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Monitoring your business' social media presence is incredibly important. You need to respond to people talking about your brand and understand how people view your company. However, a common concern is that it takes up too much time. The team at HubSpot spreads out the responsibilities, but it's entirely possible for one person to keep an eye on things. If you set up a solid routine, monitoring your online presence doesn't have to be a hassle at all. Here are five free, easy steps you can take to get things started. 1) Check Twitter for chatter about your company ( 2 minutes ): Use tools like TweetDeck or Twitter Search to monitor conversations about your company in real-time. 2) Scan Google Alerts ( 1.5 minutes ): Check your Google Alerts for your company name, products, executives or brand terms. 3) Check Facebook stats ( 1 minute ): Visit your Company Page's Facebook Insights. So what do you think? Photo: Andercismo

Some people get a little shocked when I tell them that I rarely prepare my presentations for a speaking engagement until just a couple of days before the event (Sorry, I know this frazzles some event organizers who request copies of decks before events). The reason for this is simple, although I have my core concepts and messages down, the world I live in is moving so fast that I feel like I almost HAVE to wait until the last minute in order for me to have the most relevant, up to date information, examples, etc in my presentation. I like the edge, and I find that the people who show up to listen like it as well. I do my best to stay relevant in a fast moving marketing & media landscape. Are you in a fast moving market? 1. It’s true. 2. Think about it, if you are archaic in your marketing and communications approach, it SCREAMS to the rest of the world, “We are not interested in our business.” 3. Tagged as: relevance speaking presentation sales business marketing

Noteca, el pack definitivo para gestionar tu reputación en Internet Noteca es un servicio web para gestionar nuestra reputación en la red, la repercusión de nuestra marca o realizar un seguimiento de los temas que tratamos habitualmente. Aunque el servicio tiene sede en Reino Unido y se ofrece sólo en inglés por el momento, es un proyecto con origen español, fundada por Fernando Almenara. El servicio nos permite detectar comentarios en blogs, Twitter y Facebook sobre palabras clave que seleccionemos. Una vez encontradas menciones de nuestras palabras clave, podemos visualizarlas directamente desde Noteca, y acudir al blog, Twitter o Facebook en cuestión para participar en los comentarios. Como véis, está pensada como herramienta de apoyo a profesionales del Social Media y a Community Managers. Para comenzar a usar Noteca, tan sólo hay que crear un proyecto, asignar las palabras claves que deseamos monitorizar, y esperar a que Noteca encuentre conversaciones sobre ellas. Lo mejor para explicar cómo funciona Noteca es con un ejemplo.

Jack in the Box Jack in the Box is an American fast-food restaurant founded in 1951 by Robert O. Peterson in San Diego, California, where it is still headquartered today. In total, the chain has 2,200 locations, primarily serving the West Coast of the United States. Food items include the Jumbo Jack, Sourdough Jack, Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit, and the Ultimate Cheeseburger. The company also operates the Qdoba Mexican Grill chain.[4][5] History[edit] Robert O. Peterson's holding company was called Foodmaker Company, which by 1966 was known as Foodmaker, Inc. In 1968, Peterson sold Foodmaker to Ralston Purina Company. Television advertising from about 1985 onward featured minimalistic music performed by a small chamber-like ensemble (specifically a distinctive seven-note plucked musical signature). Ralston Purina was satisfied with Foodmaker, but decided in 1985 that it was a non-core asset and elected to sell it to management after 18 years. JBX Grill[edit] Products[edit] Advertising[edit] Logo[edit]

Social Media Today | Top Tools for Social Media Monitoring This morning I read Dave Chaffey's post on Online brand reputation or listening software — a review of 26 tools and found a lot of richness in the list, including the idea of segmenting the list of Social Media tools by function (see below): I don't think the categories are hierarchical, and the list is far from complete, even though most of the top solutions are on it. Also excited about 2010 and what Dave Chaffrey predicts Social Media Tools will evolve into: Capability for image tracking, video, logo, photos etc Integration with workflow, ERP systems, etc Range of report formats, styles, configured as ‘products' Chart and analysis integration — mapping, 3D, tag clouds, visualisation techniques, etc Actionability -direct intervention in dialogue, development of advertising, web campaigns, etc The points I highlighted are big ones, and match up with what I predicted in the Future of Social Media Monitoring presentation I gave in London last month (see below) .. Link to original post

TWITTER TOOLBOX: 60+ Twitter Tools Twitter is a great service, but it would be nothing without the other sites, tools, and apps that help you get the most out of it. Here we highlight more than 60 of our favorite Twitter add-ons. See also: 8 Awesome Firefox Plugins for Twitter Apps, Widgets and Plugins - Windows Triqqr - Submit tweets directly to Twitter and view user profiles. Pwytter - Cross platform Python Twitter client with Asian character support. Teletwitter - Experimental open source client. TwitBox - View and submit tweets, see replies and direct messages, delete your own tweets, and multiple account support. Twitterlicious - Update Twitter status, easily check replies and direct messages. Twitteroo - Client with rurl URL shortening, clickable links and tweets, customization, and both public and friend timelines. Chirrup - Twitter client with extensive Japanese language support. TwittIt - Extremely compact and simple app for submitting tweets. MadTwitter - A reincarnation of Twitterrific, except on Windows. What's Up?

Twitter co-founders on their business model | Beyond Binary - CN CARLSBAD, Calif.--I left the Twitter keynote still wondering what the company's business model will be, but also with a new question. Why are the co-founders so seemingly uninterested in making money? Haven't they heard about striking while the iron is hot? (Clearly they have. Anyway, after the speech I got a chance to ask them that and more firsthand. "I wouldn't say we're not focused on the dollars," Williams told CNET News. Stone echoed that. "In order to create a company that has this enduring value, that is going to be here 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now, you have to focus on delivering value first and profit second, especially considering we are only two years old," Stone said. For the full interview, check out the video embedded below.

Los Community Manager son un placebo at genís roca La socialización de Internet está provocando que todas las empresas descubran que ya no basta con tener una web, y que se espera de ellas que se personen de una manera más o menos ingeniosa en el espacio de conversación que es hoy la red. La primera parte del proceso consiste en decidir cómo y dónde hay que estar: ¿abrimos un espacio en facebook?, ¿o más de uno?, ¿o nos personamos en los espacios de otros?, ¿contestamos en twitter?, ¿desde qué cuenta? Y aquí es donde surge con fuerza la figura del Community Manager, un perfil profesional con habilidades técnicas, culturales y sociales que le permiten asumir la gestión de los Social Media de una empresa. El verdadero problema es que hay perfiles profesionales ya existentes en las organizaciones que deberían estar incorporando Internet y los Social Media al correcto desarrollo de sus objetivos y responsabilidades. Sus funciones deben contemplar: Este post ha sido publicado anteriormente en el blog de RocaSalvatella

Books: Franchise Organizations 46 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools If you want to know what’s happening with your brand’s social networking sites you need social media monitoring tools. Before you reach for your wallet and start to spend money try out some of the free social media monitoring services. This way you will get an understanding of what is available and if you need any paid services to monitoring social media. Social media monitoring definitionThe activity of tracking social media channels. This time we have collected a lot of free social media monitoring tools. Group A HootSuite Twitter account: HootSuite Monitor and post to multiple social networks, including Facebook and Twitter. TwitterCounter Twitter account: Thecounter Twitter Counter is the number one site to track your Twitter stats. Social Mention Twitter account: socialmention Social Mention is a social media search and social media analytics tool that aggregates user generated content into a single stream of information. Klout Twitter analytics Twitter account: twitter (doh!) Crowdfire
