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The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning

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Effective WL Instructors… Effective WL Instructors… Every teacher wants to be the best they can be for their students. While there are many attributes that can make a great teacher we can also observe some behaviors and routines that are in a great world language teacher’s classroom. It’s good to be reminded of the actions that make a good foreign language teacher. A supervisor may use a checklist like these during an observation, you may want to self-assess your own classroom, or if you are really daring, have a student(s) check off on these. Below you will find some rubrics we have found around the web, but first we’d like to highlight some we believe to be most essential. Units have real world language performance goals and students have opportunities to communicate in real world context.Teacher uses the target language to conduct class (with out English translations). Take a look at the following rubrics. 1. We’d like to hear your thoughts. Like this: Like Loading... Related Starting at the End Sticking to Spanish

OER Commons BBC Languages – Free Online Lessons Here Are Some Examples Of Using “Concept Attainment” In Writing Instruction I’ve written and shared on this blog and in my books about the inductive learning method called concept attainment. Basically, teachers placed examples, typically (though not always) from unnamed student work, under the categories of “Yes” and “No.” The class then constructs their own understanding of why the examples are in their categories. My exceptional colleague Lara Hoekstra has developed concept attainment charts she looks to model quick-writes for an immigration unit we teach. Here’s Lara’s chart. 1. 2. 3. I’m adding this post to The Best Posts On Writing Instruction. Let me know if you have similar writing models that you’d like to share…. Related The Best Resources About Inductive Learning & Teaching In the inductive process, students seek patterns and use them to identify their broader meanings and significance. January 16, 2015 In "best of the year" Teachers Might Find My "Concept Attainment - Plus" Instructional Strategy Useful February 2, 2016 In "teacher resources"

Blended Learning Toolkit | Interpret America - Home The FOCAL SKILLS Approach to Language Education | International Center for FOCAL SKILLS | ICFS Physics Online Homework | Partial Credit Grading | Expert TA Learn 40 Languages for Free: Spanish, English, Chinese & More How to learn lan­guages for free? This col­lec­tion fea­tures lessons in 48 lan­guages, includ­ing Span­ish, French, Eng­lish, Man­darin, Ital­ian, Russ­ian and more. Down­load audio lessons to your com­put­er or mp3 play­er and you’re good to go. Amhar­ic For­eign Ser­vice Insti­tute Basic Amhar­ic — Audio — Text­bookLessons with dia­logues, drills, exer­cis­es, and nar­ra­tives will teach you the basics of this lan­guage spo­ken in Ethiopia. Ancient Greek Ancient Greek Intro­duc­tion — Web SiteThe UT-Austin Lin­guis­tics Research Cen­ter pro­vides an overview of Ancient Greek and 10 lessons based on famous Greek texts. Ara­bic Book­mark our free Ara­bic lessons sec­tion. Amer­i­can Sign Lan­guage Intro­duc­to­ry Amer­i­can Sign Lan­guage Course — YouTubeBy the end of this course you should have a basic bank of ASL words that you are able to use to form sim­ple sen­tences. Bam­bara Bam­bara in Mali — Web SiteLessons from the Peace Corps. Bul­gar­i­an Cam­bo­di­an Cata­lan Chi­nese Czech Dan­ish Lao
