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Pandoc - About pandoc. Master Security as You Code | Codiscope Jacks. Computer Science Courses. In its purest form, computer science is the research and development of technology that solves specific problems. Computer science has brought the world smart phones, GPS systems, the gaming industry and tablet computing, along with technological developments that assist government, industry and medicine. In addition to creating new technology, computer scientists also make improvements to existing technology and study the ways computers can make our lives easier. As with any branch of science, computer scientists perform research that establishes new information. This research begins with known mathematical algorithms and computer theory, and strives to constantly redefine what technology can do for us.

Exploring fundamental questions about computation is the first step toward designing the hardware, software and complex network systems that we rely upon. Sample Courses During the first two years of a standard 4-year program, students focus on the basics: Possible Specializations Master’s. Antivirus for Linux - home use - F-PROT Antivirus Downloads. Deep Learning (AI) Machine and Deep Learning. Machine and Deep Learning. Bell Labs and CSP Threads. Russ Also available in Serbo-Croatian Introduction This page is a slice of the history of concurrent programming, focusing on one particular lineage of Hoare's language of communicating sequential processes (CSP) [1][1a].

Concurrent programming in this style is interesting for reasons not of efficiency but of clarity. That is, it is a widespread mistake to think only of concurrent programming as a means to increase performance, e.g., to overlap disk I/O requests, to reduce latency by prefetching results to expected queries, or to take advantage of multiple processors. Such advantages are important but not relevant to this discussion. After all, they can be realized in other styles, such as asynchronous event-driven programming.

What this is not Most computer science undergraduates are forced to read Andrew Birrell's “An Introduction to Programming with Threads.” For the moment, push Birrell's tutorial out of your mind. Communicating Sequential Processes Pan and Promela Alef. Scala-IOT. Scala Framework Tools. The Learning Toolbox - Cornell Notes. Outworkers.github. Phantom Reactive type-safe Scala driver for Apache Cassandra/Datastax Enterprise To stay up-to-date with our latest releases and news, follow us on Twitter: @outworkers. If you use phantom, please consider adding your company to our list of adopters. Phantom is and will always be open source, but the more adopters our projects have, the more people from our company will actively work to make them better.

The new series of phantom introduces several key backwards incompatible changes with previous versions. Read the MIGRATION GUIDE for more information on how to upgrade. This is a table of the available modules for the various Scala versions. Phantom OSS Phantom Pro subscription edition Modules marked with “x” are still in beta or pre-publishing mode. Scala 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12 releases We publish phantom in 2 formats, stable releases and bleeding edge. The stable release is always available on Maven Central and will be indicated by the badge at the top of this readme. How phantom compares. Morpheus by websudos. Morpheus To stay up-to-date with our latest releases and news, follow us on Twitter: @websudos. Named after the Greek God of Dreams, morpheus is a reactive type-safe Scala DSL for MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL, MariaDB, Oracle and Sybase. We choose this name as it is the dream DSL for any Scala/SQL user, finessed to perfection up to the Websudos quality standard you've gotten used to.

Also, morpheus stands for morphing. With the single switch of an import, morpheus will perform a full feature swap from MySQL to OracleSQL for example. It doesn't have a query compiler, instead it entirely mimics the functionality the database has. We've taken it up ourselves to produce the highest quality database integration tooling for all Scala users, currently hitting that bar for Cassandra and Neo4J. The current version is: val morpheusVersion = 0.2.3. Morpheus is actively and avidly developed. As follows: import com.websudos.morpheus.mysql._. And done, you can now define tables, query and so on. How? OKR Alliance. GitHub - outworkers/reactiveneo: Reactive type-safe Scala driver for Neo4J.