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The Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits

The Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits

Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only) - Electricity, Circuits, Current Topics Circuits Light Bulbs Batteries Switches Ammeter Voltmeter Description The Series Circuit After reading this section you will be able to do the following: Define a series circuit, and list the components needed to make it. Construct a simple and complex series circuit. Define what a load is. NOVA - Official Website Map of the Human Heart Day and night, the muscles of your heart contract and relax to pump blood throughout your body. In the Step Thru below, see the complicated path the blood takes as it moves in and out of the heart. Step Thru Animation Oxygen-poor blood (shown in blue) flows from the body into the right atrium. Blood flows through the right atrium into the right ventricle.

Energy Kids - Electricity in the U.S. File Scrub 1 ::::: EE ... electricity_in_the_united_states-basics Electricity in the U.S. Basics Homework Help: Science for Kids Science is the study of the world around us. Scientists learn about their subject by observing, describing, and experimenting. There are many subjects and branches of science. Some study outer space like astronomy. Other sciences study life (biology) or the earth (geology) or even matter and energy (physics). Energy Kids - Science of Electricity File Scrub 1 ::::: EE ... electricity_science-basics Science of Electricity Basics Everything Is Made of Atoms In order to understand electricity, we need to know something about atoms. Everything in the universe is made of atoms — every star, every tree, every animal. The human body is made of atoms.

Energy Kids - Electricity The energy sources we use to make electricity can be renewable or non-renewable, but electricity itself is neither renewable nor non-renewable. File Scrub 1 ::::: EE ... electricity_home-basics Electricity Is a Secondary Energy Source Compact fluorescent light bulbs use a fraction of the electricity as incandescent light bulbs to produce the same amount of illumination. Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge.

The Energy Story - What Is Electricity? Electricity figures everywhere in our lives. Electricity lights up our homes, cooks our food, powers our computers, television sets, and other electronic devices. Electricity from batteries keeps our cars running and makes our flashlights shine in the dark. Here's something you can do to see the importance of electricity. Take a walk through your school, house or apartment and write down all the different appliances, devices and machines that use electricity.

HowStuffWorks - Electricity Humans have an intimate relationship with electricity, to the point that it's virtually impossible to separate your life from it. Sure, you can flee from the world of crisscrossing power lines and live your life completely off the grid, but even at the loneliest corners of the world, electricity exists. If it's not lighting up the storm clouds overhead or crackling in a static spark at your fingertips, then it's moving through the human nervous system, animating the brain's will in every flourish, breath and unthinking heartbeat. When the same mysterious force energizes a loved one's touch, a stroke of lightning and a George Foreman Grill, a curious duality ensues: We take electricity for granted one second and gawk at its power the next. More than two and a half centuries have passed since Benjamin Franklin and others proved lightning was a form of electricity, but it's still hard not to flinch when a particularly violent flash lights up the horizon.

Pieces of Science: The Lightning Rod Point...of Invention What would you think if you saw a man chasing a thunder and lightning storm on horseback? You would probably wonder what on Earth he was trying to do. Well, if you lived in the 1700s and knew Benjamin Franklin, this is just what you might see during a terrible storm. Ben was fascinated by storms; he loved to study them. The Electric Franklin Benjamin Franklin was the most famous American in his day. Wherever he went, crowds formed. People worldwide pictured Franklin when anyone said, "American." The diversity that is the Internet may be epitomized by few people in history — Benjamin Franklin is one such person, commercially successful, ever concerned and involved with the public good, a great communicator, and a remarkable man of science and technology, finding practical effective solutions to real problems. Trying to comprehend Benjamin Franklin's life and legacy is like trying to grab a shadow. Each time one tries to get a fix on the reflection, it darts away and grows even larger.
