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Understanding HTML5 Validation One of things that we need to get used to when making the switch from HTML4/XHTML to HTML5 is the way HTML5 validation works, because it’s drastically different from what we’ve become accustomed to in previous iterations of web markup. First, it should be noted that the W3C’s HTML5 validation engine is “experimental”, so it’s a work in progress that will likely see many changes over the next year or more. Also, we shouldn’t refer to it as a “validator” anymore; it’s now more accurately referred to as a “conformance checker” (although for simplicity I’ll be using the term “validation” and its derivatives). Thus, when you validate a page, the following warning is given: The validator checked your document with an experimental feature: HTML5 Conformance Checker. That having been said, let’s compare validation results using the same code for both HTML5 and XHTML. <! <! When we switch to XHTML, we’ll make one change: We’ll add the proper doctype to identify an XHTML strict doctype. <! <!

Desarrollo Web, Tu mejor ayuda para aprender a hacer webs. HTML5 Moved Into Review Phase Daniel Bailey in Business Products on May 27 The collection of technologies that will redefine much of the Internet as we perceive it today is going into a public review phase that invites comments and hopes for feedback on outstanding issues to enable a standardization by 2014. The Official HTML5 Logo The development of a standard is never anything that happens overnight and even if it appears that HTML5 is already a standard, it is in dire need of much more control and strong definitions for a final standard. This week, the W3C issued a Last Call announcement, which marks the beginning of the public review phase that is currently expected to be wrapped up by February 2012, according to a forum post by Paul Cotton, co-chair of the HTML working group and a representative of Microsoft within the W3C. The W3C said that the original work on HTML5 began in 2007 at the W3C, but has been in development by the WHATWG since 2004 . You can leave a response , or trackback from your own site.

The Best Free Photoshop Plugins for Web Designers The work of a web designer is more of a creative process and in order to enhance that creativity web designers try to reduce the tedious technical part of their work with the help of various plugins and tools available for the software they employ. Nowadays there are many handy software extensions that can make the work of a web designer much easier and as a result more enjoyable. Oftentimes the best and most useful tools are paid ones and not every web designer would go for it. So today we have come up with a selection of the best free Photoshop Plugins that will be helpful for both web designer pros and amateurs. Layrs Control This Photoshop extension is basically a set of scripts that will do the routine technical work for you. Cut&Slice This is a very handy tool designed for cutting layout and exporting separate slices to different devices. performs pretty much the same functions as the Cut&Slice, but has a few more useful features. CSS3Ps Composer GuideGuide WebFont

C News Archive: 2011 W3C First Drafts of Three Audio API Specifications Published 15 December 2011 The Audio Working Group has published three First Public Working Drafts to provide an advanced audio API for the Web: the Web Audio API and MediaStream Processing API specifications each define a different approach to process and synthesize audio streams directly in script. These APIs can be used for interactive applications, games, 3D environments, musical applications, educational applications, and for the purposes of accessibility. Read the blog post Sounding Out the Audio APIs for more information about the possibilities unlocked by an audio API, and learn more about the Rich Web Clients Activity. Drafts Updated for XHTML+RDFa 1.1 and RDFa Core 1.1 The RDF Web Applications Working Group has published a Working Draft of RDFa Core 1.1, a specification for attributes to express structured data in any markup language. The PROV Data Model and Abstract Syntax Notation Draft Published CSS 2D Transforms Updated

Como crear tu web. Curso HTML/CSS y otros Onswipe Makes Any News Site Touch-Enabled With HTML5 Magic | Epicenter  Look out specialized magazine iPad apps — you’ve got a new competitor that aims to turn any website into a touch-and-swipe experience on tablets and smartphones with just a few lines of JavaScript. Onswipe, which launched Tuesday, works by diverting iPad, iPhone and Android phone users from a publisher’s webpage to a specialized HTML5-driven page that behaves like a custom magazine app such as Popular Science and Wired magazine’s iPad apps or The Daily’s experiment of an app as a daily newspaper. The difference is that Onswipe does all the work – for free. Publishers choose from a range of templates; provide a way for Onswipe to get at the content in the publisher’s database; and include a short line of code in their website. And voila! Onswipe Demo Video from Onswipe on Vimeo. “The tablet is the TV of our generation,” Baptiste said. Others have gone down the road of bypassing native apps for the power of HTML5. “Someone like The Financial Times could just use us,” Baptiste said.

HTML5 en la educación. - Zona de descarga View , Navigation and Search Recursos Materiales HTML5 en la educación. - Zona de descarga Página 6 de 6 Zona de descargas Código QR para enlace con la página navegable de los materiales << Anterior - Siguiente Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte | Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado | Información general :

Geolocation You are here: Home Dive Into HTML5 Diving In Geolocation is the art of figuring out where you are in the world and (optionally) sharing that information with people you trust. There is more than one way to figure out where you are — your IP address, your wireless network connection, which cell tower your phone is talking to, or dedicated GPS hardware that calculates latitude and longitude from information sent by satellites in the sky. Ask Professor Markup Q: Geolocation sounds scary. The Geolocation API The geolocation API lets you share your location with trusted web sites. As you can see from the following table, the geolocation API is supported by most browsers on the desktop and mobile devices. Along with support for the standard geolocation API, there are a plethora of device-specific APIs on other mobile platforms. Show Me The Code The geolocation API centers around a new property on the global navigator object: navigator.geolocation. function get_location() { (show_map); } Choices! <!
