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Free Online Photo Editor

Three Tips for Planning Video Projects I love video projects because the entire process of developing project ideas, creating the video, and sharing the video engages almost all students. Over the years I have helped hundreds (maybe thousands) of students and teachers create videos in their classrooms. If you haven't tried making videos with your students or you have and it didn't go as you hoped it would have, here are three of my favorite tips for planning video projects. 1. Keep it short and sweet. A 90 second video that is well planned and edited can pack a lot of punch. 2. 3. Topics like this one and many others will be covered in-depth during the Practical Ed Tech BYOD Camp on July 11th and 12th.

Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing - Animi sua foto di faccia con nuove emozioni! | Animazione faccia on-line Excellent Tools, Apps, and Tips to Create Educational Book Trailers November 12, 2014 There are several ways to use technology to engage students and enhance their literacy skills and one of them is through creating video book trailers. Yes, they are similar to movie trailers we see now on YouTube but they are different in scope. A video book trailer is a concise review of a book created with the help of a variety of digital tools that include : images, text, clips, voiceovers, recordings, and music. Why include book trailers in your instruction? Creating book trailers is a comprehensive learning task in which students get to experiment with different literacies.Book trailers is a good way to get reluctant readers to readBook trailers are good for those readers who find it hard to visualize what they readBook trailers are a good alternative for the traditional book reportsTips on how to create Book Trailers Here are two sources I would recommend for learning about some important tips to keep in mind when working on book trailers: I- Audio resources:

What Can Photoshop Do That GIMP Can't? The GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) is a popular open source image editing application. It’s often described as a free Photoshop competitor. While it can do a lot of what Photoshop can do, there are some areas it falls short. This article isn’t a hit piece for GIMP. It’s just an honest look at where Photoshop’s massive budget and team of developers have given it the edge. There’s more than one reason that the vast majority of professionals use Photoshop. CMYK Color Mode There are two dominant color modes that professional photographers and designers use: RGB and CMYK. Any color can be described using these two systems though which one you use depends on the task you’re doing. GIMP doesn’t offer a CMYK mode while Photoshop does. Easier Non-Destructive Editing One of the most powerful innovations in Photoshop over the last decade has easier non-destructive editing. Better Support and Constant Development Photoshop is made by a $40 billion dollar company. More Powerful Tools Wrapping Up

Crea videos interactivos con estas 10 herramientas Las narraciones multimedia pueden convertir un proyecto periodístico en contenido atractivo y con altas posibilidades de ser compartido a través de la web. Te recomendamos esta caja de herramientas con 10 servicios ideales para trabajar información con una variedad de archivos y formatos dentro de un video. 1. PowToon Esta herramienta se concentra en la unión de imágenes animadas y videos para crear presentaciones llamativas y modernas, las cuales son trabajadas con efectos y transiciones. 2. Es un servicio gratuito que permite utilizar imágenes, gráficos, mapas y clips de diferentes plataformas de video (YouTube, Vimeo, etc). 3. Nos permite crear presentaciones divididas en slides, a las cuales se les puede agregar de forma rápida imágenes, texto, audio y videos alojados en la web o en una computadora. Una ventaja del servicio es que permite al usuario ingresar su propia voz si lo que desea. 4. Además, se puede incluir dentro del material animaciones prediseñadas, gifs, etc. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Réaliser et publier de courtes animations avec Tellagami Les outils numériques facilitent la mise en œuvre des « quatre C » pédagogiques (pensée Critique, Collaboration, Créativité et Communication) et permettent de varier les séquences pédagogiques. Les applications mobiles de créations audio-visuelles peuvent en ce sens s’intégrer de multiples façons dans les séquences de cours. Tellagami en est excellent exemple. Tellagami est une application très simple d’utilisation, fonctionnant sur les terminaux mobiles (ordiphones et tablettes iOS et Android), gratuite à ce jour. Tellagami permet de synchroniser un enregistrement vocal aux mouvements d’un personnage virtuel (d’aspect configurable avec quelques options), dans un décor choisi. 30 secondes : un contrainte stimulante L’application impose un enregistrement de 30 secondes au plus. Avantages de la voix L’utilisation de la voix est aussi très intéressante. Protocole typique d’utilisation Voici comment j‘utilise Tellagami avec des groupes d’élèves (deux à quatre élèves) dans mon cours : J'aime :

Creating Video Tutorials for a Flipped classroom A Flipped Classroom is a teaching model which reverses traditional methods. Instruction is delivered at home through interactive websites, teacher-created videos or content and moves the homework style learning to the classroom. Class time is used for creating tasks, exercises and problem solving while the teacher is present to assist and give immediate feedback whereas the homework is designated for learning content and students can form questions about what they have learnt to prepare for their next lesson. This allows the teacher more time to interact with the students. Apps: These apps allow you to record your drawing and narrate at the same time. Sago Mini DoodlecastExplain Everything ™ ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard Educreations Interactive Whiteboard Doceri This app allows you to record websites. Explain a Website Web based: Software: Microsoft PowerPoint - you can create some great tutorials with PowerPoint using the animation and record slide show tools. Jing Camstudio

CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software Wideo. Créer facilement des vidéos d'animation Wideo est un outil en ligne étonnant qui permet de créer très facilement des vidéos d’animation. Wideo est confondant de simplicité. Il va vous permettre à vous ou à vos élèves de faire des vidéos animées de manière ludique sans avoir besoin de connaissances techniques. Les réalisateurs en herbe vont ainsi pouvoir se concentrer sur l’essentiel le contenu et la narration. Wideo peut être utilisé pour faire des petites vidéos didactiques ou encore pour que des étudiants puissent réaliser eux-mêmes des petits courts métrages amusants. L’utilisation est très simple et permet d’obtenir en quelques minutes une magnifique vidéo d’animation. Vous pouvez ensuite vous lancer dans la création de votre première vidéo animée. Une fois satisfait du résultat vous allez pouvoir sauvegarder votre création puis la publier sur les réseaux sociaux ou l’insérer sur un site ou un blog. Wideo est un outil de création puissant malgré sa simplicité d’utilisation. Lien: Wideo Sur le même thème

Make Animation Free | Best Tools to Create Animated Video How to Make a Cartoon Yourself: Top 7 Animated Video Makers Compared Video production is not an easy and cheap matter. A short video for your YouTube channel or website may cost several thousand dollars if you address to professional video studios. No doubt, there are free and low-cost alternatives which can be easily mastered by any web user. A self-made cartoon or an animated video is one of the options. Animated Video Makers: Pros & Cons Animated videos are illustrations existing in a purely fictional world. Animated cartoons are frequent on YouTube, since everyone can make them with online tools and ready design templates. So you don’t need to order a professional cartoon from a design studio or draw it yourself. animation templates look professional;you don’t need to dub videos;templates are usually done in high resolution;pricing plans are scalable;characters look engaging and funny. However, there are several disadvantages: Top 7 Cartoon Makers 1. How to make a cartoon with GoAnimate?
