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Daisy the Dinosaur on the App Store
Related:  Programación

Teacher led Hour of Code lesson plans - by grade and subject Now that tens of thousands of educators have tried the Hour of Code, many classrooms are ready for more creative, less one-size-fits-all activities that teach the basics of computer science. To help teachers find inspiration, we collected and curated one-hour teacher-led lesson and activity plans designed for different subject areas for Hour of Code veterans. Elementary School Scratch Animate Your Name Ages 8 to 16. Scratch Hide and Seek Game Ages 8 to 16. Scratch Dance, Dance, Dance Ages 8 to 16. ScratchJr: Can I Make a Spooky Forest? ScratchJr: Can I Make My Characters Greet Each Other? ScratchJr: Can I Make the Sun Set? My Robotic Friend Ages 5-18. Conditionals with Cards Ages 8-12. Binary Baubles Ages 8-18. Bomberbot Hour of Code Activities Ages 8-12. STEM Projects Ages 5-18. Rock, Paper, Scissors Ages 10-15. Kodable fuzzFamily Frenzy Ages 5-9. Google CS First Ages 9-14 Sequence, Programming, Art, Storytelling, Web-based. Bitsbox Coding + Math Ages 5-13. Middle School High School

ScratchJr Las TIC y su utilización en la educación : 17 recursos para enseñar programación a los más pequeños Estimad@s lectores/as que tengan un excelente día, en esta ocasión les compartimos este grupo de recursos para enseñar a programar a los más pequeños, estas herramientas fomentan el pensamiento critico, analítico, la resolución de problemas, y la lógica como características principales en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje y construcción del conocimiento. Tal como en otras publicaciones están ordenados de forma alfabética sin ofrecer ningún ranking, ya que en cuestión de lenguajes de programación cada quién hace potencial su lenguaje según sus gustos de programación, aunque tengamos nuestras favoritas, pero la intención es de brindar recursos con los cuales puedan experimentar en el aula de clases y sobre beneficiar a nuestros estudiantes o hij@s, en algunos se ha colocado tanto los productos que poseen hardware y software como un paquete, un saludo cordial. Esta app permite crear animaciones y juegos su estructura por bloques es similar a la mayoría de este tipo de aplicaciones.

Cargo-Bot 7 Programming Languages to Teach Kids How to Code What to Know Programming languages for kids can help ease them onto a path that can lead to in-demand and lucrative future careers.Programming for kids can be learned through block style lessons or by learning a new programming language.Computer programming for kids is best taught using gaming and gaming-style coding to keep their interest. If you want your kids to learn how to program, where do you start? Try a few of these programming languages for kids to get them started creating their own computer programs. Scratch What We Like Block-style storytelling teaches the fundamentals of coding in a fun way.Developed by MIT, an authority on teaching and coding.Free. What We Don't Like Website is a bit cluttered.Social networking aspect may not be suitable for some children. Scratch is a free programming language for kids developed by MIT's Lifelong Kindergarten Lab. Scratch uses a building-block visual interface to create a scaffolded experience for kids and parents. Suggested ages: 8 to 16 Alice

Bee-Bot Cómo enseñar a programar a los más pequeños Son muchas las personas que sustentan que debería ser esencial enseñar a los niños a programar, siempre desde un punto de vista más básico y visual, sin código de por medio, sino mediante juegos que les ayuden a resolver problemas de una forma lógica. Y aunque sea una tarea difícil, enseñar a programar, hay herramientas que facilitan mucho la tarea de enseñar y de que los niños (o no tan niños) aprendan los fundamentos de la programación. Scrath Como no podía ser de otra forma, la primera plataforma a mencionar es Scratch, que es una de las más usadas y simples para poder empezar a programar por lo más básico, siendo totalmente visual y simple. Funciona con bloques, que tienen acciones básicas como son las condiciones o los bucles y funciones para manipular el contenido visual del programa. Sin duda Scratch es ideal para enseñar a un niño sin conocimientos de programación, además que en la plataforma se encuentra multitud de juegos creados con este lenguaje. Stencyl Game Salad Vía | Bitelia

Tynker - Learn programming with visual code blocks and build your own games 15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code (Even Without a Computer) According to, 90 percent of parents in the U.S. want their children to learn computer science—it will be crucial for many jobs in the near future—but only 40 percent of schools teach it. Critics claim that it is mainly the more affluent schools that offer computer science courses, thus denying those who attend poorer schools the chance to learn necessary skills. A focus on STEM is not enough: also reports that while 70 percent of new STEM jobs are in computing, only 7 percent of STEM graduates are in computer science. It is imperative that savvy schools begin to focus some STEM resources on computer science and programming. In my opinion, parents of every student in every school at every level should demand that all students be taught how to code. With the following resources, you can teach programming to every student and every age. Teaching Coding to the Youngest Students Tynker Games: Use these age-appropriate games to teach your elementary students coding concepts.

LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Fix the Factory Coding Game for Kids Code Master Think Fun Review We love board games! We love STEM! What better opportunity to test out a brand new coding game from Think Fun! Code Master: A NEW Think Fun Coding Game for Kids! Code Master and STEM STEM is a mighty popular subject these days. Set Up Your Level. Use the Guide Scroll to set up the outline of your program and determine what pieces are required to complete the level. Code Master is a compact game with 60 logic puzzles! My son loves when a level has crystals to harvest! Write Your Program. Try to set up the colored chips by visualizing the end results of your program. Run Your Program. Think you have coded the correct sequence of actions? What Does Code Master Teach? Code Master teaches children to visualize an outcome of a series of events, to apply logic to solve a problem, to have patience when a program is not right. My son truly enjoys this game. Introduce coding skills to kids. Please follow along with us Pinterest, Facebook, G+, or SUBSCRIBE to us by email on our side bar

Marvel - Turn Sketches Into Prototypes CALLING ALL CODERS By 2018, there will be more than two million open jobs in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) professions, but only 19 percent of current college degrees are in STEM fields. Even worse, 75 percent of students that do well in science and math decide to not pursue STEM in college. If we want to remain a global leader, we have to develop more interest in these topics. One way to do that is by to show students that coding ties into nearly everything we do. And to do that, we need to incorporate programming into the curriculum, just as they’ve done in the following examples. At the South Bronx Early College Academy, a public charter school for grades six and seven, computational thinking is woven into every class. The state of Virginia is determined to expose its students to programming and has formed a computer science steering committee that is creating computer science standards for grades K–12. Three years ago, Quaker Hill Elementary School participated in Hour of Code.
