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How To Stay Sane: The Art of Revising Your Inner Storytelling

How To Stay Sane: The Art of Revising Your Inner Storytelling
“I pray to Jesus to preserve my sanity,” Jack Kerouac professed in discussing his writing routine. But those of us who fall on the more secular end of the spectrum might need a slightly more potent sanity-preservation tool than prayer. That’s precisely what writer and psychotherapist Philippa Perry offers in How To Stay Sane (public library), part of The School of Life’s wonderful series reclaiming the traditional self-help genre as intelligent, non-self-helpy, yet immensely helpful guides to modern living. At the heart of Perry’s argument — in line with neurologist Oliver Sacks’s recent meditation on memory and how “narrative truth,” rather than “historical truth,” shapes our impression of the world — is the recognition that stories make us human and learning to reframe our interpretations of reality is key to our experience of life: Our stories give shape to our inchoate, disparate, fleeting impressions of everyday life. Perry concludes: Artwork by pennylrichardsca

Top 10 meest gedeelde reclames van 2013 Het is nog lang geen eind december. Gelukkig maar, want behalve dat het dan nóg kouder zou zijn, ben je als lezer de meeste top-zoveel-lijstjes-van-het-jaar vaak al zat. Om dat voor te zijn – en omdat het vrijdag is – leek het me best een prima moment om alvast even wat leuks op een rijtje te zetten: de 10 meest gedeelde videoreclames van dit jaar. Want hoewel er theoretisch best nog wel iets zou kunnen verschuiven (ook onderling), vermoed ik dat dit ze grotendeels wel zullen zijn. 1: Dove: Real Beauty Sketches (4,24 miljoen shares) Een behoorlijk verrassende nummer één. 2: GEICO: Hump Day (4,03 miljoen shares) Dit filmpje heeft in tegenstelling tot de nummer 1 dan weer wel álles wat een viral nodig heeft. 3: Evian: Baby & Me (3,34 miljoen shares) In alle eerlijkheid: de link in deze reclame ontgaat me enigszins. 4: Kmart: Ship My Pants (3,05 miljoen shares) Tja, hier moet je Amerikaans voor zijn denk ik. 5: Cornetto: Yalin (2,9 miljoen shares) 7. 8. 9. Mooi. 10.

Call for Literary Work: Multicultural Women’s Presence’s Upcoming Anthology To commemorate the second anniversary of the earthquake of January 12, 2010 in Haiti, Edition Multicultural Women’s Presence, Inc. is preparing an anthology titled Cris et Larmes / Cries and Tears / Rel ak dlo nan je. This anthology offers a forum that will give voice to women who were greatly affected by this tragedy which devastated our land and who continue, two years later, to be concerned. The volume will contain texts in prose and poetry from Haitian women in Haiti and in the diaspora testifying their emotions and the experiences lived during the earthquake. The book will formulate important questions about the future of Haitian women and about the country. We are appealing to all those who are interested in having their voices heard. If you decide to submit a text for this volume and following the approval of the Editing Committee, your text will appear in the anthology titled: CRIS ET LARMES / CRIES AND TEARS / REL AK DLO NAN JE. Format; Texte in word times new roman 12”

21 Incredibly Important Diagrams To Help You Get Through Life Work-life crunch: why you shouldn’t spend fewer hours at work Photo by Siri Stafford/Digital Vision/Thinkstock. Would I be happier if I spent less time at work? Surely we have all asked ourselves this at one time or another. Perhaps during a fit of pique about a ridiculous deadline or the idiot who works in the next cubicle over. But even when things are going well, you might still wonder: Would I be happier if I worked less? Before my daughter arrived it hardly ever occurred to me to work less, but since she came along, I’ve given it more thought. If you asked me which gives me more joy, my work or my family, there is no question that it’s my family. How can this make sense? When I teach this, it’s usually in the context of consuming things—say, oranges. The same logic works with time. Each hour of your day—sleeping, eating, working, showering, playing with those dinosaur stickers—delivers some amount of happiness. Work is the same way for two reasons. How quickly your enjoyment of any activity declines is pretty personal.

De succesvolle storytelling van Sinterklaas PR-piet, dank je wel dat je ons wilt spreken in deze drukke tijden. Om te beginnen, hoe verloopt het dit jaar? "Zeg maar PRiet, hoor, zo noemt iedereen me. Toch zagen we op het Sinterklaas-journaal dat er wat problemen zijn, o.a. met de staf van Sinterklaas en pakjes die verkeerd bezorgd zijn. "Ach, Sinterklaas is dan wel oud, hij gaat wel met z'n tijd mee. Wat is dan die 'why'? "Liefde voor kinderen. Inmiddels is er rond dat gegeven een heel festijn ontstaan. "Midden 19e eeuw erkenden we dat er behoefte was aan een contentmarketingstrategie. Credits afbeelding: Wikimedia (CC) "Je kan dus wel kunnen spreken van een doordacht plan. "We moeten onszelf ook wel blijven vernieuwen, want de churn is hoog. Onderdeel van jullie contentmarketingstrategie is ook het feit dat de media er zo op ingesprongen zijn. "Klopt. "Het mooie is dat we amper owned en paid media nodig hebben, we drijven bijna volledig op earned media: de media verdringen zich om ons verhaal te vertellen. "Ja, dat was bijzonder.

Vietnam inspired Camilla Gibb's new novel, gave her a chance to 'pay it forward' Oops! We can’t find the page you’re looking for. Sorry about that. The possible reasons why you’ve landing at this page are: We have a "bad" link on our site. Your options: Try again and re–type the url in the address bar above. Photographer's Girlfriend Leads Him Around the World My Modern Metropolis Photographer's Girlfriend Leads Him Around the World Photographer Murad Osmann creatively documents his travels around the world with his girlfriend leading the way in his ongoing series known as Follow Me To. Chronicling his adventures on Instagram, the Russian photographer composes each shot in a similar fashion. With her back turned, never revealing her face to the camera, Osmann's girlfriend guides us all on a journey across the globe to some of the most beautiful, exotic, and radiant environments. Murad Osmann on Instagram via [Big Picture] You might like: More Revealing Portraits of Everyday Foods Sliced in Half Sweet and Sexually Charged Photography Sexy Ballpoint Pen Art (13 pieces) 19-Year-Old Holds Nothing Back with Her Mysteriously Beautiful Portraits Recommended by Views: 977315 Tags: Follow Me To, Murad Osmann, photo Share Twitter Facebook Facebook Add a Comment You need to be a member of My Modern Metropolis to add comments! Join My Modern Metropolis cool

Checklist om een geweldig verhaal te vertellen | Sigrid Van Iersel | VerhaallijnenSigrid Van Iersel | Verhaallijnen Met een geweldig verhaal betover je je lezer of luisteraar. Weten hoe? Doe je voordeel met onderstaande checklist. Een verhaal kan een beslissing uitleggen of concreet maken. Het kan helpen een idee te verspreiden. Maar hoe pak je dat aan, vragen mensen vaak aan mij. Daarom heb ik een stappenplan gemaakt, dat ook handig is als checklist. 1. Wat mensen onthouden: één verhaal. Om met je verhaal je idee uit te leggen of je (organisatie-) verhaal te vertellen, heb je een doelgerichte aanpak nodig. Bepaal eerst het thema dat je wil overbrengen op je publiek: je kernboodschap. 2. Wat mensen horen: juiste inspirerende woorden. Vraag jezelf af wie je met je oplossing helpt. Gebruik passende voorbeelden en anekdotes uit de belevingswereld van je lezer/luisteraar.Verklein de afstand en kruip zo dicht mogelijk op de huid van je lezer.Houd het verhaal bij voorkeur zo kort mogelijk. 3. Wat mensen zien: een heldere vorm. Theatermakers verdelen hun scenario vaak in drie actes. 4. 5.

Poetry Form - The Prose poem The Prose Poem Form by J. Zimmerman. History. Form. Craft guideline (Gary Young). Your Composition. Exercises. References. Do you feel constrained by line breaks? History. The King James Version of the Bible contains much that is prose poetry. Historically, the fable and the parable are genre prose poetry. In France the nineteenth century Baudelaire and Rambeau built on folk tales. Recently in the U.S.A., Louis Jenkins is praised for his prose poems, as is Gary Young. Form. Prose is the ordinary language that people use in speaking or writing. In a prose poem: The writing is continuous and without line breaks. Poet Gary Young has a very concise approach to prose poems. Use the spontaneity and drive of the sentence. Exercises. Begin with "Because" or "As we all know". Poet Gary Young suggested some writing exercises for prose poems during his October 2006 craft workshop: Write two sentences to describe a house by describing things that are missing. Your Composition. Free-write for a couple of pages.

Taiwan - the little country with big ideas - Asia - Travel The views are immense; endless runs of streets unfolding like miniature circuitry. But it isn't Taipei 101 that creates an imposing air. For that I need to go to the Chiang Kai-shek memorial and stand at the feet of the Chinese nationalist leader's statue. I don't doubt my guide as I gaze up at this huge eulogy to Taiwan's founder. These days, Taiwan is considered a rebel province by Beijing. "The line links our two main cities, Taipei and Kaohsiung," says Mr Jeng as we climb on board the sleek train in Taipei's main railway station. So what is actually being opened up? The eastern run of Taiwan, where I am heading, is much more intriguing. "We'll take the train to Chiayi," says Mr Jeng. Our first mountain destination is the resort town of Alishan. The narrow road takes us deeper into the mountains, the views of gorges and craggy peaks getting more dramatic. Accommodation is in guesthouses and homestays. Taiwan for most people is a place of grand buildings and hi-tech projects.

Michael Margolis Q&A Michael Margolis was one of the facilitators (along with Madelyn Blair and Steve Denning) of the first Smithsonian Storytelling Conference I attended in 2005. I’ve followed his work and his firm THIRSTY-FISH since. Bio: Michael Margolis is a pioneer in the fields of brand storytelling and constituent relations. Michael is a contributing author to the leading compendium on strategic storytelling, Wake Me Up When the Data is Over: How Organizations Use Stories to Drive Results (Jossey-Bass, 2006), author of the blog, and a traveling keynote speaker. An outspoken proponent of the Talent Economy, Michael has had his work recognized by Fast Company Magazine, Silicon Alley Reporter, Los Angeles Business Journal, and Hawaii Community Television. Q&A with Michael Margolis: Q: The storytelling movement seems to be growing explosively. A: Humans have always been hard-wired for storytelling. The implications of Web 2.0 and technological innovation on humankind are staggering.

One Page Per Day: A web typewriter for authors.
