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Tasteologie Best Blender Reviews - All Blenders Reviewed By Experts The Perennial Plate | Adventurous and Sustainable Eating Mexico Cooks! 10 Ways of Organizing Kitchen with Modular Fittings | Wicked Spoon Confessions Organizing—may sound a cumbersome word for some lazy bones (including me). But when it comes to organizing a kitchen, I want it done once and forever. Indian kitchens have come a long way from open firewood chulah days to a modular facelift. Modular kitchen fittings is a solution to so many nagging issues we face in the kitchen. This contemporary kitchen solution not only gives the kitchen a chic look but also harmonizes, neatens and helps in maximum utilization of space. Two rules I follow while organizing my kitchen is: 1. Before we embark on the organizing journey make a mental picture, and divide your kitchen in sections— electronic gadgets, serving dishes, crockery, cooking utensils, grains and pulses, stove area, oils, spices and condiments etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Decide judiciously and identify a spot which is away from water source, in order to avoid moisture dampening your stores. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Piure: the world's strangest seafood? I've spent the last 10 days in Chile - hence the lack of recent posts. Most of my time was spent visiting wineries but I also found time to visit the Central Market in Santiago which I remembered from my last visit sports some of the weirdest seafood I've ever come across. This coral-like substance is called Piure. I've been looking for more information about it but it basically tastes something like a sea-urchin though much less delicate in flavour. They extract the flesh then serve it with onions and a good squeeze of lemon, both necessary to disguise the slightly bitter, soapy taste. There are other unfamiliar fish: pink clams called machas which the contestants in the World's Best Sommelier contest had to match with red wine (almost impossible) . . . Congrio or conger eel which is a popular basis for the very tasty Chilean seafood stews . . . Some very spooky octopus . . . And abalone, a much prized Chilean speciality, shown here boiled with mayonnaise

La Cocina de Leslie 10 best jug blenders | Food & Drink | Extras | The Independent A good blender can blitz ingredients within seconds, making short work of everything from smoothies and milkshakes to soups and sauces. Professional-grade machines, such as Sage and Vitamix, can do a lot more besides, including milling grains and chopping veg. The higher-end ones also tend to be a lot more durable. Don’t assume the more power, the better the blender – it’s not always the case. And don’t forget to think about storage – some are lighter than others, with cord-storage included, while others are designed to be kept out on your worktop. 1. This is astounding value for a quiet, fast and efficient blender that’s easy to set up, use and store. Buy now 2. As you’d hope for the price, this blender makes the smoothest smoothies and soups (which you can reheat in the same machine) of all the ones we tested, thanks to a patented blade and bowl system. Buy now 3. With its seven auto-functions and 700W motor, this is a great all-rounder. Buy now 4. Buy now 5. Buy now 6. Buy now 7. Buy now 8.
