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Find Dinosaur Pictures - Illustrations of Dinosaurs - Dinosaurios - Dinosaur Art

2000s-10s - With virtually every major paleoartist as a pre-production advisor, Disney's anthromorphized 'Dinosaur' proved to be the biggest prehistoric blockbuster since 'Jurassic Park' at the top of the new millenia. 'Walking With Dinosaurs' became the most watched science documentary in Britain (not to mention most expensive ever made). Followed by various sequels, promotional merchandise and toy line, WWD achieved another successful spawn with a Live Experience traveling show that continued to tour into 2010. Japanese toymakers in lines such as Kaiyodo's Dinotales and Favorite Co.' With over a century of paleontological illustrations, and the last thirty years packed with active scenes, it seemed there was no new dinosaur behavior to show, only new techniques to show it. Raul Martin Julius T. Canadian Julius Csotonyi is fast becoming a favorite paleoartist. David Krentz Craig Brown Craig Brown is a computer artist effective at rendering dinosaurs with 3D sculpting software called ZBrush. Sean Cooper

Strange Science: Dinosaurs and Dragons Despised in the West and revered in the East, dragons have a long history in human mythology. How did the myth start? No one knows the exact answer, but some myths may have been inspired by living reptiles, and some "dragon" bones probably belonged to animals long extinct — in some cases dinosaurs, in others, fossil mammals. Starting in the early 19th century, scientists began to find a new kind of monster, one that had gone extinct tens of millions of years before the first humans evolved. Most Recent Additions Mar-08-2014 Feb-21-2014 Year: 1853 Scientist: Sir Richard Owen Artist: Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins (engraving of reconstructions) Originally appeared in: Crystal Palace Park, London Now appears in: The Reign of the Dinosaurs by Jean-Guy Michard, Scenes from Deep Time: Early Pictorial Representations of the Prehistoric World by Martin J.S. Year: 1910 Scientist: Oliver P. Year: 1910 Scientist: H.N. Year: 1910 Scientist: H.N.

HTML | Don’t Fear the Internet In this enlightening (and hunger-inducing) episode, we’ll talk a bit about HTML code structure before we get into the meat of it (har har!) in upcoming episodes. Hey everyone! Some Handy HTML Tagsa - “anchor” used for hyperlinksblockquote - for large quotesbody - visible part of your sitebr - line breakcite - a citationdiv - content dividerDOCTYPE - document typeem - text w/ emphasish1 - most important headerh2 - 2nd most importanth3-h6 - 3-6th most importanthead - invisible part of your sitehtml - “what follows is HTML”img - imageli - list itemlink - to attach CSS stylesheetsol - ordered listp - paragraphspan - inline content dividerstrong - strong text emphasisstyle - for inline CSS stylingtitle - title of the pageul - unordered list

Ernst Haeckel: Kunstformen der Natur Diese elektronische Ausgabe wurde erstellt mit Hilfe einer Original-Ausgabe des Haeckel'schen Werkes, das freundlicherweise von Prof. Dr. v. Sengbusch zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Wer alle Tafeln (in mittlerer Aufloesung) auf einmal haben moechte, kann sich gerne die Datei haeckel.tar downloaden. Noch mehr Geduld braucht, wer dieses Buch im PDF-Format herunterladen möchte. Für diejenigen, die lieber eine gedruckte Version vorziehen (solche Menschen soll es noch geben :-) ) existiert eine Neuauflage der Kunstformen der Natur vom Prestel Verlag: Prestel Verlag, München, New York: Ernst Haeckel "Kunstformen der Natur" (1998) ISBN 3-7913-1978-7 Der Preis liegt bei 39,80 DM bei Zum Urheberrecht der HTML-Version: Copyright 1999 Kurt Stueber und Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung. Die Adresse dieser Seite lautet: Letzte Änderung: 28.

Зденек Буриан - Форум ОСТРОВА Всем известный неизвестный Зденек Буриан Мировую известность Зденеку Буриану принесли оригинальные палеонтологические и палеоантропологические реконструкции — художественное воссоздание картин первобытной природы, вымерших животных, растений, предков человека. На этом поприще у него не было конкурентов не только в родной стране, но и в мире. Отечественные учебники истории, повествующие о развитии первобытного общества, изобилуют иллюстрациями Буриана. Никому лучше Буриана не удалось передать колорит природы мезозойской эры, когда на Земле царствовали ужасные динозавры. Именитый профессор сразу же отметил, что Буриан обладает обширными познаниями в живописи и ему осталось «еще мало чему учиться в Академии». В 1921 году вышла книга английского писателя Роберта Стивенсона «Приключения Дэвида Бальфура», иллюстрации к которой сделал 16-летний Зденек Буриан. Зденек Буриан оставил огромное творческое наследие. Журнал «Мир Чудес», 2003 | Ocean Wildlife Nature Pictures | Stock Photo Agency Personal and Historical Perspectives of Hans Bethe - StumbleUpon Barry's Dinosaur Info is back General » Dinotopian Discussion » Post by dwaggie on Jan 7, 2007, 10:54pm {*style:<i>Cladograms from UK DINOSAURS </i>*} {*style:<i>It had large powerful jaws awith serrated, sharp teeth. The Allosaurs was a carnivor, or meat-eater. {*style:<i>The allosaurus' were a carnosaur whose intelligence was high among dinosaurs, in relation of body mass to brain mass. {*style:<i>Saurischian Lizard hipped Dinosaur Theropods Theropods were fast, two-legged carnivores with short arms. {*style:<i>Sharp, slicing teeth & well-developed jaw muscles Carnivorous diet (animal eaters) Bipedal walk - (walk on two legs) Speed & Agility Hollow bons (like birds) Strong legs with bird-like, three-toed, clawed feet </i>*} Post by dwaggie on Jan 7, 2007, 11:02pm {*style:<i>Deinonychus was first found by Grant E. Post by dwaggie on Jan 7, 2007, 11:10pm Post by dwaggie on Jan 7, 2007, 11:30pm Link {*style:<b> Odd duck </b>*} Post by dwaggie on Jan 8, 2007, 1:05am Image (c) Barry Post by dwaggie on Jan 8, 2007, 2:53am

Repost: Cookie-Cutter Cat Not as Cute as the Name Sounds [This is a repost of an essay I originally published October 27, 2011.] The prehistoric cookie-cutter cat was not as cute as the name suggests. That’s especially true when you consider the fossil felid’s scientific label — Xenosmilus. That roughly translates to “alien knife.” The unique nature of Xenosmilus was not immediately clear when the cat was discovered. At the time, the two partial sabercat skeletons were thought to have belonged to a widespread form called Homotherium serum. Up until the discovery of Xenosmilus, the saber-toothed cats of the past 23 million years or so have been categorized by paleontologists into one of two categories on the basis of their dental cutlery and body shape. Xenosmilus doesn’t fit into either category. That’s almost all there was to say about Xenosmilus for over a decade. An illustration of the reconstructed skull of Xenosmilus (BIOPSI 101; left) compared to the skull of Homotherium serum (right). References:

Numbaland! TITANES AVES Esta es la segunda parte de TITANES, en la entrega anterior revisamos a los titanes del mundo de los mamíferos, toca el turno a las aves, esos animales que en realidad son dinosaurios modificados (que veremos en la siguiente entrega). Para estos efectos consideraremos Aves a todos los organismos desde el último ancestro común entre Archaeopteryx (la supuesta primera ave) y Passer domesticus (el gorrión casero común), así como todos sus descendientes. Con las aves, a diferencia de con los mamíferos tenemos un problema sutil: casi todas son parecidas para el ojo no entrenado en la distinción de estos organismos. Empero, las trataremos a nivel de Orden para mostrar un panorama mas o menos claro y usaremos –en la mayoría de los casos- la clasificación proporcionada por Livezey y Zusi, 2007. El Anseriforme más grande. El grupo de los anseriformes incluye aves como patos, gansos, cisnes y los sudamericanos anímidos. Fig. 1. - Cygnus olor a escala. El Dromornitiforme más grande.

Two Suns? Twin Stars Could Be Visible From Earth By 2012 - StumbleUpon By Dean Praetorius | Earth could be getting a second sun, at least temporarily. Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland, outlined the scenario to When that happens, for at least a few weeks, we’d see a second sun, Carter says. The Star Wars-esque scenario could happen by 2012, Carter says... or it could take longer. But doomsday sayers should be careful about speculation on this one. In fact, a neutrino shower could be beneficial to Earth. UPDATE: To clarify, the article does not say a neutrino shower could be beneficial to Earth, but implies a supernova could be beneficial, stating, "Far from being a sign of the apocalypse, according to Dr Carter the supernova will provide Earth with elements necessary for survival and continuity." UPDATE II: In a follow-up piece on, Dr. Article from: Top Image: Source Tune Into Related Red Ice Radio Programs:
