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MobiBrevet - l'application mobile iPhone et Android de rue des écoles pour réviser son brevet 2015

MobiBrevet - l'application mobile iPhone et Android de rue des écoles pour réviser son brevet 2015

L'école à la maison Learning to Read in Spanish. Full Course Reading in Spanish Application for Smartphones and Tablets App for learn to read in Spanish. READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets): The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 reading exercises across 12 booklets THIS VERSION can purchase containing the 12 primers or primers individually. Mission: Learn to Read in SpanishFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learning to read, using a tool that will make learning to read playing Description: Children have an amazing capacity to learn. From 3 years or sooner The method consists in associating basic elements of written language: symbols (letters and syllables), Hieroglyphics (graphic symbols) and Sounds. Everything you need to introduce reading in children with an interactive approach to gameplay. Fonts for children (Kindergarten) PRIMER 1 ( 120 Exercises ) C.1 : Presenting a, e, i , o, u C.2 : Presentation ma , me, mi , mo , mu C.3 : Reading C.4 : Building PRIMER 2 ( 105 Exercises )

107 Favorite iPad Apps for K-8 | Ask a Tech Teacher Great iPad apps for K-8 Tablet computing and mobile devices promise to have a dramatic impact on education. A growing number of schools across the world are jumping on the digital bus and embracing iPads (less often, other tablet products) as the latest tool to teach literature in multimedia, history through games and simulations, and math with step-by-step animation of problems. Not surprisingly, student scores improve when they use iPads and their interest in school soars. I say not surprisingly because students love digital toys and in my experience work harder and longer if given the opportunity to do so with any of the digital offerings (ipods, laptops included). In my school, we have been rotating one set of Pads this year through K-8. Drawing AirSketch Free–Turn your iPad into a wireless whiteboard! Geography Health Human Atlas (lite)–With this free download you can experience just some of the power of the Blausen Human Atlas. History Maps Math Algebra Intro–Free. Mind Mapping–Thinking

ChallengeU iEducatif - Jeux éducatifs Meilleure application éducative pour les enfants de tous âges . 12 jeux en un :- En savoir professions et faire correspondre les relations .- Apprenez à reconnaître plus de 100 animaux, y compris leurs sons .- Résoudre des labyrinthes de difficultés croissantes .- Devinez le son des instruments de musique .- Résolvez des puzzles avec des images amusantes et de la musique stimulante .- Apprendre à dessiner en 4 étapes! comme un professeur d'art personnelle , il va vous apprendre comment dessiner des dizaines d'objets différents et créer des images étonnantes .- Les enfants peuvent choisir leurs options par eux-mêmes- Plusieurs niveaux de difficulté , l'augmentation de la complexité et de lutte contre le temps .- Stimule l'intellect , surmonter les défis et difficultés . · Convient pour exercice de ce droit du cerveau, le graphisme activation du cerveau droit .
