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Schools Science Clips - Ages 10-11

Schools Science Clips - Ages 10-11
Related:  Am I a Brainiac?

Albert Einstein Facts, Quotes, Relativity Theory, Science Information Albert Einstein was born on the 14th of March 1879 and died on the 18th of April 1955. Born in Germany to a Jewish family, Einstein made many contributions to the field of theoretical physics. Even when very young, Einstein showed great ability in both math’s and science. He was naturally curious and had a brilliant analytical mind. Einstein worked in a patent office evaluating patents for electromagnetic devices not long after he graduated. He produced perhaps one of the most famous equations ever: E = mc² (energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared).

Kids - Albert Einstein Biography Albert Einstein was born as the first child of the Jewish couple Hermann and Pauline Einstein, nee Koch, in Ulm on March 14, 1879. When Albert’s grandmother saw him for the first time she is said to have cried continuously: "Much too thick! Much too thick!" But despite all fear the development of young Albert was a normal one. A short time later the Einstein family went to Munich where Albert first attended elementary school and subsequently Luitpold grammar school. He moved to Bern and was given work at the Patent Office. Einstein’s famous formula: In this mathematical equation, E stands for energy, m for mass and c for the speed of the light in a vacuum (ca. 300,000 km/s). In 1903 he married his college mate Mileva Maric. After Einstein had separated from his wife Mileva he married his cousin Elsa Löwenthal in 1919. Through the political situation in Nazi Germany Einstein left the country in December 1932 and never again entered German ground.

Thomas Edison Facts for KidsEasy Science For Kids Do you love your cell phone? How about movies or your digital camera? Thomas Edison invented early versions of these modern marvels. He also invented the electric light bulb. All About Thomas Edison: He was born in 1847 in Ohio. Edison’s inventions and improvements on already invented equipment let people live more comfortably. He invented the electric light bulb. He was a busy, curious boy who got into trouble at school. Edison was born in 1847 in Ohio. This is the most famous quote of Edison. Thomas Edison Vocabulary Telegraph: early communication device that used Morse code, which was brief sounds or signalsPhonograph: early record playerAddled: slow, not smartInventor: someone who invents things Learn More All About Thomas Edison and His Great Inventions Watch this historical video all about Thomas Edison: A video of a short biography about Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison Q&A Question: How many things did Edison invent? Enjoyed the Easy Science for Kids Website all about Thomas Edison info?

Kids Korner - Thomas Edison Acknowledgements Kids Korner is made possible by the creative, talented and dedicated team consisting of the following: Valerie Williams Valerie Williams, Apogee’s Art Director and Lead Artist is the creator and artistic talent behind Kids Korner. Margaret M. Margaret M. Michael Overstreet, Product Manager Michael Overstreet is Apogee’s Kids Korner Product Manager and the mastermind of the site’s programming and navigational design. Susan Gilbert, Curriculum Development Susan Gilbert brings to Kids Korner and its growing number of support materials her education and experience as an instructional designer and her enthusiasm for energy education. Dick Niess, Technical Director Dick Niess is Kids Korner’s technical reviewer responsible for assuring accuracy and clarity of the concepts covered on the site.

Alexander Graham Bell Facts for Kids - Telephone, Inventions, Quotes Alexander Graham Bell was an influential scientist, engineer and inventor. He was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He died on August 2, 1922 at the age of 75. He is widely credited with the invention of the first practical telephone. Bell’s mother and wife were both deaf, this had a major influence on his work. He didn’t have the middle name “Graham” until he turned 11 when his father gave it to him as a birthday present. Alexander Graham Bell: Facts and Information Here are some facts about Alexander Graham Bell, the famous scientist, inventor and engineer. Alexander Graham Bell was born on 3rd March 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland.When he was just 12 years old, Alexander invented a ‘dehusking’ machine to remove the husk from wheat.His mother, Eliza, started to lose her hearing when Alexander was young. In order to allow her to know what was being said at public gatherings, Alexander learned a ‘finger language’ so he could communicate the conversations via a series of taps on her arm. What next?

Marie Curie for Kids Biography Marie CurieSource: Nobel foundation Occupation: Scientist Born: November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland Died: July 4, 1934 in Passy, Haute-Savoie, France Best known for: Her work in radioactivity Biography: Where did Marie Curie grow up? Marie Curie grew up in Warsaw, Poland where she was born on November 7, 1867. Growing up the child of two teachers, Marie was taught to read and write early. Tough Times in Poland As Marie grew older her family came upon tough times. After graduating from high school, Marie wanted to attend a university, but this wasn't something that young women did in Poland in the 1800s. School in France It took six years, but, after Bronislawa graduated and became a doctor, Marie moved to France and entered the Sorbonne. Marie arrived in France in 1891. In 1894 Marie met Pierre Curie. Scientific Discoveries Marie became fascinated by rays that were recently discovered by scientists Wilhelm Roentgen and Henri Becquerel. New Elements Nobel Prizes World War I Death

Kids Korner - Ben Franklin Acknowledgements Kids Korner is made possible by the creative, talented and dedicated team consisting of the following: Valerie Williams Valerie Williams, Apogee’s Art Director and Lead Artist is the creator and artistic talent behind Kids Korner. Margaret M. Margaret M. Michael Overstreet, Product Manager Michael Overstreet is Apogee’s Kids Korner Product Manager and the mastermind of the site’s programming and navigational design. Susan Gilbert, Curriculum Development Susan Gilbert brings to Kids Korner and its growing number of support materials her education and experience as an instructional designer and her enthusiasm for energy education. Dick Niess, Technical Director Dick Niess is Kids Korner’s technical reviewer responsible for assuring accuracy and clarity of the concepts covered on the site.
