfollow from your iPhone and iPad at your finger tip, any time, any place. Features summary It includes the following features: ✔ Find your followers and follow them back. ✔ Find users that did not refollow you and allows you to unfollow them. ✔ Easily view refollow and unfollow figures in 0 – 100 percent. ✔ Manage multiple accounts. ✔ Manually follow and unfollow like twitter. Also, more features will be added into future updates. Many thanks to your feedbacks and have fun!! Download (iPhone) Download (iPad) Video Screenshots for iPhone 5 Screenshots for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod ● There are currently no FAQ for this app. Updates History Customer Reviews ● Successful in keeping up with unfollowers – ★★★★★ by by Mena Murray – Version 2.2.0 – Mar 8, 2014 Adequate system for managing twitter followers/ unfollowers. ● 買ってよかった! ● Great app!

A Unique Approach to Increasing Your Twitter Following by Utilizing Twollo and LessFriends | Official Blog UPDATE: 2/25/2012 | Twollo, the application mentioned in this article apparently is no longer active. I thought this was pertinent to mention so you don’t potentially waste any time implementing this approach to increasing your Twitter following. Like most people who start out on Twitter I was left with the question, how do I increase the number of followers or more specifically my reach on Twitter? There are a number of ways to increase your following but I haven’t come across any methods as easy as the one I’m about to explain. Increasing your following is completely useless if you don’t have the personality or originality to keep your followers interested in what you have to say. Before diving much further into this creative little tactic I should explain that I am fairly new to Twitter and I undoubtedly have a lot to learn which I will continue to do on a daily basis through research and trial and error (hopefully less error). Do you Twollo? The Strategy: (Probably too much detail) | Le Serious Game en Belgique francophone Tweet-o-Meter - Giving you an insight into Twitter activity from Is it true that, "New York is the city that never sleeps!"? Do Londoners send more Tweets than New Yorkians'? Is Oslo a bigger Tweeter than Munich? Is Tokyo as much into Tweets as Barcelona? The Tweet-o-Meter measures the amount of tweets (measured in Tweets per Minute or TPM) received from various locations around the world. Tweet-o-Meter is designed to mine data for later analysis relating to furthering our understanding of social and temporal dynamics for e-Social Science within the Twitter demographic. Pop Music Video The music video that inspired the application:

un outil français qui permet d'automatiser certaines tâches. by agentit Nov 11
