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Create your own animated video

Create your own animated video

Label 59 : Label . Explain . Present interactively ... in minutes I migliori software online per il montaggio video gratis A volte capita di aver bisogno di montare un video o creare uno slideshow in poco tempo, senza aprire complessi programmi o scaricare nuovi software per il video editing, magari da un computer dove non li abbiamo già installati, sperando che facciano al caso nostro. C’è una soluzione più semplice: utilizzare un video editor online. Ormai la banda larga consente di elaborare i nostri video direttamente online, senza bisogno di download aggiuntivi. Perché non approfittarne? Ecco allora la nostra selezione per voi: WeVideo – Programma semplice e intuitivo, offre uno piano free più alcuni upgrade a pagamento. Youtube – Non poteva mancare il re dei video online. Magisto – Bello. Stupeflix – Ideale per slideshow e video editing lineare. ShotClip – Si torna al video editing lineare. Ecco i 5 video editor online che abbiamo provato. E se volete provare questi programmi e mettervi alla prova iscrivetevi a Zooppa e provate uno dei nostri video contest online!

The 10 best classroom tools for gathering feedback Getting feedback from your students can serve multiple purposes: it can help you understand your students’ comprehension of the material, it can give you insight into what teaching methods work or don’t work, and it can help engage students in their learning process by knowing they have a voice that is heard. Not only can feedback offer insight for both teachers and students, it can be an integral part of group work and classroom time, given the plethora of connected devices in the hands of our students these days. That said, there are a lot of classroom tools available for gathering feedback. You can poll students or have them create a survey for a project, use clickers and other classroom response type tools in real time, get feedback on teaching methods, and more. Twitter Sometimes, a particular tool ends up being awesome for a slightly different purpose than it was originally designed for. Socrative Verso Plickers Doodle Polldaddy Poll Everywhere Google Forms Infuse Learning Kahoot

8 Great Tools for Classroom Presentations -- THE Journal AV & Presentation | News 8 Great Tools for Classroom Presentations Teachers are pairing hardware and software to create lessons that engage students and inspire collaboration. By Bridget McCrea07/02/14 Creating classroom presentations that keep students engaged and on task is getting complicated for K-12 teachers, who have to rise above myriad distractions to get their points across. Board Builder Described by its maker as a "modern day poster board," Discovery Education's Board Builder is a digital platform (similar to Glogster) that lets teachers select backgrounds, text formats, templates and color schemes. ClickShare Designed by Barco, ClickShare is a wireless presentation and collaboration product designed to let multiple users on multiple computers collaborate on a single projector. iMapBuilder An all-in-one mapping software, iMapBuilder allows users to design interactive maps with pinpoints, heat maps, routes, zooming and other elements.

Social bookmarking Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Il social bookmarking è un servizio basato sul web, dove vengono resi disponibili elenchi di segnalibri (bookmark) creati dagli utenti. Questi elenchi sono liberamente consultabili e condivisibili con gli altri utenti appartenenti alla stessa comunità virtuale. Introduzione[modifica | modifica wikitesto] Cenni storici[modifica | modifica wikitesto] Il concetto di "condivisione in rete dei bookmark" è databile verso la metà del 1999, ma le prime proposte in questo senso furono di breve durata, travolte dalla crisi che investì il comparto dell'alta tecnologia dopo il 2001. Visione d'insieme[modifica | modifica wikitesto] In un sistema di social bookmarking gli utenti registrano un catalogo di risorse Internet ritenute, a vario titolo, utili e stimolanti. La categorizzazione delle risorse avviene per mezzo di "parole chiave" (tag) liberamente e informalmente scelte dall'utente (vedi Folksonomia). Aspetti positivi[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

For Storytelling Projects, Cool New Multimedia Tools Paul Salopek and Ahmed Kabil Writing will always be important, but weaving text, images, sound, and presentation together can give students more and different ways to express themselves. Easy-to-use online tools allow students the opportunity to create multimedia projects that demonstrate knowledge and develop useful skills. Check out these new three tools on the scene. Launched less than a year ago, Meograph lets users create professional-looking multimedia presentations using video, audio, images, text, timelines, maps, and links. Users create Meograph “moments” by uploading photos, videos, text and add voice narration to accompany the visuals. First used by news outlets to tell stories using multimedia, Meograph is now being leveraged by teachers and students, too. The new licenses also provide more subtlety in the privacy of publishing. Here’s an example of a Meograph that students produced on the water cycle. Related

Literature and Latte - Scapple for Mac OS X and Windows Rough It Out Scapple doesn’t force you to make connections, and it doesn’t expect you to start out with one central idea off of which everything else is branched. There’s no built-in hierarchy at all, in fact—in Scapple, every note is equal, so you can connect them however you like. It’s Scapple Simple Creating notes is as easy as double-clicking anywhere on the canvas and then typing; making connections between ideas is as painless as dragging and dropping one note onto another. What is Scapple? Scapple is an easy-to-use tool for getting ideas down as quickly as possible and making connections between them. Scapple’s nonlinear approach to the process of creative thinking is similar to what Gabriele Rico calls “clustering” in her popular book, Writing the Natural Way. *Local taxes may apply. Features Write notes anywhere on the virtual paper Connect notes using drag and drop Completely freeform Stack notes in columns of related ideas Drag notes directly into Scrivener Video Tutorial The Details

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