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Improve learning [paradigm] Data Bases. Simplification. Writing Tips. Conectes learning. Readings: Collaborative Learning. Information age future (So long, capitalism!) Curation tool. Video Production Tools. Screencasting. Web intelligence. Slides Storytelling tools. Learning by doing. Monotasking. Productivity Strategies. Distributed Collective. Tools for writing. Distributed Collective m.of o. PLE - Personal Learning Environment. Project Based Learning / Project work. Connected Learning. PLC - Professional Learning Community. Connected Learning. Social Learning. Conectivismo-videos. Communities of practice. Knowledge management. Curation Tools, etc... CoP - Communities of Practice. Work tools. Productivity Strategies. Home - Bag The Web. Online Photo Sharing, Social Network, Image Hosting, Online Photo Albums. Word-Search Maker and Wordsearch Directory - From teachers.

Wordsearches are a fun way of introducing and practising key words and terminology and are ideal activities for lesson starters or homeworks. The teachers-direct wordsearch maker allows you to create and save and print your own wordsearches. There are many options you can change to differentiate your resource including free interactive versions for your whiteboard or school website.

Completely free to use! Create interactive whiteboard versions Many methods of differentiation Supports modern foreign languages Hundreds of ready made word searches to chose from Can be tailored to suit your individual curriculum needs Make your own wordsearch Simply type in (or cut and paste) your key words or text passage, select your desired options and click to produce a professional looking, printable worksheet version of your wordsearch.

Find a wordsearch Search our database of pre-made wordsearches by National Curriculum subject or key stage. Tools for Writing: Points of View in Writing. Academic Writing. 5 Tips To Improve Your Academic Writing And A Grammar Infographic. How to Write Faster, Better, and Easier. If you are a writer, you’ve probably wished that you could write faster, better, and easier. I have too. I’ve been writing for many years now and I’ve found some tricks that help. They just may help you too! Everyone has their own system, but sometimes learning about another person’s system can flip a switch that enables you to improve your writing.

This system is about being organized and prepared. This will allow your ideas to flow at their fastest rate. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they will flow at lightning speed, but I think you”ll find this allows them to flow at their maximum speed. The Writing Routine 1. 2. 3. 4. Planning: Before you go to Google or other sources, write out in bullet points the questions you need to answer.Clipping: When you find information you need “clip it” which means to collect it somehow. 5. If you normally write on the computer, give longhand a try for your first draft. If you are tired, just type your outline assuming you have it in longhand. 6. 7. Writer's_Improvement_List_byPaulGreenberg_2014 - Google Sheets. Design Resources. Onboarding.


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