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Online Subscription Management - Billing & Payment Solutions

10 Free Drupal Themes for Small Business This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. With the emergence of excellent open source content management systems (CMS) in recent years, a business seeking to develop a professional online presence rapidly at a reasonable cost is a reality. Drupal, an open source CMS used by large corporations and governmental organizations such as CNN, AOL,, Harvard and many others, is a wonderful option for businesses needing a powerful website without the typical costs of having one made from scratch. It's highly customizable to your needs, and with the thousands of free Drupal themes out there, you can build a site that will impress your customers. This is a collection of free Drupal themes that are suitable for small businesses. 1. This cleanly designed Drupal theme is built specifically for e-commerce sites. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Noca Vindicia | On demand strategic billing solutions for online merchants 10 Free WordPress Themes for Small Businesses This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. There are a lot of WordPress themes out there. Whether you're looking for a souped up, paid premium template or a free alternative, it seems everyone and their grandma has created a tweak on the basic two-column or three-column WordPress model. While it can be a little daunting to sort through the many options, the explosion of available templates is a healthy sign of a vibrant, sometimes prolific, design community. Picking a theme for your blog can be much like picking the right pair of shoes. Have a look through our picks, and do let us know if there are any personal favorites we missed in the comments. 1. Think of this as small business 101. 2. Colourise is a nice choice for edgier, more graphics-based companies. 3. Makisig is a little more corporate with cleaner lines and more conventional design choices. 4.

TrialPay Welcome to ISIS 10 Beautiful and Free WordPress 3.0-Ready Themes This series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. Learn more about Rackspace's hosting solutions here. WordPress 3.0 was released a little over a month ago, ushering in a bevy of new features for designers and developers. Just last week, WordPress 3.0.1 was released, fixing a few minor bugs and making some other less visible tweaks. Lots of the biggest changes to WordPress 3.0 took place under the hood — the merging of the WordPress MU codebase with WordPress proper, custom post and taxonomy types, and support for easy custom menus in themes that support that feature. Series supported by Rackspace Rackspace is the better way to do hosting.

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