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Home ILT Solutions Free Online Courses - Open Education Database Written by: Thomas Broderick Universities, colleges, and private organizations offer free online college courses to help students acquire new knowledge and skills. These courses cover a variety of traditional academic topics and other subjects that can lead to career advancement and personal enrichment. Courses occur online, allowing learners from all over the world to participate. At the end of a course, students may qualify for an official certificate. Featured Online Programs Most online courses provide an introduction to a topic, although there are some intermediary and advanced courses. Some free college courses use the term massive online open course (MOOC). Benefits of Open Courses Free online college courses allow students to learn from home, a significant advantage for learners who prefer to eliminate a commute. In a free college course, learners can explore new academic topics without incurring high tuition costs. Open courses can also expose students to new hobbies.

What Being an "Authentic Leader" Really Means - Charalambos Vlachoutsicos by Charalambos Vlachoutsicos | 12:00 PM December 7, 2012 Being an effective manager requires that you behave authentically. “Why?” you might ask. “Maybe the ‘real me’ isn’t the most effective boss, but if I can just act the way an effective boss should act and get good results, what’s wrong with that?” In my experience, two things are wrong with that, and they both amount to the same thing: It almost certainly won’t work. Second, trying to act like a different kind of person than you really are won’t work because you yourself will not be able to keep it up day after day, year after year. Students are often worried — at first — about my emphasis on authenticity. Let’s imagine, for example, that you are running a brainstorming meeting and someone comes up with an idea that you think is pretty stupid. Now let’s imagine a different response to your subordinate’s idea. With that in mind, you control your impulse — authentic as it is — to snap at him.

App Academy ++ Become a software developer Facebook & twitter para la educacion La educación es, en esencia un proceso comunicativo. En este sentido, las grandes transformaciones en las prácticas de comunicación derivadas de la incorporación de la tecnología impactan de manera directa los procesos educativos. Sin embargo, el fenómeno tecnológico no sólo se queda en el nivel de comunicación, sino que sirve de soporte a las Redes Sociales, construyen nuevos entornos para la interacción, el intercambio y el encuentro entre individuos. Dicho fenómeno no debe ignorarse, más bien debe aprovecharse y poner en el escenario educativo nuevos modelos constructivistas de Aprendizaje. Inscripciones hasta el 09 de Mayo 2014Inicio de clases: 12 de Mayo 2014 Objetivo del programa Al finalizar el curso los participantes serán capaces de: Utilizar Facebook y Twitter como herramientas educativas.Utilizar estas redes sociales para la enseñanza virtual.Plantear estratégicas didácticas en base a la utilización de estas redes sociales. Metodología on line Estructura curricular

Why We Need to Aim Higher - Tony Schwartz by Tony Schwartz | 7:00 AM October 17, 2012 We humans need to make an evolutionary leap. We’re in much deeper trouble than we allow ourselves to recognize. Thirty years ago, an ecologist named Garrett Hardin wrote an article in the journal Science titled, “The Tragedy of the Commons.” His thesis was that individuals, acting in their rational self-interest, may ultimately destroy a precious and limited resource over time. To illustrate, Hardin used the metaphor of an open pasture — “the commons” — to which herdsmen bring their cattle to feed. “Therein is the tragedy,” Hardin wrote. How different are the rest of us in our blithe assumption that we can draw down the resources of the commons — think oil, electricity, water, for starters — regardless of the consequences in the long term? The same is true of our own internal resources — our energy. The tragedy is that the more we myopically focus on our immediate gratification, the more we hasten our collective demise. So how can we aim higher?

You Could Be Kicked Out Of Dev Bootcamp Imagine this. You work hard at learning to code, apply to Dev Bootcamp and get in. Exciting right?! Well, one thing that is not discussed about Dev Bootcamp, is that they can kick you out at any time and keep as much of your money as they can, which is part of their contract and which they have done several times in the past already. If you’ve always done well and fit in in school, following a very structured system, it might not be as much of an issue for you. I’m not saying you shouldn’t go to Dev Bootcamp if you get in. All the stories out there, including mine, are ones of success. Dev Bootcamp has updated their refund policy, so if you get kicked out, you get all of your money back except for the $1000 non-refundable deposit. “I’m happy to relay the news that we’ve amended the refund policy so that any student who leaves DBC is refunded all of his/her tuition except for the non-refundable $1,000 deposit. I’m really happy to see this from Dev Bootcamp.

Curso: CAPACITACIÓN DEL ENTORNO MOODLE 2.x Skip to main content You are currently using guest access (Login) Page path Topic outline General PROMOCIÓN DE FIN DE AÑO FORMACIÓN PARA DOCENTES E-learning + Moodle 2.x Cursos de Moodle 2.xFORMACIÓN MODULARCERTIFICACIÓN Skip AULA VIRTUAL PARA COLEGIOS Skip Certificación Oficial de Moodle 2.x Certificación Oficial de Moodle 2.x La Certificación Creador de Cursos Moodle 2.x (MCCC) es coordinado a través de Partners de Moodle en cada país. Skip ENTREGA DE CERTIFICADOS Skip Navigation Navigation Skip NOTICIAS Av.

11 Books Every Young Leader Must Read - John Coleman by John Coleman | 12:00 PM October 11, 2012 Recently, I wrote that leaders should be readers. Reading has a host of benefits for those who wish to occupy positions of leadership and develop into more relaxed, empathetic, and well-rounded people. One of the most common follow-up questions was, “Ok, so what should I read?” That’s a tough question. There are a number of wonderful reading lists out there. But if I had to focus on a short list for young business leaders, I’d choose the 11 below. Invariably, many people will think some of the choices are poor or that the list is incomplete, but I hope it can serve as a start for young business leaders looking for literature to help them chart their careers. Marcus Aurelius, The Emperor’s Handbook. Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning. Tom Wolfe, A Man in Full. Michael Lewis, Liar’s Poker. Jim Collins, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t. Robert Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Clayton M.

Learn to Program, by Chris Pine A Place to Start for the Future Programmer I guess this all began back in 2002. I was thinking about teaching programming, and what a great language Ruby would be for learning how to program. I mean, we were all excited about Ruby because it was powerful, elegant, and really just fun, but it seemed to me that it would also be a great way to get into programming in the first place. Unfortunately, there wasn't much Ruby documentation geared for newbies at the time. And it wasn't very good. What saved me was that I made it really easy for people to contact me, and I always tried to help people when they got stuck. A couple of years later, it was getting pretty good. :-) So good, in fact, that I was ready to pronounce it finished, and move on to something else. It took me another year, but now I think it's really good, mostly because of the hundreds of brave souls who have helped me write it. What's here on this site is the original tutorial, more or less unchanged since 2004.

Online tech education startup Treehouse raises $7 million Dive Summary: Portland-based online tech education startup Treehouse closed a $7 million investment round led by Kaplan Ventures on Tuesday morning. Described by founder and chief executive Ryan Carson as the trade school of the future, Treehouse was founded in 2011 and offers online courses on tech subjects like Web design, programming languages and mobile apps for around $25 a month. So far, the startup has raised a total of $11.75 million and is generating annual revenue of $5 million, which Carson says will be used to add staff (the company currently has 55 employees) and develop more courses. From the article: ... Recommended Reading:

Failure Is The Only Option, If Success Is The End Goal There are two sides to every story: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times; you take the bitter with the sweet; every rose has its thorn. However, in leadership, we often miss out on half the story. Most discussions focus on what leaders "should do" rather than on what they "should avoid." The result? We talk about success, but seldom talk about failure. In The Wisdom of Failure, we discuss a common theme among industry's greatest leaders--their most important lessons have come from trial and error. Mistakes are part of taking healthy risk. So, why don't we embrace challenges and become accepting of mistakes--to learn from them and ultimately grow from them? What Have You Done For Me Lately? We are all evaluated on how well we perform our jobs. So what do we do? IDEO founder David Kelley believes failure is not only an option, it is a necessary ingredient for success. A Culture Of Perfectionism We live in a culture that values perfectionism. The Failure Paradox And Its Irony

Getting Started with Rails 1 Guide Assumptions This guide is designed for beginners who want to get started with a Rails application from scratch. It does not assume that you have any prior experience with Rails. Rails is a web application framework running on the Ruby programming language. Be aware that some resources, while still excellent, cover versions of Ruby as old as 1.6, and commonly 1.8, and will not include some syntax that you will see in day-to-day development with Rails. 2 What is Rails? Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby programming language. Rails is opinionated software. The Rails philosophy includes two major guiding principles: Don't Repeat Yourself: DRY is a principle of software development which states that "Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system." 3 Creating a New Rails Project The best way to read this guide is to follow it step by step. 3.1 Installing Rails Open up a command line prompt. 9 Security

*Tree House 0:00 [?mellow guitar music?]
