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Magic Days and Colors. Face WEST at sunset and make a wish... Facing to the WEST at sunset is an excellent way to get in touch with yourself, for stress relieving and clarification of the days confusion, for seeking out truths in the matter. The colors of the sunset each have a magickal effect, learn the colors for each day and use these to wish your desires. Some days they are GOLD, Orange, Yellow. Others they are RED, Purple and pink.

USE these colors to your advantage: The days have special energies to work on specific problems, create energies, and destroy obstacles. Use this color coding and days to create and manifest what you most desire. Monday is a yin or receptive (female) energy the colors are White, silvers, Creams and Light Greys. Tuesday is a YANG or (MALE) energy day, ruled by the planet Mars, its colors are REDS of all shades and some Oranges. Wednesday is a YANG, or male energy ruled by the planet of communications, Mercury. Friday is female or YIN energy ruled by Venus the planet of love. Tools for a Better Way of Working. Measure of sustainability embodied energy. Embodied Energy Embodied energy in building materials has been studied for the past several decades by researchers interested in the relationship between building materials, construction processes, and their environmental impacts.

What is embodied energy? There are two forms of embodied energy in buildings: · Initial embodied energy; and · Recurring embodied energy The initial embodied energy in buildings represents the non-renewable energy consumed in the acquisition of raw materials, their processing, manufacturing, transportation to site, and construction. This initial embodied energy has two components: Direct energy the energy used to transport building products to the site, and then to construct the building; and Indirect energy the energy used to acquire, process, and manufacture the building materials, including any transportation related to these activities. As buildings become more energy-efficient, the ratio of embodied energy to lifetime consumption increases. The Ten Energy Enhancers.

Want more energy? People who maximize their EQ (energy quotient) using these 10 energy enhancers will have more energy than they know what to do with. Eat a diet high in raw foods, especially vegetables, sprouts, green leafy vegetables and superfoods high in minerals (such as goji berries, maca, wheat grass, and bee pollen). Eating raw ensures that your pancreas doesn’t get burdened with cranking out enzymes. Also the nutrients are not destroyed by heat over 118 F. Have a clean body, inside and out. Use an air purifier if you need it. It’s best to get water as close to the spring source as possible. Find something for flexibility (yoga), something for strength (weight lifting or other). Research has shown we need to get sun light (UV rays) in order to get Vitamin D.

We need sleep to regenerate. If we are too cold or hot, we lose energy. Avoid toxic people that are negative and drain you. Become a positive thinker. Victoria BidWell coined the term “energy enhancers.” Knowledge Sheets | Mostly Searched Spiritual Keywords | Wisdom Topics | The Art Of Living Canada.